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The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 4

The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 4

Louisville, Kentucky
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Smoked Herring, per box va I Do scaled, new 50 Sardines, per box, So. 1 SB FOREIGN. 40th, EIRST SESSIOHJ WASHINGTON. EARLY TI1ES.IN ST. I0UIS.


WASHI1VGT01. 01IM1 MORNING, Atlantic Cable Telegrams- April 4. On motion of Mr. noward. the Senate went into Ext cutive session, in order to give the impeachment managers an opportunity to obtain certain Executive documents.

Alter Executive session, Air. Edmunds offered two amendments to the bill regulating the Court of Claims. Referred. Mr. HENDRICKS presented a resolution adopted at a meeting of blacksmiths and hours he made a day's work mGovernment employment.

Kelerred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Mb. THAYER presented a remonstrance of citizens ot umaha against the passage of the bill now before the Commit ree on Wsivp and Means, providing a stamp be affixed to each jurieircu vo me on uom-merce. Mr. SHERMAN'S order relative to the ticket system for tbe galleries was debated until noon, when the Chief Justice took the chair.

L. Walbridge, reporter, testified to the correctness of his report of the President's speech deiivea at bt. Sept. 8th, 1666, and Mr. Butler put the speech in evidence.

After the speech lnirl been read hv the sec retary, James A. Dean, stenographer, was called, and testified to having joined the President's party at Chicago, aud made re ports in full or in part of the speeches of the President up to and including that of September 8. 1SGG; recoeuized the paper shown him as an accurate transerint of his notes of the speech made at the Southern Hotel, at St. Louis, the same as reported by last witness. His roport was published in the St.

Louis Times. I somewhat condensed and com pressed all but the very first pirt of the i speech; I corrected the eramatical mistakes. Cross-examined by MK Stauherry It takes from four to seven times as lomr to write in Ions as short hand, according to the sneakers' rapidity ot utterance. Re direct The President frequently repeats himself, making it easier to report his sppcch03. Witness tbounht it would be possible for a rapid lon band writer to take the 6ense and substance of the President's speeches.

in answer io a question by Mr. Stanberry the witness said he meant the substance in accordance to the reporters' own ideas. Robert b. Chew; Chief Clerk of the State Department, gave evidence as to the manner of issuing eommissious for certain offices iu the Treasury and Stale DeparimeDts, which are prepared in ibeState Department, Short ly alter me passage ot tue tenure ot ornce act a change was made in the form of com- mission: witness produced a form. showing iu what the chamre consisted.

Since the passaee of tbe act no commission has been made out in the old lb m. Cross examined The wonts to hold until removed by the President, with the consent cf the Senate," have not been inserted. No commission has since been to a head department, which did not contain the the words ''to hold during the pleasure of the iska 2rw Ptaklnd iriS Pif-fffl Ovsters. nf doz 5 MSi 6 0U Cove i siva 2 50 hosiers FLOUIt The marktt closes dull; owine to the ue- at other points and it limited aemnna, and snperflne, fancy. fmaU sales; I cxtrar.nnily at fli and plain extra at $9 25.

We quote in iots as ioiioivs: auc SD au; euui? iotio i-i- ex'ra (-ao-ia extra laraiiy rttt OJ. floar in retul lots at $94iI0, Ior No. 1 and BRAIN1 The sunnlv of Wheat from 11m ponntry is lUtfct.wi'.b saUs to milliis at t'. toi'-'i lor a lew ui enoiee ni jj. loex mil rates, wl a ib' of 400 bushels efi- in bulk nt and in store st-Oii-, im-lndin sacks.

quof shelled corn in bulk at ti- to quality. Oats Are firm with sales of 5 0 bushel- at 75c, and and higa. with a sa'e of O-1 bushels rh -ice ai il SO ins-ore qne.iu at 95. with uo r- eclpts or vales. Uav.le Malt is la Hie sates this week vaiy.ns from 3 lor sprins; to cuoico i.ui.

nnw cron. vorthcm a-d Eastern, unre3 from GO to 65e. with a pule ci 3 bales In Store 60c. HaV-nnMois ronlliinn tn minifrst ranili firmrlcss with fae of KM bales titno by on the wlmrr, iy dealers, $vi SOfeis 00 pur von loi prime. In store, $15 per ton.

HE.UP Mnraf.iPtnrfTRfirp nfTf-rln-r 120rier tOU for good w- fgbt ou arrival. GUNNY BAGS-DenVmrt llr-lit. nud we ouote two bustir bass nt 'e2" sc. IITDK-i flnnicnt '-raiOc r-rcnTn salted: Hint hi des "rcea from butcbers 75iiSC in 'mun. IRON AND NAILS We onot? lOd uails (it Si 0J.

in l-ts of kcz In J-jbhtngr ts a-, SS3 1-, ana corresjonain- it Ciaer we quoi'j iron nc -iworsc: aoop uuu at -iln-er iron atti.c.r.. tiaii rous ai UKillc. andboilerlron nt pip lion we quolo as follows: Ibuvilus Rock, So.l FouaJry, $450 IS V'on 42 to 44 ton il to ton G'J to toa 05 ton i JOto-ia? t-n Mill Iron 1-oMlViistCarWhvlItoi Cold It lied River Iron lenne-sec lion FFAI-irec. s.ilia nf hr-m nt shorts 1 ard oil No. 1 choice at $1 15 to 23 per 1.

Linseed II. in miiw? St 17 to SI IS in is. andfmall sules at $1 ,1 per gullon. Coal oil lUMilEK AND SniNGLfS Ther. Is a cood dc- m.tnd tor se oned lumber, Willi Rood stocks hiiuu.

e.low pine trom th'- I emicsseo river we quote at $23nerAl. The vard rates are as lollows: nne inmrier, ciear 1 men, pr.rM III CO UUI.I.IU'.UIIHH 3 i Second rate, 1 inch 60 00 1H and 2 tech re uo Third rate im Common pine lumber -it 00 Hcniio lumuer Poplar if co -i Si O'J Foorinr, clear and cconu rate, per Si t0 1 ntra rate Common 40 Hrmlor-k flooring 3i 00 Sidtns: and weaihcr-bfarufrjx, tlilrd rate, roush, per Id 27 Third rate, dressed, per S'J U3 sumiies is men 1 nine, per (m ej lb men 09 16 inch poplar, prr 4 Ca r.tinnP.ilKS Tlie mailrer br.s rnled r.itber 1 nt fiiiointinn-i with sales, aud we a fllrat oecllue on It.p1 -hi ir. t.mrtard brands, to IT. I and a s.i'e of V5 bbd Poito Kieo. raw rtisar, ai k-ic.

for prime, 1 llraiijj'c Ior ch Mcc; tte quote 3 obi. ire sal sol cofke, lair to pniu at sale at siKta-'oc. java luntc sma 1 lo-. Vc quote Xew siuar rVtl3ifc for common, an-i lor fair, and prime lo'i Sites ot Ci ice at li hhds In lO'sand 'inall alcs ifi.j: Ittco. raw.

ranees fr-'iu to 14' liciined. hud 1 sianrtaro, in b'-ls in tots at, ITH-fflTc. i'ui al at lSc. Other qualities ranie trom 17-. in witli sifall or nt a 'ra ttoa i hisher.

Molasses naatatsoa, Mils Ki and ai.i?l for pi line in half bbis. Sisfi'? Eastern, as lo quality and packase. ra-iu'-' irom TOc to per Kick-Carolina r.iee at for prime iu and Louis) in bbls at lOKCitlc. us to qualitv. POTATOES An in tho supply is nade dun anu at oopn.i: mai k- i wiiii sae mis tood I'eachi'iows ai J4.

and ehoiee Nesh.iunorks Hussct- at S4 5'J. stuaU 1 ts. per bid. v.tne.UOaedoPai-per 1.1.1. a sate to-d of 1W bbls 5 0.

holder- at the o-e a -lii, -5 ard. lots, l-untp pork ouvaal. ttie sabs b. ms: at $19 59(323 IU. fir LK SI eats lirm.

with n.Udrpdo. sbotd.l. r' llc: s-des and ole any Witt hye 24 1() 1 sal. at new for i Mb BUTLER then offered a list, prepared liberality ami frankness. Count Bismarck i- 1 I ared himself wi hn to accenr the Amr par elared himself willing to accept tbe American Office of tub Louisville Courier, SATtmnAY Evening.

Aoril 4. 1868. i Tbe cotirsa of the market this week has indi cated a very decided firmness for the chief articles of trade, and an advance has been cstab. nto i OVMni.nn I hflhed on many products, ihe only exception 1 beingm flour, which is in gocd sopplv and a limited demand at rather lower rates than were obtained all last month. This is attributable to the very lavorable rt ports of the growing wbcat crops in all sections.

Cotton ha3 very largely advanced, as win be seen by our summary, with light supplies, aud as consequence small sales this week. The en hancement of cotton has stimulated the market for ail manufactured articles, and factors and dealers to-day are as busy mar king prices up as tbey were last week in marking down. The stocks of seasonable goods are, represented as ample tor the home and country demand. The provision market closes active and higher for all descriptions of cured meats, especially for the vroduct of our city packers, which enjoys a de servedly high reputation. The stocks in first bands are reduced, though still quite fair.

Liverpool advicisare lavorable ior hiL'h pricci of cotiou, with a very decided in ibat market yesterday over the prcvUmS high rates: middling uplands quoted at 12.l4'd: while bread- were dull and irrciiu'ar. The Liveipool cotton market to-dar, as indicated by cable di-pitcaes noon, is a ward and excited. with sales of ao.OeO bales at Vi)-i for middliu; uplands, and for Orleans, The wearber has bceu char and pleasant this wci ua til to-day, with a heavy white iroat yes terday mornicg, and another frost this mcmiag, and the temperature to the freezing point. It was bhiFteritig acd cold lo-day, but dry, and the fruit is stilt couriered ar having escaped damage by tbe late visitation of frost. The rivtr, thongh fatlirg very lust, is at high tide, bat tbe nver trade is dull, with h'bt movements oi produce to any point.

TheNe-w York despatch to the Board of Trade via Southern Celegraph Company, quotes cotton in active demand and prices faiirher, at 33c tor middiiuir uplands. Dry goods in active demand at- mil standard brown snectinc. Pacific Vc. Petroleum steady; r. fined bond, Pncar firm and in fair demand.

Coffee steady. Linccd oil unchanged. Flour 10al5c lower and vervdull. Wheat steady. Corn iu fair demand at $122il25.

Oat? firm at SoaSo'c. pork steady: old $24 13a24 25; new S25 50a23 Lard lusher, with a moderate de-mam; sales at the latter an estrt me rate. Hogs dull and wuhout change; receipts TOO head. The Ctiicaco dispatch qnotcs wheat higher an loreaciiv, No. 2 spring at $1 fiJ; rccJip's 10,000 bU'h'-Is.

Corn active at; receipts 20.000 Odts llrra ai 57iv; receipts 10,000 lmh- ls. Rye nominally unchanged; 2so. 1 1 60; no receipts. Barley irrceninr at receipt 1,000 busbcls. Provisions quiet.

Mess pork at $24 50. Bulk meats held firmly at yester day's quotations, but there is not much demand Lard dull anu prices nominal at The Cincinnati dispatch quotes flanr qniet, at $10 50al0 75 lor family; $0 59.tl0 25 for extra, and 50a9 00 superfine. Wheat dull, at $2 10a 2 45 for Xos. 2 aud 1 spring No 1 J2 20. Cora firm, at S8e for ear; shelled.

Cits arc firm, at 73a75c. Rye firm at $1 $5. Barley quiet; held at 75ii2 in order to ff.ct sales, conccas: of 10c are. necessary. Ciover seed dull at 10' timothy, 32 30a2 35.

JJess pork firmer and held at ft-Jli Lard liim-r at lGilC'c Bulk meals wry flrmaad market excited; shoulders, HXc lib sides, 14c; clear rib, HVc; clear, 15c. Bacon ia good demand; shoulders, 12al2c; lib sides. 15c; clear rib, llic; e'ear sides, lCXc Provision marfeit. excited and tcudius; upward. Tbe New Orleans dispatch iolcs flour scare? atvl firm at 10 fo" supeifine.

iiviss porkin active dtmaed and prices higher, closieg at J27 50-lAnl imcha'gcd and q'lict. Bac in active demand and hishrr. closing at for shoulders and for choice sides; hams unchanged. Coin ha advanced to SI 07. Oats uu-ehanscd.

Hay dull but uot tower. Cotton market seneraliy exeitt and- prices higher, closure at 3tc for middling. Receipts 200 hhds bacrtu. 250 sacks corn, 4.000 bbls dour, 100 tierces lard, 1,000 sacks oats, SOO bbls pork, aud 2,000 bales of coltoo. Stcck of cottou 73,000 bales.

MONETARY. The afi'ai rs of our money market claim but lit-tlj mention. The chancels of finanee-arenot coroi. neither ar-i they at tlc lowest ebb. 31oncy cannot be had as nadilv as spLcatatort-would but our merchants are able to obtain accommodation fa file ten lor the necessities baiatss.

The rates nuv be given as follows: la bank, 9 per cent with bankers the rate vai ios; to their depositors, who rencriUy have a balance iu their favor, they lend at 12 per c.T.t. but ibey charge IS pei cent, wheru loans arc made io habitual borrowers, lor they look npju ihe rik is greater. Exchange is firm at 1-10 premium, with a rather tub! stijiuly aud being; tarnished by Poutli- em that by our cotton ami tobacco buyers is btirely sufllcieul to meet tiie de-maud ot wtio r- quire coriMuYrable sirns in making payments for their stunig stocks. Tiiere isr.o great stir in 'he buird trom the ijicr that bonds are not readily gotten at ihe qiiotcl nitts. Capiiabsis have Karned from ex-p rience it is best to put their mocey Oon-is, which are easily convertible, nnher tnati cut.

bored witti real which requires a very slpw process before money can be realized upon ir. GiACicmeLts have nearly all advanced and show an iroproveineiit of Irom InW y. j-terday. Gld is stronger. It opened at 137 reached but rectdLd, aud closed firm nt 1.3SV.

-'uvvecteil b1? SMovlon, lult. iSriiikrib r.o. 15C wiisT riTKHnr. SiV.ei dvei dime? 123 dil-165. GOVEO'rtllEXT BONDS.

Fresli cline tine IS rea, at S5e, We nt i at vanced tlieiV rates, and several lots held out ot mar- aaton. 49.tiS,; Ccnsborland a tor a ttirtber advance. Vt quote ot 1 Weils Kayo's bxnress i- Reminiscences of the Boouc Family in Missouri. Daniel Boone in his Coffin HIS HABITS AND Fromthe St. Louis Dispatch.

MBS. OOKBIN'S LETTER. New York. March 1, 1808. To M.

J). Lewis. Esa fit. Louis. Ufa.

an dear sir 1 nave received yonr letter and will answer such of your questions as I caii wheu 1 fail to not let a ppiut, you will please hear in mind that I cannot give the information you desire, and this, I am sorry lo say, will frequently be. the case. My ithcr and mother, John Lewis and Elizabeth Harvey his wife, were both natives ot Viiginia, and lived I believe in Hampshire county. Of their children, three, namely, Sar.ih'G., Milton and Lindsay, were horn in three, namely, John, Elizabeth and Marlrdm, were born in Hariisou count Kentucky; and three, namely. Samuel, Pully and Geotge were bom in Missouri.

My lather an ived at the village (now city of) St. Louis, when your father was about a year and a ball' old I recollect a single circumstance relating to the advent of the lamily in St. Louis. The wagon was turned over, auu a WUft uiu irom unrjer 11, a recollect it was through the fiiow. I tuere- fore infer that tbe date cf his arrival maybe placed in an early period in 1797 for your lather was horn October 19, 1795 Norc-corc's of 1 be events of those distant years being in my possession I cannot be certain and posi tive about dates, but I think you cau rely with considerable confidence upon the cor- redness of the toregoing.

By looking up the exact dale ol the biith of light may be thrown upon the date of the arrival. I think he was horn iu the autumn ot 1797, and believe he was the first-born of the white American settlers in the Spanish and French settlements at and near St. Louis, in upper Louisiana. 1 was born on the 1 of April. 1704, iu Harrison county, Kentucky, and was thcefrtre quite too young in 1797 to store important facts in the memory.

My father settled in Sr. Louis county, 25 mi'cs distant from the village of St his wa.c directly under the Bluff, about one mile from ihe Mitsonri river and about the same distance from the mouth of the Bonh mme creek at this place Samuel Lewis was Gov. Frederick iiates many years aUerwaid- lived on a farm (opem-d up by Francis Howell and afterward enlarged by fiz- kial Roders,) slant about a a mile jrom the place of iny father. It was at this place, hen I wa about six years old, about the year 180Oj that Col. Daniel M.

Boone married my sister Sur.ih G. Thev wrc married by Cap t. Mickey, the alcalde, or magistrate i here being at that date, so far as know, or believe, not a single Prostestant clervman in the entire province ol Upper Louisana. Old CjIoiicI Daniel Boone was iu Kentucky when his third son. Colonel Daniel married my sister Sarah, and did not remove to Missouri uutii some time after.

Colonel DauielM. bad much of the woodman's skill of father. When I was very young, and was ou a visit to my sister, Mrs. Boone, in St. Charles county, ou the opposite tide of ihe Missouri river.

Colonel Boone his c.iuoc being absent tied two logs together with a wit lie, and then, plicing me on the logs, he paddled me across that turbulent stietuu. The water not once reach my shoes. My brother-in-law, Colon Bootic, viis very kind me, and 1 was theiefote verj ich at inched to htm. He was es-troni'ly attractive to children. Like his lather, the old pioneer, whom at a later date I saw ir uch, he had a so-t, almost ctietniuate voice, anil extremely inil-1 and pleasant m.umors.

In fact, most, it not nil ot the old huuters, who spent most of their time iu Ibe deep solitude or the ilien unbroken woods, spoke iu low, soil louts I do nut, among my acquaintances, recall au exception. The pleased attentions E-uch a man irresistibly won the confidence and love ot a cmld, and I am uot conscious ot icel'ng a greater degree of tatety here in my parlor than 1 did sixty years ago, when h. rv.e on the shoulders ot jOuc over the hills, or taan when he was paddling me in a Ci ruv. or on Iocs across the Missouri. Of Vhs B.Oins, 'ather nor sou were ever or but both were miuL gintle pleasing.

Yet, si range to say. 1 iisve t'Cen told that in bunlr, when aronsed, there was something i4'ou: the.rn 1 ha: was terrible to all beholders, the incdRn wars of those early times all oi the men were to unite to aid in di ivh the Colonel Boone bu hi- six hrriihi-rs-in lf.w to ba'tle. The oi the wlicn allot 1 lie men W' aucn: cinjpMiftiimgag.iint the Indians, human 'inzujiie cannoi adequatily ex pi ess. Y-u ihrongh the goodness ot od, and the cooinfs and unerring judgment of Col Boone. who-e knowledge ot tie wiles and ways of the Indians seem- to be almost infinite, not one of them lost his lite during all of his riumerous campaigns.

Lke ins famous fathir, hecarefuliy gu'ardal the lives ot" ii men, and never allowed himself to be deceived nor to be entrapped. The Boon-, the Coopers, the Cuban ays, the Howards and other equally capable performed prodigies of valor and en-dared an almost iucn-dib'e amount ot daimg several protracted and many brief campaigns. But which of them all evi wioic a syllable about them to editor? If eiic, I never saw it They would their muskets and repel an incursion, or puni-h a murder, or a jobbery, aud thV-n reiurn to their UlEvIs without ouce thinking of news-)pcrs, ol which at first, none were ptiblih-cdintiiose remote region-. The troops of thi; Govcrnmcui were but a handiul, aud cut ot reach; hence were rarely called upon save iu Clisc ot a general Indian war. Ihir-ticg ir one of the most beaut i ''id re gioui ol the earih, and tht reiore familav with things ot beauty, the Boones, father son, hid a keen sen-e ot, and a tcp iove Jor the At this tim? the beauty of hi at walnut is generally known and uuivisally recognised.

But in. those das that b-autiful wool was regarded only a- suitable tor tccce rails and other -imilar purposes. But o'd Colonel Daniel Boone, alter years of admiration, had come at last to tor it a positive atleetinn, aud resolved that his final earthly habitation should Ll-ninulacfuved out of Lest alter hif death his wish might be disregatded and treated a au idle whim of an old man, he proceeded to carefully select choice pieces black walnut, such as only un observing eye bke his could select, and had a ceulu lor m-elf matle out ot it. To eyea that had never looked on that wood ai'er it had been Inghiy polished, the coffin upnt-ared marvellously beautiiul. The ol it quickly spread am-mg Hie simple-minded set 1 b-j and it had exceedingly numerous visitors.

The reports relative to it reached Kentucky, and Ihe friends 01 Ihe good old man monrued that he had fallen into a second childhood. So lunch for early and correct .1 iun ot one of our 1st aide and beaiiti'ul woods. He was an homst and intelligent loyrr ol'tlie hoauties oi natni but ol tliewoiks of art, hotv little did he ever suspec; He died in St Charles couutv, Mo. With the particulars at his dom you and the public art- familiar. His sou, Colonel Uiuiel M.

Boone, my in law, died on his farm, in Jackson county, Mo ill the summer of 1839, leaving a latg- iamilyb.s widow, toy siter Sarah, Ftirvived him a tew years. Both my lather and my mother were said to nave bt'Cii relatives of Geneial out, as I am unable to give the particulars, I shall not at'empt to give a geiural s.aiein'-'it. My mother died in 181G, My iaiiKr removed to Ttxasaud d'n there in 15 SamiitlLcwis, my brother, aud who war the first-born ot the American sclth rs "est of Hie Mississippi river, asf h.1-liive, (iioru, I think, iu lia- autuain of 1797J. died in Calhornin in the summer of He was a very honest niau, biave, of excel.eul seusc, and mild-tempered- He leit a estae. He va worthy of the honor of being the first uauvc Missourian ofstrieUy Americi.u parentage.

Most Your mend, ELIZABETH COR BIN. rcnth "-ire; ts, bren supnlied by the caiar with a'l the delicacies the Xow Orleans luarkets afford, filch as POWPANO. SHKEP HEADS, P.BD FISH, SEA BASS, SALMON, CRABS (alive), CLA1IS (in the bucID, MOPILE KAY OYSTERS (in the shell), YOCNfl GREEN PEAS. FRESH STRAWBERRIES, NEW POTATOES, CUCUMBERS, YOUNG CABBAGE, TOMATOES, an 1 rainy others too unmerout1 to mention. GicEKN SEA TURTLE SOUP and STEAKS.

Board ana families supplied at all timts at the St Charles branch, cor. Main and Seventh, ant) d2 PHIL. LOTICJJ. Proprietor. From (he rndianaj-olis Journal.

A JouitNALisricCuANGir. We are inlormed that the ludiauapolis Herald establishment has been purchased by llichard J. Bright, Esq of MadtsoD, In thiState. Mr. Bright is a ton 01 the Hon M.

G. Brighf, and a nephew of the Hon. Jesse Bright, lie is a genial cent lemon, and "has Uhe reputation of being a shrewd and uuuuitiuic uuMues man. we beiieve he has uo experience as a journalist. Mr.

Devlin, Ihe retirirg editor, withdraws from the control at' the Htridd with the confidence and good will of the business men ot our citv. anil the coodwistua oi" ail Wl11 uiteDtl ll3m in whatever bus'msss he may T. Although we difler with dor comnels us to sav that onr businpss; -Toe Hon. Thorns Tnmn, y0 Vi" SS1A. THEATr COMMISSIONER.

BEKI.IN, April 4. Minister Bancroft uas been commissioned by the Uuitcd States Government to arrange and complete tne treaty of commerce and navigation vvitb. the NorJU Herman uonleueration aua merman Zollverein. ENCLAKU. MINISTEKS TO EESIOS'.

London, Aoril 5. An meelinir ol the cabinet was held ou SiUurliw to eon- Bidcr what oehonahou'dbc taken in view of tbe vote ot Friday nnxht, on Mr. (iladstonu's re-eolntions. It is repotted that tbe ministers have decided to rcsiirn in ease the rmnrwitinn should retain their 'iaige majority after the reueaa ui iraiaameni. SOUTH AMERICA.

SITUATION OF GEN. LOPEZ. Pahis, April 5. L'Etandard has advicci from the Rio do La Platta to the SLh which gtutva the situatiou of the Parauayuu Presidtnt Gen, Lopez, is not so desperate as the Brazilian accounts represent. Fire at Syracuse.

Syracuse, N. April 5 A large four st or brick buildinir on J.nnes tdreet. occu- ried bv O. C. Loouiip Co ecflee and spice r-niiifr mill', was burned tliia morning.

Loss est I mated a' $42,000, on which there is au insurance ol The origin cf the is unknown. Eirly tins morning there was a slight fall ol snow. Wvaihcr cool all day. lhu evening thermometer 0. Wind Lorlhwest and clear.

The Georgia tJnbcruatorial Cawdi-daes. Atlanta, April 5. The following is a correct ftatement of the oi the cand dates lor the Govemoiship of Gecria. (Jen. Meade has dccliied Judne Irwiu as ineligible lor the office of Gorvenior, and the latter now de-cliufs to run.

The Central Exeenlive Com-mittto ot the Detnociaiic party have recommended Gen. Gordon in his place, ami Gen. Meade avs Gordon is eligible. A large meeting was held here last night, at which Geu. Gordon spoLe.

Judge Cabiiins presided. Gunpowd-r i'lot in Georgia. Savannah, Aptvl 5 A Repubp.cau uii-ct-ing at Valdosta, tieorgia, hist niahf, dispersed under corsidi ratde exeirement on discovering a keg containing a small quantity of powder under The speaker's desk. Both panics accuse each other ot complicity in theulTair. lV13ttANDV EAT EK.

Kvansville, April 5. ather clear, acd shaip lioit with thin ice thiemornii River tailing fast. Port List Dartius, from Memphis Cincinnati; Lawrence, from St Louie to Pitt? burr; Meeaeiiser, nom Pitisbura to St. Lou': rrom Uincimjoli to St. Louis: Dxtor, troia Li-iiiH-villeloNnw OrleaiTs; Louisville, from N-w to Cincinnati, aud the regular local pack ets.

PiTTsnrjnc, April 5. Wea' her clear and cold. ThLriiiumeier de grees above zero. Kiver six let-t ana siationnry. Pittsbukg, April 5.

R'vr aboul six feet. S'atidiiarv No deii'irmres outside of the Uca' packets. Arrived Maggie 11-ys and packets. N.sirnr.i.r, April 5. River ialiine.

Sir feel on il th o.i:s. citht-r Hear ami cold. Ice in or. i Arrived KU.i Unfile-, 1'i'pt ''tunbi rland. Dt parted' Cti.cinuan.

In pori Alpaa. Alen. Ji.i.i Iltmlioe. -YKUfHlS, Ami! 5. Weather rlcarand Rvn 'sitiins s.mvty.

i'f ou, i oiu Cii'Ciuna'l. T) t. Gr. fi piihlK-. Ork'ans.

She 2.fKi b.hf nl lure. riXCINNATI. April 5. Tire clear p.a.l co '1. Inc Jus no dei' I ii-i-i during 0-1 liours cii; t) in the rharnel, ihr :v.r a-irt v.ii biv i In; J.1IU' 'ra Hi: to: Nw t-jiTie-.

Li. Mem' lis: Sl AV? Pike. Iron; iV- rom New ri List! The Last Panian li-dsiance. M. Peiie in the Independence Btjge the following exiraordinary story: I know a young gentleman named, I will say, Ch.uU.vs, who lias been the hero of a singular rnuiatrce.

Ou coming of ug he nteie.l on Parisian life with -5-C-00 traoes a Forty ye-irs po the yuuog -jiirliflors ir. Paul de Knck'ii ro-m mees on roiied in cubii'v-ts, atiil i Times arc cha'Jsed si nee tht-ii, aiid Charles mld no: a earriM'y nor a tyiih nud en? er-r spoke ofhim losing money st th-' einb. jJnt ne contrived to ruin iiimself th-jugh. tie wiit iou the wor.d, he went to thy club, and kept a misu-jii, but did this his iii-hii--. His wev-kuoas was that of k-noing to nay lVi-nd when asktd.

He was uever re-paid, and when he found his fort uue more tbau htilf goue, infsU-ad of economizing, be tried in at which, he lost continual; y. Nearly rained, he- hrul, however, nothing of the air of nu uulucky fellow. He went to the first bail' of the carnival. Tnere a lady a s-itin duiiiiuo and ahorve marked prei'i'rence for iii-i society. Through iier mask it was evident that her and teeth wert-magnificent, and her liur wms tall and strikingly ek-gant, while a little hand gloved, waved in graceful gestures.

For two hours the pair parsed time delightfully. Let us go to supper, said Charles. The lady uu masked, liisplaved a face which stops growing old at thirty, though its possessor may be forty. Its lines were perfectly statuesque, and the young thought he had never seeu a more enchanting woman. Suddenly she as'onished hi in by saying: 1 have a sou ot your ago.

This was startling, nay, incredible. The lady continued: I am a widuw, and for reasons which I wdl explain, 1 have had occasion to make the sit iciest inquiries as to your life. I find that you have bt'en ruined, not by vice, but by generosity, and that you have Tart; talents, and are in every respect, save your reekleasneBS, a man to be. loved and esteemed. My husband iefL me two millions of francs, and I have a charming daughter.

There are family reasons, unknown to you, which ive you a riht to our intimacy and a s.hare our loitun. These reasons wen very singular. The lady's father had been a steward to the grautliallier ot (jcarie-s, ami not a very UJtuiUl siewaru, since no nau, uy miu.v liis trust, madn a fortune iind run iwav to Poland. Hero he lcreaed his 1 goit-n and 1 tito ii nd noble family. Here in- died, lining tin- two million to the widow and children.

The widow, who knew ins history-, em ployed a secret agent to ascertain if Charles was a deserving young man, and found that ho was something more. Tho young man married her daughter, and now au wen. Anna Dickinson Lecturing her Party. IFrora the Wahinttm '-oespocdenee oi the uTIIEj REJECTED STONE Mjep, Anna Dchinsi.n, i loio' to in cm ion my 'itiui'-n uere on Aiointay even- to a laige auaieuce. 1 ue 1.

etute a -n Dm us of iiiC Hour." But c.iiihi not avoid "riugiui: tier old subject, "The llfjected which this i me turned out to uciKrai uiuu aim a very rniMih, uncouth. and upolielied stone Miss Dickinson made bun io be. sue ca.4s ah-- stands lor A T. Stewar, ins purse, ms sb-jddy (uo doubt intended or pcttioais ad well as pantaloouv), his two hnudnri vice pn-fideuts. and the Coopr Institute 11 iti terms.

I). s.ns that, they urci attemp i to fi row over 10a pntn-ipies ana 01 tue ratnc ijar -hoping, in what will prove a failure il uV teuu-v to march to virioiy with the name ot a soldif.r on their b-mucr, and in tut; smoke ol a cigai; that, the parly is guilty of the inconsistency and wielipjiucs; ol at-temptii'g vo (oree upon the tfoulli nsaro while it cives no negro the bahol in any Northern Slate. It was amusing IO watch the coa tt-'auter' adins fte-puiieaus in the, audience, who writ icd and fquirmeJ ni-atti the lashings ot nur lectuier's plaiu and She demanded a bold and cf, enunciation ot principles on the part oi the Republican pa (y, and a candidate who is known to ha a disciple ot those prmcp s. Si a declared her nn fcrcuce Jor Jlr. Colfax.

Tin Utile Bpealcr was pre-eni, and looked ae shame-fnu'cd as a youth about making his' mn tiwj jnujjjsji 01 tjv- the by, would uot it be a good idea for he lohin'1 and Miss Anna to unite their hearts and lormnefi in matrimony, and their inteltecis ara lorces in-uraiiv nr iaud Presidential campaign on the bah of 1 flfcige aid alt itxould take fhnt toit Of ihinc? Mr. Collax the I'restdoncv, and Mrs. Collax th'c Con I1151? hndi-nn) District, and tuns fill the vacant ehi After The- ewlneiupi by ihe KVtofnr sneaker Ou MondHr I 1 Three Days for Preparation Granted the president's Counsel. Impeacliers to be Controlled by Po-litical Considerations. No Conviction by a Party Vote.

Strict Several Radicals Will Not Vote for Conviction. THE COMECTIGUT ELECTION. I KESTOCRIiS APPLIES FOR P1R00N, An Ohian Sends Twenty Dollars to Aid Impeachment. Special Telegraphic Correspondence ol the Louisville TUE PRESIDENT'S ST. LOUI8 SPEECH.

Washington, April 4- The testimony before the court of impeachment lo-day was barren of interest and related mainly to tbe Prefident's speech in St. Louis. The newspaper accounts of which were, however, proved to be correct. TUE EE DAYS TIJ1E It ANTED THK PEESIDENT8 COUNSEL. Conncas acd Samncr exhibited much anxiety for the managers to resist the motion cf the Prt-sidenl's counsel for three days" time, to collect and arrange tneir documentary evidence, but the ewven wise men did not adopt their cone eel.

The court acceded 10 the request, with but fewdis-eentinr votes. TCE CASE TO BE DETERMINED UPON POLITICAL COS SIDE It AT I Th? managers led their case is lost unless by party management it shall be determined wholly upon political consideration, and they will make good nse of the interval to consummate their purposes. KO CONVICTION BT A 6TKICT PAETT VOTE. The Radicals have lost ihe impudent assumption of a conviction by a strict party vote, tor it is now conceded several Republican Seuators wili voteagahist it. Sumner said yesterday that he was apprehensive sis Republicans will euftaio Johnson.

Friends ot tho President claim that Fesseudcn, Trumbull, Van Winkle, Fowler, Sprague, Anthony. Frelingluiysen.WllleyjGrime?, fluive, and possibly Rosp, Ediuunds aud Sherman will uot vow lor conviction. NO QTJOBU3I or THE HOUSE. The House has adjourned over nntil Wednes day for tlU' pood reason that no quorum is in tbe city, so great a number havintr rone home. ESCAPE OP COL GREENPELP.

Information baa reached here that Col. Qr een-lell, who was sentenced to the Dry Torguiras for al leed participation in the Chicago conspiracy, has escaped from that place TUE CONNECTICUT ELECTION. Ttie chairman of the Democratic State Committee of Connecticut telegraphs to-nieht that Eng lish's election is regarded as certain, notwith standing tbe Radicals are attempting to colonize vorers; hut it is prohable that we will lose the TiCirislature, by which election a United States will take the place of Dixon, Conservative. PETITION FOR PARDON. A petition of James Wells, churned with beings guerrilla and sentenced to prison therefor, in Kentucky three years ago, was presented to the Presid nt to-day by Senator McCreery of that Suite.

The President has ibe mitter under advisement AID FOR IMPEACHMENT. This morning Secretary McCuIluch received 0 letter from Tremont. Ohio, inclosing a twen'y-dollar note, asking that the same to be credited to a Union defender, and to apply it in aid of the impeachment of the President. His money went to the conscience fund. HEW ORLEANS.

Contest net ween the Mayor and Cbiel oi i'olice Case io lie Tried on Thursday Ttie Chief Stisnendod" l)i mocrutic Nominating Couveutson Arrest oi Nesrroes for I'eijury Un- litiowu ik tin urownea. tipeeial Dispatch to the Louisville Courier. Jsew Orleans, April 4. A controversy has ani-eii betwein the Mayor and Chief of Police srrowii nut of a suspension of the latter's or ders by the former. The Chief addressed a letter to the Mayor insinuating that his Honor desired to the police torc-j lor political purposes.

The Mayer thereupon preferred charges against be Chief, and at a meeting of the Police Commits toners held this evenintr, the trial was fixed for next Thursday eveninc, the Chief beini- mr-an while suspended from duty Special aid Izard acts as Chief pro tern. The opponents of the Mayor arc confident that Gen Buchanan will at once reverse his action. Tha Democratic nominating convention assem bles to-nitrht at the Mechanics' Institute. Two negroes arrested to-day at the regis try office, in the city hall, charged with perjnry. colluriou aiid attempted lraud.

One of them con fessed himselt au aent from the carpci-bas bead- quarters. An naknown man fell into the river. from the the steamer Vf. Ii. Arthur this evening, and was drowned.

D. puled Arthur, for St. 'Louis; Peytoha and Stradcr, ior Louisville. Arrived1 Mohawk and barges, from St. Louis.

MEMPHIS. Frauds Upon the JRpvenae Arre3t of ide i.uiiiy I'arty cotton Shipments. I Special Dispatch to the Louisville Memphis, March 4. D. U.

Evans, wholesale liquor dealer, was arrested his pro perty seized ior heavy frauds on the internnl revenue, by false eniries on the books. Evans baa been dotnix a heavy business for the last two years, aud has i-uscecled in evading the tax up la alitedalc, but was finally caught purchasing 50 barrels ol liquor. The i nformant cets on the seizure. Evans was formerly, a St. Louis merchant.

Cotton shipments for New Orleans offering freely. RIVER WEATHER. Dispatch tothe LouisvllleCourieM Caiiio, April 4. River stationary. Weather cloudy, with a violent north wind Business fair.

Up Jacobs, Mot lie Able, Lmiisville, Mohawk. Riihmond. Down Grc'il Republic, Argonaut, Clifton, Kil-con Cumberland. The Richmond has a lew small lots for Cinciu-ua'i: ror other points 10 hhds aud 20 bbls susar, 20 libls molasses, and 4G head cattle. The Louisville has for Cincinnati 61)0 sack? salt' rous and a lot ol old iron, 45 bales raps, 2G barrel- rice, packages snndri'es.

For other 10 cattle, 50 tons iron, 8 hhds sugar, 75 sucks coffee, aud 200 packages assorted Thir Able ana Jacobs bad good St. Louis trip The Mobawl: bad 500 tons iron and 400 boxes plate. The Great R-'public leaves to-mrbt with a good trip. The Tennessee arrived Irom Louis aDd goes on the docas. Mempots, April 4.

Weather clar and warm. RiVi 'ah ms flnwlv. Departed Rubicon, City or Cairo, for St Louis; Westmoreland, lor Sew Orleans. Sr. Locis, April 4.

No arrivals except reculnr pickets. Benha, Columbia, St. Luke ard Pcninuh. Ft. -ntoi1: MinucFota, Reds Landing: Ccniclia, Omah L'zzie Gill.

Orleans; Alice dSt. -MaryPUtsbure; Coampion, Clocinaaii; Ri t-r taTln-i; s'owly, and tae upmt ilisoari auci lilmcis declining. The -Missouri is rising but not cuotizti to effect iUb river here. Weather cold aad windy. Evansville.

April 4. Weathrr cloudy, bhist-riu, and cold. River 'alien two leer. Port hist Emma Floyd, Kashvillc to Cincinnati; Cora P. Louisville to Memphis; Havma, Cincinnati to Nashville; Belle, Kanawha to Cairo; Peoria Citv, Cincinnati to Oimha; Nightingale ai'd Brlli' Verncn.

St. Lin is to Pittsburg; Orleans. to Lonisviho; Louisiana, Cm-ciiiLuti to New Barlinu, Memphis to Ciiicamat St. Patrick, Cannettou to Memphis, aud the local packets. NAsuyoxE, April 4.

River rising slowly, with seven ieet on Ilar pjith shoals. Weattierinirand pleasant. Arrived Charles'oiii trom Kanawba rivrr. I D-paitt-'d A. Bukr, for upper Cnmberiand-Talttman, tor at.

In port Alert and Chailestou. PiTTsnrniG, April 4 m. River 5 feet 4 inches by pier mark, and falling Weather clondy and cool. Snow last St. Louis, April 4 p.

m. i Th(" weather las, nighl was tne coolcsi we have had since the 1st of March. Ice was formed and the eart in exposed places was' frozen. It is ieircd that the limit buds arc injured, hnt to what esleut has not yet been ascertained. To-ni-rht is stilt colder, and there will be (Third host before morning.

In a recent conflagration at Waterford, an old block-bouse, a relic ante-revolutiouary times, was destroyed. It was the last of the old line of forts which 120 vtars tigo, reached from Erie to -Pittshmo- In was visited 'bvWashinsrton. vim Atlantic Cable Telegrams. liberal Triumph In the Boise of Commons. "Wrongs of Ireland to be Righted EN GLAND.

GLADSTONE'S RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. London, April 43 a m. At fifteen minutes past two o'clock this morning the de-hate ended, and a division tool; place on Lord Stanley's amendment to postpone the con- biueiaLiuu oi mi. enaubione resolutions until next Parliament. Six hundred members voted, and the Government was defeated by sixty majority.

The announcement was greeted by wild cheers from ihe Liberals. On goiDg into committee, which motion was carried, Mr. Gladstone's resolutious were carried by a majority ol 56 THE TIMES ON TBE IEI3B QUESTION. London, April 4. Tbe defeat of the ministry is the chief topic of conversation.

Most of the journals have editorials. The Times says that the Commons have resolved that this cancer ot the empire shall be removed. The rejection of Lord Stanley's amendment aud the adoption of Mr. Gladstone's resolution is merely the first steps ot the operation. The national will is soon to be expressed, aud will he no uncertain sound.

It will insist that the work so happily begun shall he thoroughly performed. This morniug's vote is the dawn of a ri-uuitcd empire. New Ireland may take confidence, as she is sustained by a vast balance of opinion of the kingdom. The wronss of ages arc to be ended and right done amid the acclamation of the nation. This must guarantee pi ace.

DEATH-WARE ANT OF THE IEI3H CUUBCU. London, April 4. The Morning Post con cludes a very able article with the following words: ''This vote is tbe death-warrant ol the Irish church. No fairer frophy has been won by the Liberal party since the emancipation act of 1839." Tbe Standard says the effect ol this vote will be to waste tbe session without advancing the object proposed one single step. AMEBICAN VESSEL BURNED.

An American vessel, which just arrived with a cargo oi naptha, (turned to the watci's edge at Antwerp this evening. The name of the vessel has not yet trausplrcd. ANNUAL BOAT BACB. London, April 4 The annual spring race between Oxford aud Cambridge University crews looti piace to uay overiue usual course on the river Thames. The crews were in fine couditiou, and the race was closely contested throughout, but by streneous efforts on tne last mile the Oxtord gradually lo-ged ahead, aud passed the goal three lengths ahead, amidst the most uproraious cheers of thousands who lined the bauks and crowded the decks of innumerable river crafts.

The Prince and Princess of Wales were present with many other distinguished personages The distance pulled was lour miles, which was accomplished by the victorious Oxtords in twenty minutes. 1MUS-IA. FLAG PRESENTATION. Berlin, ADril 4. The flag of North Ger many, presented to Parliament by the citizens ot New Orleans, was formally accepted yesterday, aud will be bung iu the Chamber.

Resolutions declaring that members ought not to be held responsible elsewheie for any worus uttered in debate, were carried by a large majority. FISANC1AL AND COM SIKH CIA L. LoxnoN. Anrit 4 A. M.

ConoIs93 formoupy; 93j9 on account; bonds "-nu avs I iiunois i-emrai yi. London. March 2Gp. m. Consols f)3 lormoncy, aud 93 on account; bonoe line loft; Illinois ueainti LrvEiiPooL, April 4 11:15 a.

m. Cotton excited and advancing; uplands on ihe spot and to arrive 12d; Orleans brca stuff? quiet. Liverpool, April A P. st, Cotton closed buovant at au advance: Fak-s 20,000 bale uplands, on th- spot, at i2al2jii; lo urn ye at ur.cana lu'iiu. rutK urme att)23ea.

Lard tirmer at us bd. Tallow 45. London. Annl 4 A dispatch from Antwerp tins evening quotes peiroit-um (iuu ui 41 WEST INDIES. Royal Institute Professors Unpaid -Uap'ismal Refutation.

Incendiarism Death of an American. Havana, April 3 Tbe Professors iu the Royal lustitute have not been paid for five months. The chairs ot Philosophy and turcs have been moved aud the students in the university course are now obliged to go to Madrid. Chmameu desiring baptism, havr. to obtain a residence and pnscnt a photograph, together withawritteu petition to that effect.

This is a recent order of the Bishops, promul gated tor the purpose of preventing a second administration of the sacrament to the turn-1 peison. It is believed that the recent fires on the plantations which have been of lato extending, are due to incendiarism. When the choleia made its appearance at Manzauillo, one American aboard ihe b'-ig Anna disd. Tin- vessel had bet-u quarantined St. Thcmas advices to March 15: say thm-havc been uo new oases of ehoh r.i since th-7th.

Clean bills of health aic now issued to all vessels. Advices from Porto liico to March 2Sih state tnat a shock of au earthquake was fVlt on the 23d. ii rants "EOH Tmi OF TTI2 VSTiTSA SrA'-'-S. BY RIVER-PCiLn. NEW Per Richniond-I bxs sorp.v HodKln-on I bi'i ovstcis.

Simmons -1 ikix, Gea Sniall-4 pkzs sr- I) Ber.cdi. Son 29 wool.Biirta Brouell-b'-ii Bondnrant Tolil5 qr ejistf and 21 ease? wine, Scbroilt t- Coldw.iy iOQ eases and 10 qr casKS ii hfca ks and 25 baskets wine, a Zauone e.ise limiors. PMl Lott-h 1 b'l wlni' and utsu, V. Zinsdano rolls ath-r, J. Morrill ccj I pips iruits 1" -m ul Sukgs, A liuljit pktrs.

lut t1 Whaley 1 ok wool, Wirren, Milctietl -10 tihia swi-c, pQiatoe t' Calkins mi aiilc, ItutTman lii lo, Gregory co 3 pkss nu -s, P-2 Wm Ball 1 aqiI 1 ki)g 50 bundles blues, JuLu "Wtiitc co. Wotice. rVLTMPIC BASE BALL hercbv intarmed tlni an adlonrue.1 ineeuiiE be held to-nicbt, at Urn office 01 the Central Pai uenircr Railroad, on Fourth s-tre t. at 9'tlii prompt attendance ts desired. By order of the Vic -iiehiueui.

dl HASTINGS, Secretary. B7 GSO. W. WOSIACK, Auction and Comnrission Mercliaut. tics-room 1,3 Main bet.

Fourth nnd Bullitt, TOBACCO, SNUKFi aud CIGARS. fTS 7TESDAY MORS'XG, April 7, atlO o'clock, at my saica room, tu ue tuiu at auction TOBACCO. 21 qr boxes "Mac. Yoke" Virginia tobacc 10 hf Atlantic Cable Coil 10 hf Ifovat Arch (flne 53pkfrs MUsourl and Kentucky in caddies, ir and III uxs. SNUFF.

5 cases in botlle; 5 cusrs in boxc-: 5 cases in papers. CICi AKS. 5.001 La 3,003 La Patt'; 5.000 La 5.U01 Henry Clar: 5,00 La Coali; H.OQO La cairo; rariacas. Ad well-known brands to the trade, -teases extra One Co uecticut Sed Leaf r-uttttrur' 1 lot or 43 oarrcls Copper Whisky, lu bond, iron co. I lot of 10 tiarrcls Copp "Whisky, veryeuperior, tw 1 hts wtits'kv wi I he.

aoid nl 19 pvirllr. C.msia'.ments of all cntties ot to ids solicited and proiypt atteutfon guaranteed to sales and speedy n. turns 01 net proce as. apO II. A.

K.E RA'-'TEH. Auctioneer. White 100 Barre'sjust rcceivnl an (or sale by I'll Ml. np3 do yt ana vvi csi iittun si Guano, Plaster, EUavc in stirc. and will sell, by dray or carload, at reduced, prices.

pure Peruvian Guano; 30,000 'ipsum or jbaiid Plaster; 15,000 Gronutl Bones; 10,000 Naper-phospliate of JLime Send tor circular certtucates, direction for usttip. mli5 dtt iiaiu, bet. Third it Fourth, Louisville. Ky. CXHIIIEitiT, Plaster and Fire brick.

Louisville Cement Water Power 1 19 West Mniu Strrct. bewen Third and Patented October 9, 1S67 Six Distinct Claims Patented on Dodge's Perfect Plow Tt is of urent srremrth nnd durability, ts I SLCFdSSflUl.;; in constrnenoa cnaiBbuiM, Vbo'ib aw oii witb cast- tail be Smnjcd to a, wf on or-nb-so il I- on Hla1dbo'iril. point nnd nil renew-ntili. Mnterinl nnd ore iht bcstT rt is hipbly polisbed nnd ol ereul nr.

"gfsSWrloSlSS fe'SSUr betore b) to an Inferior article. Sole Manufacturers' -U. TTv Ponrtb street opposite Uentri! UarKBl. Jtiia riixuntw to; 50c. Pre Rir tri sent Dree.

AddresB K. ulul ft CO. Stencil Brand! Oat to OrdeJ a exited rnd 1c hichc; sal. 1.900 ChanKe; sules 6 SUO bhlr. Ca-ltornia 'flonr un- cuansed; sales a-Ttl sacics.

Boor nncbaneea; sates Coiixmeal Qniet. wiusET-2somi al e.Rvi lieeeipta wrear. dufii: marker quter. one sny uecateo cnanffe; saiei iH.ou.' nusli at 2 CO California, and privji'- turns. qniet.

iwriey unci naney man ami. cipt; bnsh; mnrkel op: ned a shade firmer, ati 1 closed dull ttu'li at for new mixed lVcstrrn afloat. 1 27 tor old uo ee-livered, 51 lSHl 23 Tor wtiile Wester aid b-'ii'hein, 2551 'or ytllo "ft'estrrn mid Outbern. Ke-cel ts oats, marke wittiont change; antes busli a- STiftSSc for Western iu stoic. Giiockk es ee quiet a lOJsffillc ior Cotree aim.

Sagarsteadv; sale? IfiOhbds Cuba utlO (T-lle. et. Hops Qiiicl ut Uh. Victor Amclcati. PKTKi'tKrM-DaU at l2c for crude, lor re-flueu in bon-t.

t'OAL Quiet. KATrfEu-Hem oek sole firm at GK23c lor TJuene-s Ayrcs light weiilits. Wool inn; pounds at lor do-metc fleece. Pi.ovisio.v5 Pork qu'ct, aud shade fiimer; s.Qt2,7 75 for new ess, os-Ing ai c.ish: 00S2i 37 tor oh' closing, 3:, regular; jao 7551,21 25 for prime: fJS-JS for i.iim.- iflt-si: (i 2.t)bMa new May, ai Beef firm; sale SIO bbl--, at 00tv3( CO tor plai'i me: l'i aOsisCi 30 new extra also at fSGS- for prime mess, aud India nt' ss. Beef bftms lower: Mies 01 ISO bis at 1'acm flim acd nn-p' active: sabs 01 box--S al Uic tor Cue.ib rtar.d cat, it.r;Uo nb.

'ut meats sn-ady; sat ol iikiis u' bwll for sboubb rs. and f.r lu ms. L.rd a shade tirmer; il -s ot 53) 15H rS17 'alter rice ior ctioiee "k- ttie rendered; a-so. 23 sellpr May, He. lir riEK eady al 2tl.40c for Ohio, and 4.6t.M)e ior Slate. -Pteadv at lS-Sific. To Liv 1 pool lower, wllh eu-r'seiiiPnts wueit.per suit, ht 3d. vnfl, corn, Gd I.T1ST. FLOrn Dull and Se lower Gkaix Wheat more st can with an curort demand, ocean freiir its havirsr dccllaed. live quiet at U5 rWesren.

its qii.ct at lor -tore. Corn ilall and liavv at $1 aotSl C3 ior new nixed A'et'cn all oat. -4 lor OtU rt- in Store. Pi.ovtsio.vs-t'ork firmer ont "sab1 Is ne- nu-- 'i2H(3i5 caslu -5 TStiio cum-lar; iv -or se lor May; Beei qnier aid steidv i meais qui aad unc allied. Bucon II ia lair r.t ISC tor Cumbe: land cut.

tlraier wiv.i a dem and atlfi-v-i l7e. TSW TOSK STDCa AND MUNE MAKKiET. iiw J- j' 4. The week c'ose; wi'b a uddeu chanjre in tin ney from se-U stnncer.ey 'o eomp iratle ea.e. t-Jailv in day there v.

ere ftw lean- ai in interest, and itt soai Instances i-Spt-r cent, paid in currency f-'r two days, tmt alt iln: en the street cili to im-reae. and beii.j-e 3 lite broker- got supprl 7 per nt. eurrei.c ih soirtu tisctipilou; lav; business teat, utter 1 ours Loias were mado on GovernmeMs at 'j to 4 per cen 'the lea inc br--k rs rarrled ov.t birder balances tli -ia of late, beb.p naablo to lead moLe a lei nVioek. 1 h- ink st-iteain; jre uatavora dc thaa was ipaled. WEESLT BASK rTATESIET.

rtrert.ise V. LCiinS Specie decrease Cii-culatiun Deposits .1 enoers Leal Teu.iei-s d-crease Su-rliei; quiet at for prime Go.d llnner. nnenuiir hi 1S-i 1SSX- A ereat amount or borrowed itoih called in tae to tn-re ise in n- reserve der.i.r; 1 Ttie ttTei shoni, by a decline ior cany ins uva 4 1-r n'. p. rdietu p-re ut.per Governments coujiaerabiy better, clGsiu" ve-v strouir.

henry C'ews A inrnbh tho annexed lions; I'oepons "St. 110 ail'1- (1 new, do Expoits sold lo-day Iur the week, vct uwJiv on the eu unprovemor mo-i i 'fru' Tue marked 1 at ot 'he .1 l'e-iv i. 1-' wli1t.h und-r to aten Penmsalar snd itncutal ronif-ur would -eon eiVx laite scn-w s-eameri on the Wte trum u. ExmCss. (Pc.

71. MeTChatit I wm, QtdcKsiiver, 34Vc-i3't: Mariposa, ti t'amle M-i do.STlH,; 1V( stern rnu-n. N'-w Ye.k t'emral, 1 Krx-, preteri-ed itntson. Koa.rbisi. tu SGTv ubio and Mississippi Ceitilicates.

Ui1. Michigan Central. M'cbiaan utlien. (rcOI: Illinois Central lrV-tllO: I'lttshurc. id-.

Ififilu5: ifucS lsia-td, 95 do Fort 1 lul; and Er-c, p-i" te red, So: Wabash, t. pn-terr. 7 ai.d Ahuri, 120, new Teuues-e. Or'-j. Mloilis: to-day r.i' 74.1 do for week 20 .3 2 Pavuients to-dav 2 Do for wo- 24.1.;: Balance 7.WI.5 imposts for the wees.

Pre Od $3 0." 3 I mcrctiaudtse S.r. NKW VOHIi DKV GOODS MAKKKt New York. April t. The market cotton iroods iiu-t fx: lleavj- sheeiinc nest iit 1 rquest at lsd.i!9 woh only nnh-r "i mg. Prin in iUiu loekaiid aimiUe-' de and wiib a strong upw rd endenev; Spraffiie's e'lle il MilWr HI.

norm's; flu ek I I3--e. (ibiUii-tm-t -alcalde at ISc for Lancaster, -fi1 GInscow. Tin.l for ILirtf-rd. -dene- ed ai 17c. but tikely to -laiuo? als- drprei-'-'-d and iu--et a -mt ted I m.

IPC. llti a bed mu- a re in reipi si a tiie -c Is upward; ev York Mil se ree and wauieil Stir; 39 u-dale Hill's St mper in Mi IV -ll am 'Jc; alt inch mi- i 55r. Tort i-n futie.y O.Is in ood dt bri re'tet- o.en- wuhout nl cunth 11 depn sj. Ci pt 01 ehei 1 1 c-o: nnesl material, which ure in flues', at pi-n -v CHICAGO MAKKK'I 'nicioo.

AitH Floch Pnli at "A-110 75 tor rins: xtra-. GKaiN" AVlicat quiet but nie nn, cf No. I at $2 nl 2 at t. 1 H.iy-'l SJ for 3 Com iilo.It-rrir.-iv a -'iv. Of No.

at 4y Sti No. 3 at tvw T- 'v, a td rtjeef 1 at at Is" t-r now. Cats Uiet at for reuu ar tyh: fresh qnie' i $1 iiOaud 0.3;.l$t Il iVv mi'et -Mi No.2 tLoni $3 35 3 ceor ai I'novis oss with an inv a i'2t 0 t. uu-- at $21 50. Lard at Hie.

fiu'k ai tid a.tivr. live "Cgs G- od 10 lir.a eomnion a -t-ati" Imu-t; sab-- at 1 1 (ii ti5 10 -S 5 fji- fair 10 75 for good choice. Ukey Ca itl-. 1)ii I and noiithia! at nr to l.o -d sle i.ECKU-ri 5 TThl tibia Uon7.lO.vGO eoi 11. 11 islt.

oats. l.H-nve a nit'Mirs H.194 i Slow, wl.eai, J7 com, 8,011. ousu oats. 1,376 1 ve hffs. 5.T.

LtrUlr- -T l.ovis. April Tot-AC-O Low- Inns 4V fh1 erina 12 i'ie, lu Un lea lfi c. Cotton tnaud od but toek verv L'irit de fti erflnc $7- extra ra 35- hull and all grades below ehiec de-clncttp'ime and choke winter -prn -r $3 OS-'-t Con: dit and dec in WS 1 aii dul! fid dr opinsr nt 73t.e73c. lo in-i wifu 01-fei-i-d, lbtrley No neiiMiid; small stile- ot 1 iee sp: inz to al $2 W. dull and michamretl at 5) 1 GO.

Provisions Excited -nd hither, with an im- demur. P.Tk a to $33 5-1 Jti. Itull; meat-i sold at 10 tor sh tilde rs; rio s-Ll Hie; el. Lard ujehamied at 10c iur choice and kettle. Catti.k scarce and hi-her ai Pji.9c.

sros-; mmoi! to 5 7e. mikep Ste i at gross. I eckiits a.ti.'O bbls. ih.ur, O.OOfl bn-h. whoa.

R.V'i 0 biisb. corn. oat-, l.GW busii. ba lev, 7 1 ye. Vcath and warmer, but very windy.

CINCINNATI ft! A UK Fr.orn Dull and prices Gi: ix -Wheat dull and prices tower; No. at $2 il. in ilemanii at SSc for far, 1 at ad-vaneeil to 75c No. 1. lire advanced to $1 t-5.

unchanjt' rt au-J quiet. Toiiac-co Dull and prices lower; sales of G9 hh s. Cottox-Is held hliilier, and mMdJlns sold at 3h but noicer Speculators; se. un-wiliin'iio operate, so that the biiiintiss d'Le was small. pork Vn dtmrnd at not cfterin; to sol Balk ui t'bd aud not mud! cdlcnr.g; hiiiher rates askeu nnd it i rtitflcud to eive Shoul- er- a held at tiie; sides sold at 1 arstdes 1 nV.

Bacon and i-ot niuch (ferine; -houldns eorj.l no" have lion "lit hclow- I2.c, rib e' sic-; 1315 Vo, unci clear tlo 1BU: tn-t ter demand alter 11. Liverpool advietf. and .11 l3c. BfTTKn Firm at 4a-50c. IEgos-ISj.

SEEDclover vrrv dull r-nd piicfw neininsi; i.w sold nt 10c. but 'licie is haidlv anv de nai d. it ret'idlniT at lOf-jUIIc. No clia-ff" iiT'iiuo liv; "-niaM sa'e- at 2 35. Ilay dn lat 011 at rival.

Gold ISs hoy ins. SAS FUASCX5CO MAP.KET. Pax Ftiaxcisco. Ai rd i. FLOrn uull.

StocS of t-tate reported on first in- tim at 01 I EOAl. 1 KSP Tu commen aavs have been cba the 13tn to tbe 2uth oi each month banks reai ter close a a o'clock p. i ecard to the sainiiu of steame Mr: -Activ prices ve or Cr Point aic Norcross. s0t' Alpha. (Jouudeuce.

HQ: Iminrl.i f-ava-jc. ITS: Empire Mill- K23. ftJLLADliLl'UlA MAKKCii PHTLAnKi.i'ii CiV.T vcrv dutl: S7 UX- 0.) is -f'lr drmlr: red. $2 Provisions-Lcchan-jed. NEVf OKL1-ANS MAKKET.

New Ori.k-s. April 4. COTTON Very excited and tied: sales 5H3 bales at 33c: receiptf, 2,709 haled; cxjior j.jjg bales. Fx. 'trit-Itt zood demand; taptrtlnc, $t0; XX.

m-XXX, $12. Grain Ctu market nearly mixea, 10, Peovisi cs advanced to Bicon active and hifihcr; dear sid. 17-L'c. Laid 'ieiLC. 17j4i7sfc; kep.

17V(Vc. Go: I erlisir, bank, 1 19 150: ommerc tl 140,7 1 ll. Nea i'orkiisut crsctiangc -v per cj.j.1. pr c-m um. BAL'lIMOHE MARKET.

LTiaoiJE. Ap il4 Fi.orn -Activ and firm. GRAi.v-Vihea: Corn firm; white, iCftl It-Veiiow, $1 30. str at $1 ST) Piicvisioxs Mes-perk firm at 35 75v2S Lard reyucsi at 17c esc-t- and advanein-- lib Miles, '54c; clear rib, tlK.uldeis,13k; MAKKET. Memphis, April 4 i 5jc; rc-ipts, Cottox- Excited; holders '-s: oa es.

FLOn: Dull; Miperlire fS. 'ess pork, $27. Diecn. 'hnnbler'j liiV'-lSC; clear sid-s. He.

shouiders, lt'c: clear tides. Use. Lard.i;!.''l?c. Uitiix oorit, $1. oats PITTSBUilG Oil.

PiTTsnuEO. April 5. rude oil market dull and piiees steaav, S'c tor first water. Ketlned lu bc-nd and prices uu- TCOS. PEAItSOX.

s. s. MEODIS. PSAESGN MSDDIS, Slock and Bond Broicrs, Real Estate Agfiits am! Juctioueers, f-vi-TIt-E-X'). 150 MAIN STT.EET.

over Morton f.nll- Co. fra 3m--t hi. FBRTILlZBRg. 50 Tors Ammouiated Kaper Phosplitite ol Lime the Best aud Caeajiest fertilizer in use. It is equal 10 ihn best Pertiritin irimno and tlo-s uot cost Unit ns luncb.

It will return to tne tHrmer -re doub'e its expense in tue increase ot crop. I it dniabte as cr tnizer used- Price per ton, juice per 100 ponuds, S3 5c- 100 Barrels and Plaster. Seed Corn. 100 bags fine Seed Coru. lomsville, Ky.

PRESIDENT'S COUNSEL TO ASK FURTHER TIME. What Will be ProrcH by "Black," Increase of the Public Debt. ESCAPE 0E ST. LEGES GRENFELl) TflE NATURALIZATION QUESTION Indications that England will Accept the United States Law. THE NATO" SAL IZATION QUESTION.

-Washington, April 4. The President today sent to tbe House a reply to a resolution or report from the Secretary oi State in relation to. negotiations aud treaties with any of the German States since the 1st of January last, relating lo the right of naturalized citizens. In oue ot the letters from Bancroft, January 20tb, he says: Count Bismarck the British Government has inquired of him as to the answer of the Prus-sniE Government ou the subject of naturali zation, in reply tie mtormeu tnem ot tne intention of this Government to corue to an undeistandlutr with that ot America. The remarks oi Count Bismarck implied that the ijriusu eioverument is inclined to Jonowr me example ol and that a settlement of the question here will virtually he a settlement lor Great Britaiu: Si-ward lo Bancrott.

February 13th, says: "I have iDtorinally surrested to the British Minister here, that a proceeding in torm, mutual or common legislation jo the two countries would be more simple, and probably easier thau a formal negotiation on the naturalization laws exist iue between the United Stales and those of the two Governments, inasmuch as there are so many other questions which urgently require setrlement between the United Slates and Great Britain, besides tbe conflict imr naturalization laws." The documents include a copy ot the treaty rec-iiLiy cuciuueu uciwesn luc umrea aiuics ana inc ftonu berman ooniederutioa. I iui uislujj ui 1 tbe negotton, says on the question ot the rich: oi expatriation, that there was no dis cu-siou; that it is recognized by the laws of DOtn countries, un me question ot residence as a condition naturalization, which the mother country should respect, there existed no difference. The time of residence was a point ot more delicacy. The Prussian law required an absence of ten years; i ours ii resilience ui nve yars. wuu rules as u.ta rece.vea me sauction ot tne administration at Washington, and had become fixed by the usage of more than three score years and ten.

lisucrott says stiouLu the United States "ec fit. as it proposed lately in an act of July 17, ISG'J, to coucede the naturalization on a short residence, their right to no so is nut impaired; but the meauimr of this treaty is that they will uot ask No. th Germany to recouize such naturalization until the adopted citizens shad have completed the term now required by their uormal laws. THE PUBLIC DEBT. The warrants issued by the Treasury Department to meet the requirements of tbe Government during Mach, amount to exclusive of the redemption of the public debt.

The usual public debt statement will not be ready tor publication till Monday. EECEIPTS OF CUSTOMS for the week ending March 31 were $5,001,009. CUEEETJCY STATEMENT. Fractional currency issued during the week. 401.000; amount shipped, United States notes shipped, National Bank notes i-sued 840; am -unt lu circulation, fractional currency destroyed, $495,000 Receipts of internal revenue for the week, $5,808,704.

INDIAN COMMISSION. The President yesterday appointed Hon. N. G. Taylor Commissioner of Indian Affairs; A G.

Bsone, Special Indian Agent; and Geo. C. St iw, Indiau Agent, a commission to negotiate with the Great and Little Osage tribes. Mr. Clever, delegate from New Mexico, called on the President this morning accompanied by two of the Pueblo, New Mexico, tribes ot Indians.

ASSISTANT TBEASUREB VAN DTKE having been summoned to appear before the impeachment managers was examined by them this, morning. THE DEFENCE TO MOVE FOE FUBTBEK DELAY. New Apr il 4 A special says it is now understood that it is the intention of the defence, when tbe prosecution rest their case, to move a further delay ot a week or tea d.iys, on the ground of need for preparation oi the openmer anruuicnt and tue piodnction ot wUtitssps. is pretty etitain that the request, if mode, will be denud. WHAT THEY WILL PBOVE BY MACK.

The counsel for the defence have applied for and obtained the issue of a subpoena for "Mack" oi the Cincinnati Commercial, lo impt'iu as a witness ou behall of the Pre-i d. nt It is expected that lie will testify to fhe fact that previous io the final removal of Stanton, the President defended himself airaiost the charge of conspiracy, which was then made against him, and now forms the chicl point ol the impeachment articles. He will he used by the prosecution on the cross examination io snow mat tne atpsiii em de nounced Congress in private as well as in public. ISCREASE OF TBI PUBLIC DEBT. A special states that Ihe public debt state ment v.ill be issued aud will show a slight increase.

GOING HOME TO VOTE. A large number of leaves of absence arc heinc granted iu the several departments to clerks who eiatm residence lu Connecticut allow them to tro home to vote. EEDUCTlON OF CLEBICAL FORCE, to The process of reducing the clerical foice ot tue uepartmeut is now goim on. About a dozen female clerks and-copy ists were discharged a day or two airo. and many more have been notified that-tney will be discharged.

ESCAPE OF COL. ST. LEGER GBENFELD, The rebel Col. Grenfeld has escaped from the Dry lonugas, wnere ue was senrenced for lite on conviction of conspiracy with others to burn tne cines oi cnicugo una uut- fulo and effect the release of the rebel pro oners couuneu at camp uouiiias. ST.

I0ITI3. The Bridge over the Missouri The I'eace Acquittal The Ai'Buusas isiecnou. St. Louis, April 4. An Omaha dispatch of yesreraay says tne Indian peace commission left lor tbe North Platte at 5 o'clock.

The Omha delegation, who have been lor several weeks past in New York, arranging the final location for the railroad bridge across the Missouri, returned They report the mirsion a compters success. mam high bridge, two thousand five hundred feet loug, will be built on high ground in the southern irt of the city. The structure1 is to be of gtauite. with a foundation superstructure ot iron, ihe estimated cost is two million dol lnrs. and will be finished in ahont two vears, The company will commence work as soon as puss'Oie.

tbe granite will be hauled Jrom the Kockv monutams The Denver papers report that Ryuerson who killed Chiel Justice Slotigb.of New Mex ico, last tall, has been cleared by a jury. The western mails are still behind, detained bv the snow in the mountains. xne Democrat oi mis morning contains tne lonuwim uispjicu: Little Rock, April 3. The entire Republican State ticket is elect ed by more than (hree thousand mtjorify. The L' gislainre orcrauized yesterday Maior John JS.

Garber was elected President ot the Si-rate aud John G. Price, editor of ine K' pu oiican, speauer ot me ine constitutional amendment will be adopted io day. MEMPHIS. The Arkansas Election Nesroes the Ge'Tal As-embly The Leg i si situ re Kefa ed Adm ss on to the Cap itol The Doors Uroken Onen The Hunse Raufie.1 the 14tti Amendment he Senate Jf eiuse io Concur. Memphis, April 4 The Avalanche's Little Rock special to day says the heavy majorities irom Puloeki and JeuVrson counties make the result ot the election doubt'ni, both par ties claiming ir.

General Gillem's fi.n announcing the result alone can deride it. In the elect iou for the uewLegiflature, cot two thousand whites voted, mere is one in the Senate and five in the House. The Superintendent of the Public Buildings refused to give up the keys of the capitol, which was entered at Dight and the doors thrown corn. Tbe House ordered the arrest of the Superintendent, but it has not been ct- lected, tuoucn lie is aiuiy uu inesircei. The House ratified the fourteenth article of the constitution yesterday, but the Senate refused, because no official proclamation, had been made oi fhe result of the election.

Iu response to telegrams from State officials, Gen. Gillem says he has no authority to prevent the peaceful" assemblage of the Legislature and the occupancy of the capitol bv it. SANDUSKY. Resumption ot I ake Navigation-Heavy Snow Aprii 4 -Reamer Island Buecu, which orrived here yesterday from etroit, reports very little icn in? the lake. She will now run regularly.

Boats are now making daily trips to the navigation is fairly open. Weather: cold. A heavy snow-storm has been 'pre-Vailing, all morning. JACKSON. The Session of the 8u -preme -tnrt, Jackson.

AnHl 4 In the Convention to- reading 'wtthoiic. change' from pieyioui Court of MissieslDDl. recent reorproized' meets in tbjg city nest Monday. APKILS.1S68. -WASHINTOtf.

THE ASuLET-IIOLT-COPVER CONSPIMCY TO BiS DEVELOPED. The Evidence Mcnse. for the 'EVERT CH.U.'Cr& TO BE SUCCESSFULLY MET. His CeaBSCI Sanguine of Acquittal. A plot to Vni Kentucky and Slary-land luder Radical Misrule.

Irovisions of, tiie 14th Amend-mendment to be Opposed. PROitHiVEAT RADICAL OS GRAST, He Thinks Grant Has Committed Han Jvari. I special TekYjrapt.ic Correspondence ol tbe Lools-1 villc Conner. 1 THE AHLBT, HOLT O. COXSPI It ACT.

Washington, A-jnl 5. There arc minors that the Lie's onrcctcd with lie alicgcd conepirncy or Ashley, Holt, Conovcr Co. against IhePree- id'iit last year may be developed dnrir the Judge Stnnbmy was bnsy to-day ov.n hauling- the trial and oilier iccor', it is surmised it is for tine purple. SlauJon knows the secret history ol tbe sEaiis in n-Mch thfse worthies were imolicUeu, but he will not be called. To the defense, for In the event he Bwore tart ly, they could not coctradict bis testimony it believed, however, the facts ccn be eetab lished by other Bnd morf! reputable wilncESes.

DCClTaiBNTAltT EVIDENCE. Aiuo tbe dociiiueatary evidence to be pre. 6t nud by the defense, will be the President' vcic of the original Fretrdneu'e Bureau bill, which couJerred on the Executive such vast patrona, and which he declined This is intended rebut the cnurfre that be usurped power. ritESIDENT'c COUNSEL CONFIDENT. Ills counsel have no (ear of encecesinlly meetirg cvry charge and pretext of charce in toe articlts of imj eactiment.

Tiny are bis acquittal. KENTUCKY AND SI A It YX AND TO BE PLACED UNDEB RADICAL JtDLE. Ei-Hctl leaders are euyaped with parties iroui Kentucky and Maryland iirranslDs pre-limmarica lor the lu: tire action in tiiose Tcey arc to be placed under Radical The is noi et tuV-y but it is known that iinm. rliately on tbe promulgation oi tbe adoption of the lonrtcntb. as part ol iLe Coasinui'tD, which will soon he done, i's provisions will at once be applied to tficii b.jtes, vuic3, nmong other I v-ii! reJctv Cieir repreeuiation in Conines.

What may b-j to pal ar the tect 'i). If ic .1 ir will not be lul'y de.ermiced iht tria is over. OUANT COMMITS DAEI EAIU. A oixe a Speaker of the -ayst bad enough -cr b- under the flu. tree of Washbur.e., ii; by bitns- if 'be arms of Built aj2i rsaica b-.

crr.i hits ban kan. Cit-z'n-of Alexandria Ineltsrirj'e to UiiK-e mcoci-'s Headquarters JS'ot t-i t- si.tbltslitU Oil I ll itnesses Sunimoutd Dv ihe 1'ieMdeut. Washington, Aprils. MTMCIPAL ELECTION. Tlr 3sf O'L'r of V- the oscT-piioa of cicb; tz or will be susirLCue-J ri- 2 eniaianfirr of or tli' ciu take iht tet 'i; -trc2Ct in fiiiins ihr--na iroti; wbiie cuiz- of Al- sau- IO Wr.

ncirly all vottd iur ilic- oraicsnce of bus act yet uni the vs. So fjr rjr: bi'L-ti iiiT'. n-in te, ERiL DANCOCK c. the location of bi WITNESSES. 'a witaf bavo counsel HEW YOfiS.

Arrival of Ttic Erie Case Jay Reicaf L-d ou a r.t of Uabeas Corpus. Sew ro2K. The from Br. The jgJ SDUtbampion tb, C4 arrived io-djy. SLie Lhus 63, (XO Ju-c urjjr j.

of tbe Sapreme in Lt Eric (--c, veseriay alteruO'jn ctridfd, after fviiaidi-rdble sparriu on (be Tart of tb cTj-el. that Mr J.ty Goiv, tbe- D.rrclur. te-terda in Albanv. tj. fi niwfcr.1- tiie irjtirr.icalories L-v "ti' ci 13 Liisi.

i.lcI b-i him in 5,000 bouds wUi iwo upon the adlonrntDPnt of tie r-ourT a Trri: ba'eji co-p'ns w-us iU'jd by Hrrcti, the C-jnrt of CommoL a-jd wa ferved upon tbe sherifl" iu (ion c'b r-' atu whole party adjonmed to ibe of the Court oi Common Pii-3-. a leutliy arsrumcn; in re-LMid the k-al itaiur ot tbe case, iiarn-t dcfided to release (ioold from tbe lUstodvut the sberiff place bim v- cburge oi au officer ot tbe Court of Common Picas. ST. LOXTIsT Side of the Dispnteh Kcturn or Oeu. Carl ca her.

Newspaper Scttu Cold St. Louis, April 5 The Dispatch of tbis city bag b' rii pur ImH'd by Peter Foy II MehL-n'-y, mid will be conducted beivu'UT a Dt iiioi-rutic aper. Mr. Foy was lUt: utor vi ibt some ars ago. and Iur four years priccdin last Jlay wa- Post inastt oi this city.

was for a lon-r ime comiecl-od in au editorial capacity with tbe St. Lout R-pubbcau. Both art- Uue wiitrrs. and have bad a trood deal of newspaper experience ti- ti Cail Sfbuiz has returned borne trom bi.s Eiiron an tour. Th ek here Inst right, and rc-maiiied in the -tn et up to noon today, whire not to the sun.

Nesro Miners, on a Mril.e- -Riot Ap-prcheixH-d Kioto r- Kicn.MOND, Aj) il 4 A tcbymtn io tbe Dnuic.i fii.v?- a not i apprehended at -uuir w. About 2o0 srue5i vr i.ih. was-, and io-ila, wiiiif itl ot number ot inlo'u ii'jbt wiih a lute tu Ti.t? ncf-ro 1ms dir-'Pi, an and hip are now hunting the neighborhood with thn-ats awainEt all -s ItL- is found alive. The blacks art- no 11 o'clock) iberv on a hill near the pi if. inopii have been tent iorirom Ric'aiiond.

IIicdmond, April 5. Tli- rouble at tlx- Midlothian pits yfbter-da qu el, down after ibearnval ol a squad oi ciiva'rv. Mimjiiv NASHVILLE. ci Itev. lir.

muvcII Disastrous Fire April 5 Dr. Robert Howell, a disLhiguishe.l Baptist died to-day at t.ii reMd''iiCein Naghviile, aged years. A disastrous fire occurred at Franklin, Teun at ILo'cU-ck lat night. Some twelve houses ou and aiming the public square, were burnrd oftljrm stores, Luis i s-nma'ed at 00,000110 insurance. Tue fire was.

slid burnim: when the train passed at three o'clock this nioiniug. So from there MElHPHIs!" iiiroad Accident I wo Persons Injured Anost lor Memphis, April 5 The Memphis hound train ou lue utiarieFton raiticaa was tnrown jrom the track on Friday at iidlsboro, A'a. The engineer and one vsere slighl- ly injured and two ears badly damaged. The accident, was caused by a rail shpniug.

Tip Ki-Ids, bjok-becper ior Vilii3m3 Lunl, lumber dealers, was anested last night, Ciiargeu iiu i.iiii urn; luuusaou uoi lars. HAREIaBITitG Death ot Thomas Ilanlou Arrival of Lieu, snermuii. IIabrisbubg, Apri! 5 Thomas Hjinlpn, jifruhjii. died 01 ins iniuries luia morning. LIU brother arrival this inorning, and takes kho ttadv to New Tork to-night.

ii-neral Sherman jass- through here this tu-jrumgon U15 way to usumgion. Destrnctiyit t'tp. TJr.TnoiT Aprii J5- The upper portion of bv Atioutt' block, on strcef, wob out )a-l night. Losi to the budding, tw.LO'j; p. jjaldwin and shoe 'unui loss 35,000 jwariy pnyercd by iieurioc "Detroit stove works, vy Batch, produce and commie3ion; damage by water $5,000 insund u.he (il tjje ixre is unknown, but Ijuvl- heen the work ot tin incendiaiy.

EjpiP.s Rubber Senieuccd. Providemr Engley, l.i0. 1 miilty io an mdictmenr for coo-gyii mg to 'he. M-rehnnts' Union Express' Comjiany of 00,000, was yesterday Bcntcuced Xv tight months iwpiUouicat. KiYe-rwcnrl I'Sl lin Five-twenties, ion t-'iv -tweaties.

is4 107 usvj :iv.l- iU Fho-rwcntics, 1SG7 lMt-v 107, Vftn-torrti 100 1Q0K ieven-thirtte5 i05 i05 at the Slate Department, of all the removals and appointments of the heads depart ments made since tbe beginning of the Government, speciiyintr whether the Senate was iu session at the vinous dates. Sp-direct During the past 3-1 Years the np. point men ts as Assistant Secretary of Slate have always been made in consequcucc ot the absence ot the Secretary. question, irom wnom aia tue letiers ot authority c.uie, was objected to by Mr. Jivarts, he mamtaniitig that, proot of the authority by which the appointments were made must be in wntiny.

Alter considerable parley Mr. Butler said the treuthman ou the opposite side seemed disposed to make him taik an hour befoie he closed. Ttie question being modified, was answered tha' the leLter ot authority came from the President Re-cross examination Witness, did not know whether tbe one head ol tbe depart ment specified as removed, while tbe Senate was in session in eighteen hundred, had previously ictused to resizru. Mr. BUTLER then offered extracts from the published wnrlt of John Adams, purports tr to be the letters which passed between Timothy Pickering, Secretary, and President Adams.

No objection. The managers then put in evidence the executive journal of tbu Senate lor May 12, 1S00. Mr. Crery, Chief Clerk of fhe Treasury Department, was sworn He authenticated the letter of the President to the Secretary of the Treasury, notifying him of the suspension of Stanton and apnointmeut of Grant as Secretary of Wat- ad intenum. August S.

1800, uuder tenure of omce act. uu receipt of this communication it was transmitted by copies to the Counsellor- and Auditor of the Department. Recess of fiiteen minutes. Mr. BOUTVVELL called the attention of tue counsel to various statutes explaining the appointment to oflice oi the Postmaster General in 1(04.

which is specified in ie schedule as made when the Scuate was iu session. Mu WILSON called nttptition to several entiies in tbe Journal oi ISM, showing that the Senate met tielore noou Mk. BJJJGtlAM off-red in evidence the Executive messages to the Senate ot March lotnanrt uecetniier lnru, 1S07 and 13th, 1SGS, iu which the President cives the reason for the suspension from oflicn of several also a communication from the Secretary ol Male accompanying one of the messacc, in which he renorls" the action under the Tenure oi" OOlce l.iw. Mr BUTLER in'orntud the Senate that the cast; on the pji ol the House of Repre sentatives was substantially closed, although they miaht eil! on a few more witnesses Wb03e testimony would be only cumulative. Me CURTIS, on behalf ot the Prpsident's counsel, made a motion that when the court afijourncd to-day it snail oe to Thursday at xi, in oraer to anorti tnun itiree woruin: days in which to prepare their testimony.

He stated they would have much oral testimony to offer, but required time to arrange their documentary evidence. Me. CONN ESS moved the couit adjourn till Wednesday." Mr. JOHNSON offered an amendment, making it Thursday. M.ESSKS.

SUMNER and CAMERON en deavored to interpose remarks, but were ruled out of oitter, and the yeas and nays being taken, resulted 37 to 10 So the court stands adjourned immediately thereafter, at hall-past-3 o'clock, till Monday. HOUSE. Tbe SPEAKER rjresented a messac from the President in relatiou lo the treaty with the German powers rrspeetine naturalization. Referred to ice yommittce on i-oretugn Relations. Also, a resolution of the Georgia Constitu- tional 'Convention; asking the removal of political disabilities in several cases.

Referred to tbe Reconstruction Com mi tee. Also, a resolution of the- Nw England Con-ference-in reference to the state ot the coun try. Same reference. iWB. uttotJ vi ALiij, irom uie uommmec on Accounts, made a report ou the subject ol the mode of lichtiuir the Hall of the Hoise of Representatives, recommending the use of ttie electric mode as used in tht dome.

aside for future action. The House, in Committee of the Whole, proceeded' to the Senate chain 'icr, no business to done on reas(Mnblin2. On rc-asscmbling at half-past three Mr. Wiishburne reported the action of the Senate in adjourn intr as a court until Thursday next. Mn.

ELDRIDGE moved, when the House adjourn to-day, it adjourn to meet Wedues-day ui xt He stated by an adjournment to meet to thlt day the managers would have an opportunity of hriugtug before the House, any proposition tbey 'might' desire lo submit. After discussion, agreed to, and the House adjoui bid to Wednesday. Express Mes-iefig-er Arrested for Robbery Heavy Storm Cur Works Destroyed by ire. Chicago, April 4 J. Whitaker, a messenger in the employ of the Mi-rch uus' Union Express Company, W.

S. G. Herbert, were arrested Brings House yesterday, charged with robbing the Merchants' IXnion Express Company of 520,000. All but about $3,000 of the money w.s found in their possess tou. During last nisht and this morning nearly three inches of snow fell.

Tbe storm appears to huve beet- general throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota. works of the Citv Railroad Company were destroyed by fiic last niaht Loss ou buiidinir and stock fully insured. Two dwelling houses adj were damaged to the extent ot insured. A fire to n'urht in tbe building 210 and 251 south Water street, occupied by Tht rou Meruit, hardware, aud Dy. ei Heillc, commission merchants, dsmage-i the bmidiug and stocks to the extent ol 85,000 Insured.

An Omaha special says a letter from North Platte, ot the 2d, says the Brules uuder Teu Strike aud Sposted Tail, are ready for treaty, but tbe Ogallahu under Turkey Leg, and tbe Cheynnes under Dull Knife, numbering 175 lodges, demand that work tie snpf tided on Smoky Hil route, aud retuse lo come iu. The loss by the burning ot tbe earwoiks of tue uitv linmoau company, tast night, win not ixceed S10.0G0. A dre at Am boy, in this State, Thursday morning, destroyed Wm. Murihe's liquor store and two adjoiuiug buildings. Loss about insured.

EICHMONB. The Convention Military Appointees -rReveuue Officers Indicted. SicniiiD, April 4 In the Convention to-dav a communication was received trom Sebotield approving the ordinance lor the issuance of certificates of indebtedness to pay the expenses ot the Convention. This approval extends to April 6th, and the time ior the redemption ot tne certificates to be nxed hereafter by the Convention. Tney will probably-have to levy a tax ii its session is continued.

The report on representation was adopted. Geo. Sehofleld has made new appointments to the GHy Council. Among them arc the ioUowlns: Collector Slumlord; Alexan der Sharp, Postmaster; and Horace L. Kent, Wm.

C. Allen, George Smith, H. Clinton, all prominent citizens. Lue arund jury uas iouuq irue outs ogamsi about thirty revenue for fraud "tempeiance to-maht. JroceedUpjs ot the Canadian House oi April '4 In the Hdnse of Com mohs.lMr.

Street ihtro'diiced obillto author- the suspension bridge to Clifton, tTne 'bill resbecMntr tiie extradition treatywith' the UnitetrStales passed; iK-a Hput ilhfted stiii In IS-Ve. nan. and sales oi SOcaiks. on orders, astol'ows: si oul.lers clearribbe sides IS-, clears dc 16 S', sonie holders nski-n: advance oa thes P.ain liiinis lGc loose, ulcI ITe.paoke'i, and tanry all in canvas, at at lSki' loose, and life packed. BkeakfastBaco i7 1.

tiie latt'T rale packed. Dkiitd Beef -0 is a's -1 flrmer and pher, ami we quo prime ci'v, kettle-rendered, at lti.QUOYe ti., aud ia ke.i's. SKEDST lie season of active demand is ever, I'lover seed las ine 1 uav ny aud we now quote lo's at ffi 90.i I 15, with sales at 23. Timoth Huiiian m1 mirtc' at $2 50 "Hind re'l -r J2 73, '2 O1.

A round lot iiiji seed wa- oQ'crcd to dealers ot per bnslu to arrive. ST 1 RCIl steady, sa'es in lots of or more 1 orses at small sales at 73i'e. SALT We quote Ohio river and inawlia at 50e pi hitsb.and S'J per bbl ol 7 bush, or OS'J lbs; ury stilt at 25 per bhl, and table, salt at 50 tier bbl. SPICE We nu te as follows: Ca-sia. p' ib, at cloves.

Rlnser, jrroiiti 1 uf-ittes-5 $1 fiO; pimeuto HAGS Buy in ir at 1 to 5r: for elioieo cotton, acdS-'olc ior mixed, Woo.en rays TALLOW We miote III1 In st co'intrv. rendered at lOiilviyie and t-ren 'or. it store, tit rou-ti allow or at 7. WOdL-Tliere ts a fair phivand tor this staple, with stcdyi I-s ni 2o'S2lie, Inelud.UL; SLV innimls -rh or 11 washed, al -50: ai.d p.ouais at S7e, and S25 pound- at 33 to a mamuae or. WHISKY There has en an active Jnqiiii-y ttiis week lor aud copper, the Lu ti -ngjnji frinu to Sic tor ne a in ond ar.d 01 dm nr eta -at Si S5.

Kaw is firmer, and small I t-, Ii ra at 52 'lb. Beetlfle 1 rtuLes irom 2 Sj. WHITE LEAD Wo quol- ttie trade rates of the Ken Lead Wot b- as folio ws, subject 1 the u-iiil ducou-d to deub-rw, i lien oideixd ia lots, 1, tu lbs or ovc: Per Ponud. do 13 Dry White Lead IS Ohio Fails do llc Clifton do Ill Atlanta do I do Mavilower do 7 I'uttyiu Bladders rse Putty tu '5-b Cans f.e I put up in tin a'd nacked in per pound LeuEsrUle Vlarkei. The tobacco market iris been acsiv" md 11: mall Ihe week for all urades, the s-i 'e- -cecdint: aver-aire oi 303 hhds.

per dav, this tu- the lead up; mai tin ihe Tne have it'cluded nc leaf at S.5 lo fill -r, and tte sales ot ihe week hive amounted witb p'lccs ofS'- blids et Ttie sides to-ri-iy were Ut with 1 Te nrtee- raneed as io lows; Mid at .5: a', Xi 4 at fil; 4 at bll; 12 at 75; Jl at Sl'tin 75: iSat 91); 19 at li aigT-c J-J al -J1)-. 19 at aud 3 at 4 B5. Ttie iiiles the tst ot November foot up as fol- Ilhi's. wm 2.17 Pickett wircbonso Ni. tli-slreet IloOTie warehouse Louisville warehouse Total IO.

Mtxpv, March 33. -iit 10 at 20 50 I I at $13:0.0 at JlOiiOTo l' at i-0(0 5, 15 at jtiti 03, la at Prices ranged a 1 I at $10 3d. i at $15 00. a at $1 $1 0012 75.3 it $11 11 .5, I a 3 SO, 13atSSnSO0. IC at 7 95, 1 1 SO, 1 at $3 03.

TrEsriAY. Marcb 21 The prices rnnned as follows; 1 Mid at 75, 2 at $17, 1 t.t SUi 50. 3 at $15 0315 75. 2 at Sll SOfS 1.V:13 50. a' $12dot3 75 30 at 75, ST at 75,20 -it $'J -tO 00, S5 at S.1.

41 at $7 25a 7 at $(iifi al 5 90,1 tit, 1 S3, and 1 at i3 20. Wednesday. Marcli 25. The prices ranged as follows: hb 1 at fifi 0, a at $l-15 4 ill $14'jiU 75. to at fli," 13 75.

21 12 rml'i 75, 2 i at $11(S11 75. 19 at 75 2-1 at $3 1109 90, SO fygS Ui, 10 at D5. 3s at JO 00 -tS 25 at $5Ci 5 33, 6 at 50St4 DO, and 3 at 55 5Uil3 75. Thdes da v. Marc't 2fl.

Prices tanged 's follows 1 bltd at $-3 1 ar- $37 SO, 1 at $27 35,1 at $21 50 2 at 35'-20 75. 75. 4 at 517,17 75, 1 at $15 3.i, ti t15, -I at $13 i.OfilS 75.Ua- 75. Sa at -10 .5. 33 at 70, 20 al S'S SO.

3 at 00. Slat $i36'J3, 12 ftc 77. Feiday. Mnrdi 37 Pries ranged as follows bltd at 5'i, I nt J-3 ut 1 at "ft nt 3D. 1 at $1 1.

2 $13 51, at $1312 75,11 al SltU 75, at I0r-'t. 34 it $1) S3 5 QVOTATIC Linht to Ileaw. tiS-fi "4 7 '-( 0 -SO 10 (I3 75 0t23 (75 Lurs. common Lues, good Leaf, conn. -on Leal, medium Leaf, fair to yood Leaf, Une to Leaf, limey and CotioflAucitoa Sales.

The market has been excited and ndvanrln the ates uunn tin fth offt rlnriun-1 6SJ bale-. Prices b. Ihe Louisville Cottou i ar. BinnL'ton reets. lueiu with bids accented 011 Wi clftaslucauoa ot r.

to Mi.Kll ne Low uilii'iiltic Good Aiidulmir Urdluarv liOinsviile Live -stock Patvbbat. April 1. finELBT SOCSE O. niECn. I'EOS'niilTOE.

Cattle A heave fallinc ofl the snnnrr tin'. week: bebuz much under the 11: -mi. H-si iisiteitei Stufl ifi-ve: to tnott common ami rou -it verv lew suippinz eattic sola. Cood t-ctc-n eiut If In Hogs Verv fe cs at OftTiU'T. W1 qtiot? 1 nt MIkep None Good are ltECErPT3 FOR TIIE WEES 31110, hOCS.

Vd'l SW. SOUTH EN 6TOCE YARD DOX LD30S THOMAS, Tho lll-lrkPl lint lipon r. ennn'iori'ctbe past week, tbonsh ail Inve been solu, and i r. suau- Dcn-r price-, qnne common nd m- rlor3Vt31VC: fair to ciod nriititf f-aTc. 1 hear shipping steers and extra butcher' does JSiS, hogs Have been cood ncmind.

and nro sold re'l. while sboats and tirht hoi-a are rii market. We quote and light hoys hi o-J liuLts-Tti- demand for mules South ti.u h-vn about supnlied, anil lavA peen blit llii (' week. No buvers in tbe market. 1 Battle The supply o- ca Me during the has been verv Hirb', not lufiteienr to mee' the demand: tbo-io otlerin? consisted princip-llv or to co -d toilers sltiPP hi re oillr from Ten -lessee ftH'i Texas, ana so at OJi-ie choice icrincs, U0G3-Are aiso scarce, out as tne nemanti is iiirit.

re is no chausc in Drices. and Uie nivrke! tlni' at Ofi lOHc for fair aO choice qualities, and for stork hosts. Suerp Are in licht supply at for farr to choice (luatitirs. Sales for the aveek Cattle, l-2 bos, G2 hhetp.tlShead. S-ales.

The f.illowins are tbe sales of stock at the I horse an-' male, market, made nt Elias I.l-i.'s an' stable, for the week ending April Hh, 1SE; ack horse i 03, 1 black botsc $95, 1 horse $15, 1 bay mare 1 hav horse I sorrel horse $15, blick liorse fllK, I bay horse 1 bay mare $50,1 dun mare $95. 1 bacey mare 70, 1 bay horse $Si 5t, mute $29 50,1 blaclf horse ii iruess $21, 1 bng-gv $59 50; 1 horse and cart $4J, H-jCtrn $(5, i bav mare 553 1 ro.m horse $fll 1 bay mare $103. i orrel irsc S4', 1 spi ins waeon $65. 1 prav marc $55 50. 1 srini-e wmon 1 brown bavhois horse $29 50, brown colt $75, 1 sorrel 1 orse $2S 5(J.

i el mare $92, lb horse $30,1 sorrel ry s-o hay mare $50, 1 rrel mare $71; bay horse $110, 1 spring "5V black liorse $91 1 sy $3S, 1 black tto'so tt-, i sorrei man- m. 1 bay noi-e 1 roca noise oj, i sorrei norsu bD du. 1 $35. flock sales at A. Owen- Sai? and ai irtvaie sanies wniui; UV; bands his-h.

Cd 3bJ war- 6.1ISS LO eacb: 4 71 CO.aflY. i ZJJlJ 50 each; IS mulea, 1SJ CO each; 5 borses. 14000 Auction b'ack mule, $f5 CO: 1 bavnu.rc ty; i UOY more, C2 UO; dun re, US 00: brown i.iule. 180 0f; 1 dull 03; imUc.OO; dun'; mare, 65 00; 1 brown horse 41 00; 4 cray oa bis BOXD3. Iot sir timp'racLt iii bor.ntv 7-t whan h'J Jofrvllle IL it.

S'J Kv. Stale bonds fnewt t'O Slrctit Uailwnv (citv) 50 (Cen.) 55 "final bonds- si un.s.).. OS 'L. S.

SI. H. (L. 37 ibty oi sch'l purposes mj so Ky. State bonds (oldilUJl arerworKS Sti eet Ilaitwav (eit'u) Canal bonds 75 --leu.

it. uontis Li. ex l-. li.u.isuo nj.

6TOOES. National bask, rlautei-s'. US atik of Ky bank sMtlzons haiii: US Coiniiierch'l lank t-S ir.nk IVi Masonic bnk r. GS Wesi'n Itts.Co.'oauk.. 7S National bk, second.

.103 IlJ'. Hank of it'? Nortliein bank lis Peoiue's bulk ifj Falls Citv Tot), Mrianelal h'k. G3 German Ins. W3 Security bank lt-4 ti- L.tfc b.

Ii. Citizens' K. Central I'as. K.Ii Gas Co. stork l-W Citv Pass.

E. Those nr- seven per cent bonds and are a With Ibe accrued iutercst added Review of the UlarKet. Note. Our quotations arc (he Whole-sale Prices, the ii-j-um-; hoiu" st i ictlv the Cash rare'. All Small Orders aic a fracIKm hi'ier, white eeneral ordars.

with thi Cash are Uiie ur the insme ratey.j in-lit. cunnll -s nf creen. with sales In ctnte at i ner nnrrt-i ior crioiee. GGI Q. TOPI'7 AN 0 TWINE Tbe drmand In nt vet for ihcsc arncic.

p.iu we qn I ei II weiziit rope at in -ma le bannjr twiue al Ijl. and MiASUY- 'rtc quote anib new, 1-1 cucb. a buudy 50 i YA Ac-Holders mr.ntr rt'ore IvanciL-p. .000 at in" entire iraiinsoi v.irn- a 7UJ ut atid cotton n-r iittipwick COL'-'iTRY Pli'UHiCF Wc quote Dried Apples. nr me.

sutrce at burui rates: inferior nominal, at -i io Duied Pe-ciies. t.u-iie letisearceai QtiartirF. and asi-aucfor liriL'ht halves wi il i -lienor ior are uevlea 1 1 ar to Rvtteb. icsb Westcraor New i ori. scarce mid In denied al 4 wiiii-; ion -Is tooOe, a- tonn toeoiiPiiiMcrs.

Vkaxs white ranao iron 25 to 4 DnfO in 1 i KATHEits.pri lot- i inier'or n.aiTtc. Flaxseed can, at per bu hL i-aci ti. lt-u 'c ne--dozrii iu niti. iniiJi ami scire, ai m-wc hi, buy in rate-i EAScroore very scarce at and lOkcper CON" Scarce and demand for II ruri-d frcin watroas at liyIIluc for shoul lens. And I513hc io clear aud haai.

COAL Supply with sales afloat of Pittsbnnr lie. and a -i'lo at 13c. iietaii sales at 2Uc. per bu-b load Ot a busli-del vered. Pomsmvi-nnl lobaatgat an 16c.

at rcUUt. sales at per bushel for bolted, Joose. and $4 7523 pei bul for kiln driett. cncESF and moderate demmd, with i ui tais. at ncl iiainuKi a.

i-ii: luti, mui at ctorj rang; en mm l-iuu jipoie ut f. Kfll.KS AND SOAP Wc continue ro nnr.tP rate tor star candles arc as lollows: I'lUi TVeunt 23Wc: sa'c? Vi oz ITiic, I IS oz in lots Ol -not du noses or more. ales In bait" boxes itt VJe ex ra. and qmrter boxes r.t tc extra; say I9c ftr 13 oz. Mcbi e-mdles.

taliow. Miap pure (Jennau. in lb and -V lb bars, S-'c: rosiu soap 6i-e. palm soap none, Tho demand is limited. We quote UMS at -UC: wm-fcy uuis, riimnon.

ar SI CO, irou-bouni 25: bacon casKs tiercrs 90c Cocpers' stun" Li moderate request us follows- 5-tnvto for whi-ky bhl. per M- hoonpoles, Dcr AI, for stock bh's aud 13 tor whisky bbls, and lihd hoo'upoles S35 peril. ODS Thi woekthe markt ha -taaitv Ilrmness at adv. nciag rate? almost day dav i ol cotton coorfs, while all ur--equaiiv firm, th-msra not ve.v 'Ibe stocks on uauu are i-ur. huh an a'tva re I 1 to I ccuu- oa l- ifuiu i ie io-u-ty tii'lnvi-s: SuEEVirSQ asdsuiutixg tjrcat West ru.

L-icrel HilsTlI bais brands, at 13c Ci lu ii'jiun lfcc: Iaieru Stai-dard at 20c, t', nne, 19c, pepp-iil If, at 1SJ4C 07. atCOc. Hleached Pheetixo ASn bUIRT. isg Xew York Mills Wamsutta 25c; Lonsdale -JlS22c: Hope "(ZlSc. Tickisgs Amos- A A Jihc; uo a L-ouesiosa 4-j me dals 23e: 'Jo i-I extra K.r Twilled 16e.

CAiinTtics-Paper tSisu dored Spool Cottov Coa's dcz SI 00; Clarke's do Si u0. Stuipes i.iiiMin Ho checks cotton flan- 5fiS5c. Prints jlandnrd I3)(a lic; SDraJtne 14Wm1-isc; Jiernmac u- Lon-l Freemen, IDn. Alan- Pnelflc 1JT3D0. CoitaET JBAJ.s-2.ian- dardlje I fliEIGIITS Tbe rate? to New Orleans per river TtT-Vrw ihT iron: thJass rates by rail to York are 90,:.

and cottou $1 4J rlOO U. To liglit and demand fair, wit nri nt-aav, ai'd we quote r.innu. iois as WllowSl.t sales at themsual advance; -j bbl. aekerel No. medium jio.

No. 2, medium. No. S. larjro Whitensh, perhulf Pickled mon'pPciriJe Pickled Herrinsr, per Do shre ponad I 2 16E0317 00 I it stfets fi 7 8 00 fSSOOO ISO 3o 4n 00 5S50 1 9 00 9 5j 8(a i 17 VT UaTC waTs bn plisaaant, nnd that Vv eyer.round hun to he a hiah minded, bonrle utlcman and mrnalist.

was cnt by Gov. Dihw'daie, of Afirsiuiu, on Ueuator Wilson', of Mass YisitedThe eon-a 'adssiotf to the' Preuch comaWnder. St. vedacTh'Co lift addressed the people on. uld reluse to respond with the offer of Lis vitbdiaTnj from tlo rftoe for theAppei-uaod and heart.

(IGo in ana wiu," Schuyler; Utfi Jotfgsljip ior reasons oonneoted viih nott'J hw private tuiBlnoss, Eminently quiui- Sea, be would Lave been au orr.auient The CoKOUEfeSiGAf. LlAJiisr. A Wash- to tbe bench if ejected. TLero is no bet-iucion special to the York Cornier- ter lawyer Ot bis age iu State, and cial says thirty-five of the irtoat worthless certainly no cleverer gentiemao. TJii reialB employes at the Treasury Depart- ieaves-tUe; traei clear to Judge merit are to -be discharged at the close of who will b0 elected witpout oppobitioa, tbis 'inontb, ancl th.ey are interceding we suppose.

His cfaflrPter and jreeorii rith their congressional frfopidfi to have deserve such a compliment. Clark them retained. Democrat. I "lerrc, tp inquire the designs-of ih; French in oecupvirig territory -belonged; to the The Scientific AmericaU thinks the vapor caihlL: r-'cid a Bhre preventive of the None but members of; the craft einplavcd cc, tte-'new PbilndeJaula Masonic Tepia. 1 sorrel horse' 99 i J-'' pony noi ldaQliore.SilOO;Ibrown mare.

00; I Srai bo -e Wwajrin. pair don wairoii aoS 4J 00; bay re, so CO; bug-v. 150 CO-1 sorrel mare, 120 gray mare, $S0 00: 1 dun marV. 00.1 dun mare, $68 00; dun horse, 5S2wjp bl dnnhorse.26 otalcTSOO; srav 00: bav ma-e. 00; 1 sorrel liorse, t25 00; 1 bay horse, 50, lfeay mare" fO 00,1 buggy, BC.

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