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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 5

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 5

Louisville, Kentucky
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SECTION 1 MTMJIMG Boadside Fight Results In Leon Willhoyte's Death. SHOT BY BENJ. TRIGG, Who Had Been a Witness Against Willhoy te. Were Returning Ta Ilarrod's Creek From the Trial Here. SORT OP AMUST FEUD.

Xeoa Willhoyte died yeeterday morning; at 11 o'clock as th result of around Inflicted wtth a pistol in a. general fight on Che River road Friday Blent. sborUy after o'clock. The fatal wound waa Inflicted by Benjamin TrifT. a well-known and well-to-do farmer.

Trigs' rave himself up to the autnorttld yesterdr nv -nine and was preserved before Judge Richie, of the County Court. After bearing the testimony of the men who were wlta Trgg. Judge RlcMe admitted Trigg to bond In he Ha of tt.OOQ with W. B. Mann as Suerty.

Tfo trouble to the culmination cf What baa been almost a feud. Allen IWillboyc. a brotnor -jt the dead mn. formerly postmaster at Harrod'a Creek. He grew unpopular with the people to Che neighborhood and hi rea-lgnatloil -was demanded.

Among those tui -arimharf ta him ousted ware Benjamin Trigg. F. S. Barbour and Ern est Q. Duerson.

It waa tnrougn cnem that am election waa called for noinas- George LlttreU being the other candidate. election resulted in a vic tory for LittrelL Bad feettn baa ex isted amonc th men since then, but it had ao chance to come out until Friday. On that day a trial came up in the Common Fleas Court In which Jaines iWUIhoyt was the Pendant and a colored man by the name of Taylor waa the James Wllrboyt waa accompanied by hi three sons. Allen. Hail and Leon, The negro toad brought suit for nineteen years' labor on "WUlhoyze's farm at the rat of $50 a year.

The near ro got adjudgment for $600., -Duerson. Barbour and F. M. Chamber-laln were Witnesses In the case for the prosecution. The turn ot hevoa very much Incensed the WilTboyte.

At the coocloaion of the trial both parties left for their comes In won. The "Will-boy party, consisting of Xeon WIU-- boyte and sons and T. J. Steele and P.Mrn WMbr. left a mey were followed shortly afterward by the TTrigg party.

conaiaOns of Trigg. Dner aon. Cbawnbertaln and Barbour. Mr. 'Trigg said yesterday that when ma parity paaaed tbrrb tba first toll-gate they were told that the Wlllhoyt party had Inquired whether or not the other party bad paaaed through.

The Trigg party passed the Wlllhoyte wagon a mile or so beyond tbe toU-gate. Some -distance 'further the two wagons again cam together. This time Steele. who waa driving for the Wlllhoyte. ran Into th near of Trigrs wagon.

Barbour, who waa driving, pulled hla- team to th side of th road -10 allow the Wlllhoyte party to pass, When th WUihoytes passed the mule were stopped and one of th men-Jumped out and pulled a pistol. Their loa Willhoyt began to take oft th bridles of th horse belonging to Trigg's declared that at the 'same tim Wlllhoyt said: "Now, damn you, got you and I'm going to have Wood." Ail th Wlllhoyt brotliers Jumped eut of the wagon. When the effort waa mad to tak off th horse bridle Chamberlain got out of th wagon and died to induce Wlllhoyte to desist. Dueraoa tried to get out of the wagon he waa covered with a pistol by Hall WlUhoyte and told to remain. In th wagon if valued hi life.

Two of the Wlllhoyt brothers seised Barbour by the legs and tried to pull him fron hla seat. Chamberlain Interfered, but he waa seised, choked and ordered to climb back Into the Steele, wtoo aaw serious trouble was Imminent, culled aatd to allow the Trigg party to pas. Barbour whipped up his horse jkI started to leave. Leon WUHiojrte picked a club and climbed Into the rear of Trigg's wagon. He struck at f.

k. miawd him. WUlhOTtft also struck at Trigg twice with the club. Trigg had taaen no in nam ngw, but when Wlllhoyte tried to strike at him again Trigg pulled hi pistol and placing tt against Wlllhoyte' atomach fired. Wlllhoyt fell from the wagon.

Barbour whipped up his horses and disappeared down the road. Wlllhoyte waa carried Into Dr. Dobson's houe Mar by. where he was attended. It waa found that the bullet had penetrated th bowel on th upper left side and ranged downward.

Dr. Cartlege was telephoned from the Flnoastl Club, but when be reached the man he found Jtvuuiu vu sclousness at 10 o'clock yesterday morn- log and oiea at it- mm hucu. A man who apewt yesterday in Prospect, where the Wilhoyte live. aid last night that there was ooneiderabl excitement about th Utile station yesterday morning, but there were no threats of violence far aa be could learn. Th people quieted down during Che afternoon, and the on atiect that Th friends of Trigg felt no uneasintsa for Ma eaxery.

ii is vne veratcx ot friends of both ide that th shooting waa done In eelf-defense. A DAY FcTwBEclkE. To Have Fall Sway at Atlanta No vesuber SO. -5 Atlanta, Oct. President Francis Patton.

of Princeton, spoke to-day at th Educational Congress on University curriculum. Addresses were also mad by lira. E. D. Kellogg.

Boston; Oscar Cooper. Galveston; Charles A. Skinner. Albany. N.

F. W. Parker. Chicago, and W. I Harrta, Washington.

The Cuban Day at the Atlanta Exposition has been changed to December 17. It waa decided to-day by th Exposition company to set November 30 aside aa wheelmen's day. On this day there will be racing and prises aggre gating $1,600 offered. On the night of govern oer so reiaen k. cieman.

of the Western Wheel Works, wfU give large banquet. On thousand employes of the Plant railway stuI RfMmiiiin .4 iti v. bere on Monday to celebrate President rr-ioay. will Te dined Monday niaht br the Rxnoaltlon company. Tbe New Kngland Cotton Manufacturers' Assoc! Hon to-day went to Columbus, to see the mills there.

COL GODFRE MADE RECEIVER. Will Endeavor to Complete the Ten-nessee Central. Nashville, Term4 Oct. 2. (8pecial.) New comes from CrossviUe, Cumberland county, that In the Chancery Court at that point yesterday CoL C.

O. Ood-fre, formerly of St. Louis, was appointed receiver of the Tennessee Central railroad. Work on this road has been suspended two months. About thirty-five miles have been built, the Intention being to connect Nashville and' Knox-ville.

A temporary receiver was appointed bere yesterday, but It was stated that the suit here will be dismissed, a th complainant Is not a Judgment creditor. Mr. Godfre is friendly to th road, being interested in large tracts of coal lands along th line, and will Cttempt to complete H. Contractors are ready to go to work again on order, and 300 Stat convicts are camped on the line. Owing to the -conflicting liens on the property no money could be secured to complete the road, but it Is promised that money can now be had on receiver's certificates.

HAS FORGIVEN HIS WIFE. The Man Who Refused To Read Dar rant Trial Proceedings. Oakland, CaL. Oct 28. Phillip Rogers, whose wife deserted him and went to Warsaw.

because he would not read to her the full testimony In the Durrant case, has forgiven his truant spouse. A telegram from Warsaw announces that Mrs. Rogers and her sister, Mrs. Clark, have disappeared from there also, and Rogers thinks that Mrs. Rogers Is coming horn, bringing her sister with her.

"Now that the testimony in the Durrant case is all In. I guess we can have peace in our family," said Mr. Rogers. ENDED IN SLUGGING. Jeffersonvflle Players Claim Foal anl the Battle Begins.

Louisville Manual Training: School Eleven Had the Lead In the Unfinished Game. The foot-ball game between the Jeffer son ville team and Che Manual Training School eleven of Louisville, waa broken up on the Fulton Grove grounds at Jef-fersonvUle yesterday afternoon by disagreements which brought on a general Interchange of blows. From th outset of the game th Hooe- ter boys seemed to be outclassed. The score had reached 12 to 4 in th first half when a quarrel arose over what waa claimed by the ville team to be a foul play. A young, man named i-r'-t of LouiavXle.

and Ed Bennett, began a. difficulty. Bayless brother, who be long to the Manual School eleven, cam to bis rescue and Jack Oleason. halfback for th JeffersonvOle team, cam up and struck hmv This caused many of the spectators to rush upon the field. Bayless was bleeding, but he waa gam and declared that be could whip any man present.

Harrr Roaera. a local pugilist, who bet tered Slush er In Iulsvuie some monens aa-o. took off bis coat and offered to ac commodate him. Bayless said it was a but the crowd kept the men apart. Meanwhile other personal encounters occurred.

Ed Kleeapie. of Jefferson- ville, struck some one and Henry ismt-lov toad a. flirht In which be waa hit on the nose. John Gilbert, one of the Jef ferson ville team, was in the I ray ana a young; man named Johnson, of Louis ville, received some in-cne gen eral flaht Laim Oaden. of Jefferson ville.

had an encounter witn we younger or. she Bayless brothers. Ogden reeetvea a nainful blow on the bead. There were no arrests. The men lef the field In a generally dilapidated condition.

DISCHAR8ED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Minister Mills Will Not Be Prose cnted For Mallotona Shooting. Brownsville, Oct. 2. (Special.) At an examining trial held here to-day the Commonwealth dismissed without prejudice the case against the Rev.

W. Mills, who is charged with shooting at and wounding young Charles demons near Sulphur Springs on last Monday. Clemons was not able to appear at the trial. His condition is aaid to be serious, RATHER PECULIAR. Is It Another Imprinted Crown of Virgin of Gn dalnpe Fadea Away.

(Mexican Heraldj A Herald reporter found himself, yesterday, among a party of wealthy and devoat Guadalupana. ladles and gentlemen. Just returned from a pious visit to the great Shrine at Guadalupe. On of them aaid to htm: Tt may-surprise you to learn that great aod stupend ous miracle baa been vouchsafed us. nothing less than the mysterious fading away of Che coronal rays above the bead of Our Xjady; in short, faljo.

the crown, disappeared in order that the incongruity of crowning mm already crowned image should not be seen." Another of the party said: "It Is most wonderful, and It look as If heaven had blessed us, in this age of skepticism, with a fresh proof of miraculous inter ference in human affairs. Go yourself. If you are Incredulous, to Guadalupe, observe well th boiy picture, and you will note UuU the crown has disappeared. Formerly tt was plainly visible, but now it bas given place to tne golden crown presented by a number of devoted ladies." Another of the party spoke up, say ins: Tt is certainly strange. but.

al though I yield to no one as a good Catholic, must say that I think that the Feed The nerves upon pure blood, and they will be your ralthful servants and not nuitrri: you will not be nervous, but strong, cheerful and happy. To have pure blood, ana vt pure, uut nn Lrd Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. WfWvTc DillC put VA Ww haV sb ALIA tmXBmlX wwsteswVfwiCW ftwwb i THE COURtEIUJOURNAU LOUISVILLE, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 27; 1895-WlTH ART SUPPLEMENT. crown was purposely not with any idea of ting the wonder of me puDiic.

out to avoid baying one crown on the image and another above her bead. Ton may be sore that, had a false miracle been attempted, we should have found the paper full -Of it and everybody talking, i iTie reporter Interviewed an erudfte Catholic who declared that the fading away of the crown occurred fully two years ago, and that. If on wished, tt might be accepted aa an evidence of a. heavenly preparation for the great cor onation Just effected. i The matter is one meriting', explana tion, aa it 1 much talked of In' the most exclusive and wealthiest Cathojic circles nere.

FRANCIS A. COFFIN SENTENCED Must Serve El eht Years For Wrecking-the Indianapolis National Bantv. Indianapolis, I Oct. M. -(Special.) Sentence was passed by Judge Baker, of the Federal Court, this mojrnlng an Francis A.

Coffin, convicted -two weeks ago of conspiracy to misapply the fund of the' Indianapolis National Bank. Sentence had been postponed; to allow the prisoner to arrange his personal af fairs for a prolonged absence, for tt was considered tolerably certain that' th penalty Inflicted would not be the minimum, which Is five Coffin came into court at o'clock, ac companied by hi attorneys and by his brother Percival. who was convicted at th first trial, a year ago, and who- was acquitted at the last When he was ordered to stand up Francis Coffin said! there was nothing to say-why sentence should not be passed. There wa -a brief and painful pause, and then Judge Baker aaid that Che ortsoner having been con viced on sundry, counts of the moictment. seven la the Judgment of th court would be that he should be Imprisoned at the Stat prison at Michigan -City tor th term.

or eight years on each county The sen tence were made concurrent and not cumulative, so that when the sentence on one has expired, all will have expired. Th sentence passed at the third trial, a year ago, was ten years, which is tne umit. Judge Wooda of the United States Circuit Court, supersedeas this evening" pending ah appeal and Coffin waa released on bond of $10,000. COUNTY TEACHERS MEET. Favor a School Board Cora-posed of Three Trustees -Every Magls--terlal District.

A meeting of the County Teachers' Association waa held at Stj Matthews schoolhouse yesterday afternoon, and was called to order by Superintendent A. H. Hit. Mias Lizzie Bachf was made Secretary. Addresses were made by Prof.

Bartholomew, Prof. Gains, and. the Vice President. Mr. Hawea.

The subject discussed by th teachers related to -County School Trustees, and a motion was mad to- advocate the formation of a County School Board to be composed of three Trustees from each Magisterial district of title county, making twelve- Trustees In aUV Instead of having three Trustees from each school district. There are at present ninety- six county schools, and 28s School Trus tees. The meeting adjourned to meet the fourth Saturday in November at jerrer-sontown. when th subject will be taken up and some action taken to formulate a petition' to be presented to-the next Legislature for changing the present mode. VICTIM SHOT IN THE BACK.

Cowardly Murder By Two Men In Grant County. Wllllamstown. Oct. 26. (Special.) At Downingsville to-day.

William and Milton shot and instantly killed Albert Johnson. They had been engaged in a game of cards and a dis pute arose and Johnson started to run when he was 'shot In the by the Burgess boys, who are from Scott county. They were both arrested, and lodged in jail charged with willful murder. Th man killed was a young man and un married. TOO MUCH CAUPAI6M WHISKY.

Probably Fatal Cntting; Affray at a Republican Dispensary. Wniiamstown, Oct. 2. SpeciaL) Thomas Kells. a Republican, while under, the Influence of liquor, produced by the free dispensation at th- fluid by th Republican managers, probably fatally stabbed Edward Straud.

a Re publican from the adjoining county of Pendleton. 8traud waa cut In the abdomen. Br. Vlolette is attending him. and pronounces his condition very serious.

Lswjer Held' For Embezzlement. Bedford. IndV Oct. 2s. Special.) Lawyer Harry Kelly wa arrested here this afternoon, on a charge of embezzlement.

He was th attorney for Mrs. Cora ciaric in a oivorce jcaae in wnicn Mrs. Clark was grantea. iw alimony. Tlua money Kelly drew from the Coun- tv Clerk's office on an order Which Mrs.

Clark claims waa forged, 'and has failed to account for It. He had a preliminary hearing this evening and in default of bail was sent to Jail to await the action of the Circuit court. i Rnah of Squatter Foe Iowa Lands. Sibley, Iowa. Oct.

24. -The recent de cision of tb Supreme Court In the case of the Sioux City and St. Paul Rail road Company vs. the United States, involving the title, to certain lands In O'Brien, Dickinson, Plymouth and Woodbury counties, has caused a wild rush of' squatters from Sibley and Spirit Lake to lands in Dickinson county. VILLA BID6E MX.

Tbe Hotel Property Purchased By Prof. A. N. Gordon and May-Be Used For School Parposeav ViUa Ridge at Pewee Valley, was sold at auction, yesterday afternoon by John W. Buchanan as and waa bought by Prof.

A. N. Gordon, who Is principal of Alleghan Academy, a boys school, near Lexington, Ky. Prof. Gordon is a graduate of Washington and Lee University.

'While his plans are not known. It la probable the hotel property may be occupied by him with hi training dhool for boys. i- Internal Revenue Collections. The amount taken la yesterday by the Internal revenue office waa and waa distributed as follows: Beer $721.50. whisky fl7.0M.3S, cigars tobacco ypedai S37.50.

BEHEWIHG THE FIGHT. Withdrawal of tbe Original Suit Only a The and Coke Com pany Wants Payment From the City of New Albany. The recent withdrawal. without prejudice, of th suit of the New Al bany Gaslight and Coke Company against the city of New Albany, brought to recover for the service of nearly one hundred street lamps that were ordered abandoned by th City Council during th administration of th late Mayor-McDonald, was, the officials of the com pany say. Only a preliminary to the In stitution of other actions which will be brought in a abort tlm to enforce th right claimed by th company, and It is probable that on of these suits will be brought In th Federal Court at Indianapolis.

Th proceedings in th Circuit Court at New Albany settled nothing, and the matter between th city and Oa Company rests where tt was beforeth suit was filed. Several member of the City Council are as-Ratinar th Question of asking for bids for lighting th city. but such action will, probably, ds ae- ferred until the validity of the contract with the Gaa Company, is nnauy settled. JEFFERSONVILLC. Mr.

Edward DriseoU Is borne from Chicago. Mrs. W. p. Field bas returned from Indianapolis.

Th wife of Dr. ti. I Williams bas gone to Hot Springs. Mrs. Jessie Peddle Douglass, of Madison, Is visiting in this city.

Charles Poston bas sold si Falls View Hotel to John Snider. Prison Clerk John A. Pate bas returned from a trip to Bloomfleld. Murtle Lowe, of Vanderburg county. haa completed- a term of two years in th Prison South.

Andrew Golden, a carworks tnolder. had his left-foot badly burned yester day by molten metal. -State Senators Ward RV Watson, of Charlestown, and Louis Schneck, of Seymour, were in the city yesterday. The Rev, W. T.

Wells has returned from Dallas, where be attended the national convention of the Christian churches, One week from to-morrow Is the last day for the payment of the second In stallment of taxes without tbe addition 'of the penalty. Elijah Garrett, colored, was struck on the head by a flying wheel at. th. car-works yesterday. Dr.

Peyton; at tended the man. Conductor W. B. Lewis, of the Penn sylvania railroad. Is in the cHy from Madison, called here by the serious illness of bis mother.

James Lowe has been received at th Prison South to serve a term of two years for commit ting a theft. He was convicted In Gibson county. Frank King arrived at the prison from Richmond to serve Ave years for th theft of a coat. He finished a term In th Prison South September 3. Mrs.

William Berry, an aged woman, whose home is at Lexington, Scott county, was bitten by a rat. Blood poisoning ensued and now she is In a serious joodi-tion. Mis Marion Herdmant who made many friends bere last winter guest of Miss Demorest. died a. few days ago at CraarfordsvlU.

Typhoid fever was the cause. Col. Thomas Shea passed through the city last evening on bis way to He. has been spending a month at a health resort at Martinsville. His condition Is improved.

Tbe remains of Mrs. Kate Wiggins were brought from El wood. to Memphis yesterday for Interment. It Is said eh died while taking the faith cure treatment, having become dlssatls-fied with her physician. County Superintendent S.

K. Carr has instructed the teachers of tbe county to observe November 7 as "Patriotic Day. Tbe exercises will-consist of patriotic moagm, sketches of patriots, declamations and essays on patriotio subjeots. A horse attached to Henry Mel-boon's laundry wagon ran away, on Market street test night, and as Spring street was crossed came near running over several persons. Th animal ran Into N.

8. Matthews', livery stable. Wm. Beeter. of Charlestown.

owned dog that made a practice of racing with the Big Four trains that go flying through that town. Th animal got under the wheels, and now Mr. Heeler threatens to sue to recover $50 for the killing of the animal. In th Jennings Circuit Court, where the case of Frank Bruce, aa administrator of the estate of James Bruce, his father, against the B. and W.

Railroad Company to recover damages In the sum of $10,000. was tried, a verdict was returned in favor of the company. James Bruce was injured by a train at Lexington, Scott county, August is. isaa. At the P.

8. convention at Greensburg two gentlemen from this city were named as members of two of the most Important committees. Chajles H. Allen wa made chairman of the Committee or Resolutions, and K. Taggart waa placed on th Committee on Nominations.

During the session Friday night pickpockets got late th ball and created some excitement. A transcript of appeal has been filed In the office of Clerk Mark Storen, of the Scott CtrcuK Court, In the cas of Benjamin Buckner. who seeks to recover $5,000 from James McMaons, of Floyd county, for strikaag him en the head with a chair. The action was originally instituted in the Floyd Circuit Court, then transferred to tbe court here and finally taken to she court last named. Thomas Shed rick, a well-known employe of the B.

and O. S. W. railroad, waa badly Injured in a head-end collision at Sparksville. near Seymour, Friday night.

He was at the throttle and became confused as to his orders. Freight train No. SI waa standing on the main line and be dashed into the caboose. In Jumping he waa seriously hurt. Th other trainmen escaped.

Two children of James Brooks, at Charlestown. built a bonfire in th summer The family Is now without a home, and the citizens are donating sufficient money to rebuild th house. James Harvey Boyer, who was Deputy Sheriff of this county under the administration of Thomas Dillon, and who was once Marshal of Charlestown. is dead. His death occurred a few days ago at Ossawattomie.

Kan. He had Bcecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpifji liver, dizziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sallow skin.etc, -when caused by constipation; and constipation, is the most frequent cause of all of them. -Go by the Pills io4 and 5 a box. Book ret at your druggist's or write B. F.

Allen 365 Canal Street, New York. AasaalsiUsaMra taasl.KS.eattes'' for two years been-an Inmate of an asylum there. His aliment -was paralytic dementia. Mr. Boyer was a son of James Boyer, of Charlestown, who still survives at the age of eighty years.

He was a brother-in-law of F. R. M. Gilbert, Jr- of this city. Mr.

Boyer waa born October 14. 1842., at Charlestown. He through the war aa a member of the Thirty-eighth regiment and later aa a member of Company Fourth cavalry. NEW ALBANY. The teachers la th publle schools were paid yesterday for October.

A gospel meeting will be held this afternoon at the chapel on State street, near Oak. George II Heeter has been appointed administrator of th estate of Delbert Smith, deceased. Co'- W. w. Tuley will leave to-day for Dalian, Texas, to spend a week with bis son.

W. A. Tuley. VT. B.

Dobbins snd Mrs. Dobbins are here from North Vernon to visit Air. and Mrs. A. EL Dobbins.

Twenty indictments were returned by th Crawford county grand Jury at a recent sitting of that body. John Krebsbach and Emma Spradlg were granted a marriage license August 2C. but no return had been mad up to yesterday. Next Tuesday night th new Board of Trustees of th T. M.

A. will meet to organize and assam charge of th property interests. Grant-Agnew, Deputy United States Marshal, was her yesterday serving subpoenas on witnesses to testify before tbe Federal grand Jury. The Rev. Mr.

Harrison, known for many years as th "Boy Preacher." will begin shortly a series of revival meet Ings at Centenary M. E. church. Next Saturday Timothy Haughey will answer in Magistrate Richards' court to a. charge of having threatened te kill William Ferreday with a corn knife.

Columbus Simmons will answer next Tuesday la Magistral Richards' court to a charge of having assaulted his wife. Th arrest, was mads by Patrolman Adams, Miss Alice Aydelott was adjudged yesterday to be of unsound mind and was recommended for admission to th Central Hospital for th Insane at Indianapolis, Michael Cannon, father of CoL Thomas Cannon. Superintendent of the Metropolitan Police Force, is seriously ill at his bom on East Fifteenth and Sycamor streets. John Dorse who was sent up from th Circuit Court here for grand larceny, was released from the Stat Prison 8outh last Friday, bis term having, expired. His wife bas an application for divorce filed la th Circuit Court.

The alarm from box ES yesterday afternoon was caused by the burning of the dry etnbbie on the field of John Lin-deman, north of the city. After the first alarm, was turned in some mischievous boys pulled the hook several times. Chief Featberlngill will file complaints against the offenders. State Pension Agent Spencer has (notified he County Clerk that. tbe official before whom a voucher bas been executed can not! appear as a witness to -the deposition of two witnesses, snd also that th official who executes the voucher can not attest th pensioners mark la th affidavit.

The funeral of W. Beacham Hancock took place from Wesley Chapel yesterday at 11 a. m. and was largely attended. The active pall-bearers were Ma J.

M. A. Mallory, New Albany; H. J. Scroggins, Benjamin Go da.

Louisville; W. B. Crabb. Eminence, W. Davis.

Hardinsburg. Aaron Turley, Orleans. Z. W. Zollman.

Med or Ind. The honorary pall-bearers were H. Thurman. Louis Hartman. Capt.

Moses Irwin. David Harbeson. Andros Huncllman. New Albany; T. N.

Braxton. Paoll; Jess A. Mitchell. Bedford; Henry Zollman, Medora. Whenever a baking powder Is sold at a lower price than the Royal, it is made from cheaper and Inferior Ingredients, and probably contains alum.

Dally Hints to Housekeepers. Monday, OcU. 281. Hop is like the aun. which, aa journey

east th shadow of our burden behind ua. (Jeremy BREAKFAST Fruit. Oat MeaL Liver and Bacon. Fried Apples. Waffles, a- Cnffoav- I LUNCHBOX eardlnea, with To mat Salad.

Ric Croquettes. Hot Rolls. Iced Tea, Apple 6 now and Cake. DINNER Mock Turtle Soup. Fried Chicken.

Salsify. Sweet Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes. Cucumber Salad. Lemon Pudding.

Coffee and Cheese. AFFLB SNOW. Stew sour apples; strain through 'colander; sweeten to taste. To each pint of apple add th whttaof aa egg. Beat te a foam; pile la glass dish.

Served wtth whipped cream. A single trial of Price's Raking Powder shows it surpasses others. LOCAL NOTICES, On Monday and Tuesday, from 10 nv to p. m. Mrs.

Anna M. Wathen will give at J. C. Seesbola A an exhibition of art needlework. The lovers of this, art should not fail te attend, as th work 1 th most unique and beautiful ever ex-hibited this city.

All ax. invited. Class exhibit at same tlm. DEATHS. MI DDENDORF October 2, 189S, at bis residence, 2824 Duncan street.

Theodore Middendorf, aged years. Funeral from th residence, Monday, October Zt. at a. nv DU BOURQ At 4:20 a. 1 1.

October at residence, on Eighteenth-st. read. Frank Du Bourg, aged 6 years. Funeral Sunday, October 27, at 2 p. TO.

from Sacred Heart church. KKLLER-At rest, Arthur, son of Albert and Laura Keller. Saturday at 4:15 p. m. Burial Monday at 1 p.

m. from late residence, 2219 Duncan street. Burial private. lif MEMORIAL. To the Memory of Mrs.

Ann Art raj barn. Died Oct. 27, ISO. To-day one year ago is a memorable en. It recalls to us th sad denarture of one of the loveliest of womankind to her heavenly same, xier absence bas made the past twelvemonth a lonesome period and to many hearts a sad one, for hers was a part that was hers alone, and none other could njl.

She was charitable, thus realizing the Scriptural words, "the greatest is charity." Her pure and useful life was as her death, patient to vtie end. She lived a godly life. She was a beacoo-lig-ht among her brethren. She as a friend was a friend indeed. With such noble attributes it were but meet that her memory snouia ever unaying.

the has gone to realms of bliss away from sorrow and worldly strife. We are often prompted to say: for th touch of a vanished hand. And th sound of a vole that Is A FRIKND. Seal Garments RemoielBd. Larue Sleeves ami Capes and Collarettes.

Old -st vie Far Cases Made late the Nw cat Faakiee. Bars yoar Cloth Cloaks mad husbart WM. COOK'S. 08 rouHTH Avrnttum "WW" F0 mm LIVING IN BARKS In solid comfort, compared to our bonnes bo lore the xnraace fir Is lighted. Th discomfort of sitting Is as unbeated roost Is bad cnoagh, but th cold that Is snro to follow Is tea times worse.

To sit sewing all day with the feet cold to sit shivering la aa office or la a dranghty lecture or- amusement hall, is of tea eqntvslent to a win tar's sickness. Ia the midst of these dangers. It yon have la yoar pocket a bottle of 77," an occasional dose -will prevent your taking cold. 7T In-flaeaza. Catarrh.

Palas asd Sore ess la the Head aad Chest, Coagh, Sor Throat, General Prostration aad Fever. 77 will break np a stnbbora cold that threatens to "hang oa" all winter. Be sure to get H-U-M-P-H-R-ErY-S' Br. Hampktwya pat ape apcrine for 9rrry (Mm Thar aiea rttoa la kla Maaaat, whir Is Mi fra. Iwll kottlaa of ptauaat pellet 4 ta year Boekrti rU br rut law, ar aeal aa raratM af arloa.

ttei ar flva far I1ML Haaipareya Martini tit a Ml iu WUIiaai Kaar York. FURNITURE. When We Hear of Your Marriaoe Announcement' will not cbas after (you lis life-insurance agent after a policy will not call the patrol wagon and haul yon to tbe store, and compel you to buy tbe bargains marked in plain figures aad staring 70a ia th face on all sides, We Are 'To have yoa inspect our fin lin of Furniture, and will be pleased if yon buy and know the pleasure will be mutual HMI I IF? I ii-s. I SCHUPPUF Get Our Prices. Oar Delivery Waga Will I the BwU.

KIuECTROPOISE. OXYGEN Makes war on disease, It kills the germs of fevers, la grippe and other dangerous diseases; It gives increase of strength and vKallty. CTRAOC Causes the system to absorb pure oxygen direct from the atmosphere. It prevents aa well as cures disease. Now is a good time to try it.

We put tbe Electro poise out on trial on reasonable terms. We will call on you If requested. Telephone 111Z. Dubois 6cwbbb, 513 Fourth Louisville. Ky.

Monties this paper. STOVES, ETC C. NOBJUIevINQ, 810-812 Broadway, Bet Saslky as Cansbell. Carland-Arganls astbradt and baft coal Stoves Ranges Gaa. Oil Heatlag aad Ceeklag Hfvwm.

NaffO ViA KB, COJU. VASES AMD FIRE SETS, Etc CORPORATION Notice to There will be a meeting of the holders of the first mortgage bonds of th New Albany Railway Company (1150,000 issue) at th office of th Columbia Finance and Trust Fourth and Main streets, Loula- viUe, Monday, October n. 1S9 at o'clock P. MONEY BURNT By aot asiar the Welstach Light Gas Stoves and Heaters. Natural Gas ED WIN H.

WEHLH, Ji. B. 6r. Break aad St. Cataeria St.

Talashoas KSU. aapaaHsnsBBBiBBBBBBSSsnBnBnsasnssn PITIPEXP JiOTICEa. Dividend. The Board of Directors of the COLUMBUS 8TUEET RAILWAY CO. has de.

claxed tbe reKular quarterly dividend of one (1) per cent, on the capital flock, payable November 1, for which checks will be mailed te the stockholders. FIDKL1TV TRUST AND SAFETY VAULT Transfer AgaiK at lAuiavUl. snVJtKJ we tIAJTIlIMJ. by. getting a all the time the time pleased with of them hare assure that the fit: elsewhere, and most i paid big prices.

Wo will you if you will try one of our 1 $22, $25 $28 TO ORDER 0 there' is TUAT YOU: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a SUITS MADE We will conrince you that: ONE TAILOR AT LEAST CAN FIT Julius MERCHANT We will fits when Winter not tell you that a garment1 L. it DOES NOT. lit Co. 0 0 Sootheast Cor. Thirl anl 0 0 0 air Market Sts Louisville.

Ky. ft nnr nrTrn vnn OOOOOOOOOOOO 0O 00 OOOO0OOOOO HIIOFJ4. ipip 3 wt imc iincii iuu And 70a ar a competent man or woman at figuring to aav a dollar and at tb sain Urns secure tint-class goods, vrs are sure get yoa. IT IS DANGEROUS to read any fur ther if yoa don't want to part with that almighty dollar of yooxa Ladies'. 20th Centory Tailor-mad Boot, hand-sewed, patent- tip, extension, solet Monday only $2.87, worth (4.

Ladies Oennin Don cola, Cloth-topi Lac. Basor To Patent Tip aad eiecsntly trimmed, all sixes; Uondsy only f1.4s, worth 1160. Ladies Ovsrgalt-rs to-morrow only 13c, worth 50c All-wool Solas, for Ladles, bast quality, 13c, worth Gentleruen, keen your feet dry and warm by wearing a pair of out Cork fcoi alio To-morrow vnu piac on st sH styles, la Congress and Lace. Monday prie only $2.48, worth 3.50. MaU Orasr Preatstly Atta4 t.

GREENBAUM BERNSTEIN, 626 WEST MARKET STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH aW0 SEVENTH. MISCELIVAK EOrV Caution to the Public. am not now nor will I reaponalbl for -ycount. or bills, no matijr by whonf contrscted. unless accoropaaled by written CK JACOB.

Aurora IxxU. N. 3. F. and A.

Th officers and members Sre hereby requested to at the Masonic Home SfervMSm.1 er notice. offlc of tb Commissioners of th 81n lag Fund. Rooms sjmI 2a, City Hall.) Uoulsvllle. OcU iS. 1S.

The coupons of city bonds due Npvemoer 1 laSi Wyabl the Bank of America. NewYoTk. will be paid on presentation irrhta office until IS o'clock th 2ktn last. J- i in snm mi gfj uj Treasurer. Cincinnati Woman's Excliange wm.

bats a sate or Eiou-lrt Hjtdleiori ml. Emtroldcrics With ChrMmas Nsma fiarstas Fsanr. OSCAR FARMER OILCAKE MEAL COTTON-SEED MEAL. AL.I KINDS OP FEED. ISO and 182 Fottrth SW LOt'lSVILLB KY.

FURNACES MOHAftCH WROUGHT STEEL, TAB WORLD'S BESt mimr TYvalilnf. Church. Stores ssd N-rialb- umTVhU 7 bes HiDPT STOYE MD HEATHG IB WstMsrfct. Adsalnltrntorn Wotlcn. an' nersons holdlnn claims asalnat th A-1 vldy will piesent tb SmioplTproven: and aU.wla.

said tl without delsy. tat wm l''ryt -n. Administrator. Mrcast' Umm vias nan ve ladles and Gents. LMnner from 11 a.

tot nVmTilels to order. Everything mZmmSk. Uineh at all hours. Iset of lfriJHst of attention. Chsieat prloa.

KiV. me caU and enjoy a HOiir JJKAU MRS. liiUCK. Ui Third SU no-stairs. KrnTTCB Ta hereby given that 1 will not be responsU for any.

debts contractad by my wlf. Mnnis BcbonlSbt. tiiX. BCHUN1U11T. Viatersnitn Tenia Gunns -GUILLS.

great many that many new customers that many have- not beea a CSLASSWARE, ETC. NEVE Hsv SUCH GOODS Been Offered nt Such LOW PRICES. JUST LOOK S3 S3 S3 $5 For a nlc Jardlaicm aad Pedestal For a ft-inch hsavy Cut Glass Salad Bowl. For on doan of handsome Cat Glass Tnsablers. For a JMnch heavy Cnt Glass Salad Bowl.

tr rn For a 118-piec I extra OlO.aUnic English Porce lain Dinnr bet. Tb abev ar only a few of tha staay OOOD OUR LINE OF Fancy. Novelties, 'j Rich Cut Lamps and Tables, Chamber Sets, Is tkLarst lath City. DOLFINGER'S. 3 1 Market, fest.

Third aad Fsarta. raropas Sstarsay Klsbta, ED ATI A L. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE, 20S E. BKOaDKAY. School for Boys end Girls.

A thoroush English education, with In-structioa In Otriuwi, la sivaa ty experienced tua.1 tasctiera. Tb. aciiool is 'ou-ducted sccordlna to the lataat kihI iiHMt approved methods of education, Uackwara pupil rscalv sperisl care. M. F.

ulkHE, Prlsclpsl. HARRY GIDEON WOlprsparsSBUinberof BOTS for OOIXESi or tsatruct i various brsar be. Kaat Cheat oat MtrMt. The JBCOTOT SCHOOL, So. It West SSthSU, New York City, MluMl ta Oatral rtrtlbaol aad c.aparaaaea ta rol ladMa aaau.u.

mt kins aVKlai aanH. Tfcaaaask aallllata Mita.AJt.lantag. 8TEAM8IIIFH. liwwl nwa a aa4 rraat i frtanpmi atlMa ia tka warm. ThraaakUrkata sEUROPE 1 ot Ai.L AtiaaUa aiil, llaa tonl pruma ta -TT.

TT a 1,1. Law uniaM nuaa. Maditartaauaa rata rrataa MrhaafO ietra mm TSVst in-, a-euaa KUtm mm artaataLa4aUa, PIIIK CUHEO, 7Vaa I KaSaaj aa Maajnaal, SriTICKET BRCICER 1 1 i.V v- I k..

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