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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 12

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 12

Louisville, Kentucky
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1916. 12 fered by unfortunates Who used these DOCTOR IS FINED tablots, never will Do rouna out. Trp-rtmiirn Penalty Asked. To day in the "Boys' Store" Mr. Kahn closed his argument by Dleading with the Jury to give the 51 IN "DOPE" TRIAL Dhvsiclan the maximum penalty as 3.28 Judge John C.

Strother, counsel for the physician, in his address to the inrv- said Dr. Kaxasiozan attempted to live within the law and that his acta Jury In Police Court Finds for $5 Etons and Karagiozan Guilty. ton Norfolk Suits were prompted by humanitarian motives. He said the prosecution were merely in the case," and that a deliberate trap had been laid by the detectives and health officers to catch the physician. Dr.

Karagiozan went on tho wit BKft wan Blue and brown serges, shepherd Dlald worsteds and light gray, olive ness stand late yesterday arternoon. and tan crash mixtures: white duck nmm Hn said ha was born in Armenia, and had served as a missionary to his collars and cuffs; pants lined through out; sizes 2 to S. A "Boys' Store' bargain, $3.28. Witnesses Tell of Getting lrv j'ections. vninfrv from the United States for eight years.

Dr. Karagiozan made a dramatic witness. Questioned Dy at torneys as to why he prescriDea mor-phone, he rose in the witness chair, hfs rtirM arm nnlifted and said: The City Stores Daily ARE JS DIRECT TOUCH WITH THE FARM BY UNCLE SAM. HUMANITARIAN PLEA MADE To-day is a good day to bring the children to our fine barber shop for hair cuts. Two expert barbers who give the kind of service that pleases the child and the parents as well.

"Gentlemen, I would rather Shoot a man dead that start him on the Eggs, Butter, Poultry DELIVERED DAILT FROM THE FARM TO THE CONSUMER BY UNCLE SAM. mnrrhine hablL" He said he gave morphine to his patients because they were in misery and that nis metnoa oi utming Dr. John Karagiozan, whose offices those addicted to the drug was to are at 713 West Chestnut street, was give the drug in lessening doses. LOUISVILLE, KY. found guilty of unlawfully prescrib Woman Testifies.

LEVY'S Third and -Market. SATURDAY, MARCH 11; 1916: THE COURIER-JOURNAL ing morphine by a jury of six, select The principal witness against the ed to try his case in Police Court physician was Louise Buckner, of B48 South Fifth street, who said she visited the office of the doctor last Mon PARCEL POST NEWS ON MAIL ORDERS of SI or more day morning, accompanied by her yesterday afternoon. A fine of $50 was assessed by the jury, after fifteen minutes' deliberation. A scathing arraignment of the phy WE PAY POSTAGE by Parcel Jost: on orders for or more WE PAY husband, William Buckner, and that EXPRESS for 200 miles. Published TUESDAY AM) SATURDAY.

both were given "shots" of morphine. Previous to her visit, she said, Dr. W. Ed Grant had examined ner. Office Cor.

Third Are. nd Green St, For the first time In the history of i ou vizr 0uru ai. couannacATiOTfs. All comnmnleatloaa hoalfl addww- to the Courler-Jonrnml we ioic Editor. TRADES ljmj C0UNCIL PABCEX POST BATES.

sician was made by Proscuting Attorney Nathan Kahn in his closing argument to the jury yesterday afternoon. "We have proven our case against this physician," Mr. Kahn said. "The witnesses told you of his methods of his living like a parasite from the money collected from those unfortunates addicted to the drug habit. We have proven that within three weeks during the month February Dr.

Karagiozan purchased 5,900 tablets of morphine from various drug stores In the city. How much misery, how-much untold agony have been suf The welcht limit now BO pounds in One Can Apply Advertising and the Mails Successfully To Almost Any Business and room for hundreds other large mail order enterprises IN THESE COLUMNS Police Court a jury was chosen to hear a trial. Judge Strother and Dee Hamilton, counsel for the defense, asked for a jury yesterday morning. The following men acted as jurymen: Edward Slater, foreman; James English, W. T.

Blanford, Edward Brent-linger, William O'Hara and Thomas Cleary. A number of prominent physicians were summoned to testify for the prosecution. Dr. Yandell Roberts said that "treatment of the drug hibit by physicians in their offices is farcical." Drs. W.

Ed Grant, Ezra Witherspoon, J. Tyler and Mr. Milton Board also testified as to their knowledge of the treatment of persons addicted to the 'use of the drug. Another case of a similar nature against the phvsicdan will be tried March 16. tho local, first and second tones, or 150 The Backbone of a Parcel Post Business Is Confidence of the Buying Public The reason this department has been so successful is because its readers absolutely know they can depend upon the advertisements which appear in its columns.

The public is quick to learn the advantage of buying where there is a certainty in securing the kind of goods they wish to purchase. Mail order business is secured by advertising. It has no other way. Personal salesmanship is eliminated. This printed word available to all dealers in these columns who have a meritorious proposition is the market-maker which enables him to secure a permanent cash business eliminating bad debts, long terms and discounts which eat into his profits more than one realizes.

Is it any wonder when these three points are eliminated and confidence is secured by the merits of the publication in which it appears, that merchants can offer better prices for business which does not increase their overhead expenses and on which they have an advantage over catalogue houses in postage rates for the first and second zones? Just call or write the Parcel Post Editor if you are interested in securing this business. SATURDAY MARCH 11. 1910. miles from the alanine point, and 20 pounds In all other zones. Tho rat for tho Third.

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth eonea are as follows: DETECTIVE MARVIN HART HANDS IN RESIGNATION 1 Third ono So, and 5c for each additional pound to 20 Sba. 1 Fourth rone 7c. and 4c for each additional pound to 20 Ids. 1 Fifth ono c. and for each REQUESTED BY ATTORNEY HXTF-FAKEB AFTER CONFEBENCE.

additional pound to 30 Vbs. 1 Sixth zona 9e, and So for each additional pound to SO lbs. DO BAYS HE INTENDED TO NOTHING IMPROPER. The pound rates In the First and Sec ond xones, a distance from Louisville of 150 miles. ttIU Come to Church To-morrow The Announcements of Various Churches Printed Herewith Are Invitations to You to Attend Their Services.

ROBINSON DENIES REPORT 1 pound 6c pounds 30c 2 pounds 6c 37 pounas me 28 wounds 82c 3 pounds 4 pounds 3 pounds 33c so pounas 4c 31 pounds S5c 5 pounds 9c 6 pounds 10c 7 pounds 11c pounds 12c 9 pounds 13c .12 pounds hoc 33 pounds 37c 34 pounds 8c 1916 Wall Papers Atraj nrfsons derated jtiri to perfect-ins this shoe. It allows natural freedom to feet, and will not chafe, bind, ptnch or blister. Every U. S. 35 pounds 39c 10 pounds 14c 11 pound 15c 36 12 pounds lftc 37 pounds.

LUTHERAN. 13 pounds lc soldier, emt militiamen and thousands of civilians wear this foot-suing, tfieitflcr-siilduui U. S. Army hoe. Evry sportsman oflght to wear 38 33 Firxt Encllnh Lutheran churcii, pounas iso 13 poundt 19c 14 Broadway, between Preston and Dr.

S. S. Waltz, pastor Appro- nrinto sprvipm rf sormon and SOnfT Will I ft. cn.OO nittr. notAM pnun'-U.

BYCK BROS. 40 41 42 43 44 4a IS celebrate the first Sunday in Lent. Ser 41 li Ave. LouIrtHIc, Kj. mon theme.

11 a. inea ana iri- pounds. 20 21 limnhwnt in TfmnLa.tion." Sermon, Stewart Dry Goods Co FOURTH ANT) WAIKCT. LOUISVILLE, KY. 3IAIL OB DEB AND PARCEL POST SERVICE.

Stewart's Mall Order mud Parcel Post Service meet every demand of the Out-of-town Customer. We prepay by Parcel Pert parcels that come within the Postal Regulations, not exceedlcr SO pounds in weiffht, to all points In the First and Second sones, and SO pounds in toe Third zone from Louisville. When ordering; give Rural Route Number. Priced Below the Present Import: Handkerchief Linens Because of the delayed shipment of a line purchased previous to the advance in prices, we are now enabled to make the following remarkable offers 7:15 p. "The Marriage casL aim ji pounas, 46 ipounus.

47 pounds. 48 pounds. 49 pounds. Following a conference yesterday in chambers between Commonwealth's Attorney Joseph M. Huffaker, Judge Harry W.

Robinson, Detective Man-in Hart and former Judge- James P. Gregory, attorney for Hart, in connection with charges preferred against the detective by Mrs. Morrison, wife of H. J. Morrison, recently sentenced to a year in jail.

Commonwealth's Attorney Huffaker asked for Hart's resignation, which was given. In his resignation Detective Hart said: "I regret that the unfortunate instance leading up to my resignation has been the source of annoyance and mortification to you, but wish again to most positively assure you that I did not for an instant consciously do or intend to do anything wrong or improper." Hart has been in the employ of the Commonwealth for five years as a detective, working directly under Commonwealth's Attorney Huffaker. Mrs. 23 Guests." Wednesday evening sermon fhAmo "Wh.ii Shall it I'ront: imirs- 34 pounds 29cj SO pounds 54c dav. 3 p.

subject. "Contented But o'clock, with preaching by the pastor. Evening worship. 7:45 o'clock, with preaching by tho pastor, "The Full Assurance of Hope." llrontltvay ItaptlMt church, between First and Brook streets, William Warren Landruni, pastor -Sunday-school at 9::,0 a. Phllo C.

Dix, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock, subject "The Solicitude rf a Great Soul." Y. P. U. at 6:45 p.

m. Evening worship at 7:45, subject "Souls Serene." Strangers and all others cordially welcomed. Knnrth-n venue Hap tint chnrch. Fourth and Oak Morning service at 11 o'clock, preaching by Dr. Weston Bni-ner, of Atlanta, Gn.

Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Musical programme: Prelude. Offertory St. Cecilia.

Anthem. The Lord Is My Light Tenor holo. Now the Day Is Oley Speaks Mr. Gilbert Ford. Offertory, Berceuhe Soprano solo, How Beautiful Upun the Mountains Harker Mrs.

Halstcad Cross. Ordinary Postaeo Stamps can be used Xot Satisfied." A cordial welcome is extended to all. METHODIST. on all packages now. We will loan yon our latest special sample, book of nTty best wall pupers selling 8c to 25c per roll.

hilt are chosen from the cream of fifteen factories, and backed by our Ions experience as Interior Decorators. We only nsk you to return book at our expense after you examine the samples: as we haTe a big demand for these books, and must keep them circulating to get the orders. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. T.B. DUNCAN SONS Established 1862.

417 3d Avenue Louisville, Ky. LOCAL SELLI.VG PRICES TO-DAY Tlie McihodIM Temple, Sixth and Broadway Preaching- at 11 and 7:45. A. It. ICasey.

pastor. Subject of morning' sermon, "The Unknown God." Sunday-school at 9:30 a. m. League at 6:45 p. m.

Uroadnar Methodist church, corner Floyd and Broadway, the Hev. Sam M. Miller, pastor Pastor will preach at 11 a. m. on "The Press of Life," and at Good Country Butter, 30c Fresh Country Eg-gs, 25c Country Ham (whole), 20c Hens, pound 20c Frys, per pound (dressed) 22c Fresh Country Butter 25c Pound Strictly Fresh Eggs 25c Dozen POSTAGE PREPAID C.

H. PACE Monroe, Ky. 79c $1.19 Morrison, in an affidavit filed with Judge Robinson, charged that Detective Contralto solo, The Cross Ware Turkeys, pound 25c 69c For 90c Value 59c For 75c Value Hart had accepted $22 from her after an alleged promise to see that her hus 7:30 p. tru on "Power. special music.

Sunday-school at 9:30 a- W. C. Ken-drick, superintendent. Epworth League nt o. m.

You always have a warm Ducka, pound 20c Mrs. T. P.crt Wilson. Anthem, Hurk. My Soul.

Soprano solo. Mrs. E. M. Banta.

For $1.35 Value For $1.00 Value band was acquitted of the three charges Squabs, each 30c Guineas, each 45c against mm. but that ne had failed to welcome at Broadway. If you have no- Pustludc Lemalgre do so. Detective Hart denied the chargo church Order of servtce: and said ne had been paid the money by J. K.

Uadesch, for Morri This Handkerchief Linen is all of the standard Stewart quality, as indicated, in the 36-inch width and of a sheer weight. Morning prayer and sermon at 1 o.Vlock. Processional 3S7 Cobb son, to get him some evidence with reference to the charges then pending. Attorney Radesch was called into the private conference yesterday and it is enite Oxford Chant Pcnedicite Stokowski l.Vned ictus Stainer SO CM said he corroborated Hart. Hymn hi Dykes 29c Turkish Towels 21c 18x36 Fancy Turkish Bath Towels, in a soft mercerized finish.

75c Bath Mats 59c 22x3S-inch Turkish Bath Mats, in blue, green and pink. Offertory, Hoi Every One That Gtartons ror snipping uggs, Thirsi cth Martin Recessional 413 Ward Judge Robinson denied a rumor that he had started the investigation against Hart for political reasons. He said he knew nolhing of the matter until It Evening prayer at clock. Processional 3S7 Cobb i Magnificat, in A Martin Xunc Pimittis, in A. Martin I Stewart's 81x90-inch 89c Sheets at 69c Special offering of a limited quantity of Stewart Linen-finished Sheets, in this, popular size.

Butter, Dressed roultry and Vegetables Offertory. Hnill Gladdening Martin Recessional Ward Recital at Allrgro Moderato Bolsdeffre Violin Harp. Snlut d'Amour Elgnr $3.00 Nainsook $2.25 White. Lily- Nainsook, 36 inches wide 12 yards to a piece. $1.25 Longcloth 89c English Longcloth, 36 inches wide 10 yards to a piece.

Violin. ioioncello and Urgan. Aria Nessl VioloncMln and Oreran. was called to his attention by Mrs. Morrison, and that after she had prepared an affidavit and filed it with him he turned the matter over to Commonwealth's Attorney Huffaker in the belief that jurisdiction inthe, matter rested entirely with the Commonwealth's Attorney ctpd not with the court.

He aid he took no steps in the matter and appeared in the conference yesterday only by request. Commonwealth's Attorney Huffaker said he sure Detective Hart had been a victim of circumstances nnd hart done nothing to merit the charge, but that the matter had placed his office itt an unenviable light and that as a matter of justi'-e to himself he would have to dispense with Hart's servires. He expressed the highest opinion of Hart as a loyal friend and regret at having to depose him from olflce. Hymn to Suint Cecilia. Gounod Violin, Violoncello, Harp and Organ.

Butter Contain Inside Paraffine Wrapper 1- lb. size, each 3c 2- lb. size, each 5c 5-lb. size, each 10c Egg Cartons 1 dozen site 5c Or 50c per dozen boxes. 2- dozcn size 8c Or 85c per dozen boses.

3- ilozen size 1 Oc Or SI per dozen boxes. 5-dozcn size 15c Or $1.50 per dozen boxes. St. AiiilrcvtV church. Second and Kentucky Holy communion, Sun.

any -school and Bible classes, 3:30 Mornintr service and sermon. II. Eve ning service and sermon, 7:45. Holy communion first Sunday in each month, i Buy Your Produce Direct From the Country If you wish to purchase your eggs, dressed poultry, butter, direct from the country write any of the following persons Eggs and Dressed Poultry MRS. F.

H. JESSE, II. P. D. No.

3. Waddy, Ky. MRS. HELEN D. GILES.

Cnmpbellsville, Ky. MRS. R. A. WHITE.

White-wood, Ky. SAM TOKLEY. R. F. D.

No. 1, Tompktnsvlllc. Ky. W. H.

MONIHON. Ijockport, Ky. 11. St. J'aul'w church.

Fourth and Mag church home worship with us. Fimrth-avenap MethoUt clmrrli, corner St. Catherine, the liev. Frank AI. Thomas, minister.

Siinday-schoul at 9:30 a. Mr. E. S. Woosley, superintendent; classes for all apes.

Morn-ins worship at 11 o'clock; preachiiiR by the Rev. A. P. Lyon, D. presiding- elder Louisville district.

Epworth Leasrue at p. m. Evening service at 7:45 o'clock; sermon by the pastor, "Whither Is the World Drifting?" Midweek Bible study and prayer service at 7:45 p. ni. PRESP.YTERIAX.

Second PreKbytcrian cliureli. Second and Broad wav, the Rev. John M. Van-der Meulcn, minister Morning dervice. 11 o'clock; theme.

"Answerable Prayer." Evening service, 8 o'clock; theme, "The Mastery of Onr's Self." Firsi Preliyterinii chiircli The Rev. T. Thomas, D. will preach at 11 a. m.

and 7:45 p. m. Morning subject, "The Limits of Giving." Evening subject. "The Immortality of Character." arreu Memorial ProNlj'ierIan church. Fourth and Broadway, the Rev.

Aquiila Webb, minister Mo riling-worship, 11 o'clock; sermon, "The Heart uf the. Gospel." Evening worship, 7:30 o'clock; musical praise service by the double quartet choir. The progran me Is as follows: Prelude Andantino Lemare Anthem How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair Spohr Duet One Sweetly Solemn Thought Ambrose Miss Coffman and Mrs. Robblus. Anthem Abide With Me Green Solo 1 Will Exalt Thee Huhn Mr.

Horn. Anthem No Shadows Yonder. Gaul Sermon "Marking Time." rrenbyterinn rlinreh. Fourth and Kentucky, the Rev. W.

Francis Irwin, minister Morning-worship, 11 o'clock; subject of sermon, "The Gift of God." Evening worship, 7:45 o'clock; subject of sermon, "Abilities Suicidally Used." Sunday-school, 9:30 a. m. Wednesday evO.iing service, 7:45 p. m. JEWISH.

Temple Aduth Israel, Third street, between York and Breckinridge, Joseph Ranch, rabbi Services are held Friday at :45 P. Saturday at 10 a. Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject of sermon this Sunday, "A Civic All are welcome.

CHRISTIAX. Broadwny Chrlntlnn church, between Floyd and Preston streets, the Rev. William Newton Briney, pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.

m. Morning service conducted by a representative nf the Men's Federation. Evening" nolia. David Cady Wright, rector Holy Egg Boxes For Setting communion, a. ni.

Morning prayer Regular $1.50 Values In the Popular Striped Taffetas At $1.29 We have a specially purchased assortment of regular Stewart $1.50 quality Striped Taffetas which we can offer at this price. These are in pencil and regimental stripes, in the newest combinations of colors, and in the 36-inch width. $1.50 Silks, specially priced at $1.29. I 0 I CHARGES ARE PREFERRED each. each.

for. for. no-csc size, 100-eSR size. 1 setting, to ecss. 15c; 2 settlnRS, 30 egRS.

20c; and sermon, 11 ciocK, MiDjeet Modern Idolatry and Christian Atheism. Evening prayer and sermon, 7:45, subject "The Spirit of Irreverence." Mr. George Latimer, the new organist of tho church, ill give a fifteen minutes' AGAINST FIVE PATROLMEN organ recital every Sunday night, be Dressed Poultry and Vegetable Boxes 8 inches wide. each. 8 inches wide, 6 inches wide, each.

7 inches wide, each 10 inches Ions. 4 Indies deep, 10 Inches long. 8 Inches deep, 14 Inches lone 6 inches deep. 7 Inches Ions. Inches deep.

EH- Black Taffetas $135 POUR ALLEGED TO HAVE TERED A SALOON IN UNIFORM. Checked Taffeta $1.50 36-inch Shepherd Check Taffeta in several size black and white checks. Splendid quality, natural finish Black Taffetas, in a beautiful luster. 2 We carry a complete line of Poultry Supplies, Remedies, ba'tors. Brooders, etc.

Dos and Cat Remedies. ginning at i nj. Lenten services Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, p. and Wednesday, j. in.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. I'lrat Church of ChrUt, SctciitlHt, holds services at DeMolay Command-ery. 212 West Broadway. Subject of lesson-sermon, "Substance," at 11 m. and 8 p.

m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday 8 p. ni. Free reading room and free circulating library, 630 Paul Jones building. The public is cordially invited to the church services and to visit the reading room.

THKOSOPH1CAL. Sunday at 8 p. public lecture, "The Problem of the Ages," by A. C. Rucker.

IfcPlfAN CTPAIK CnNC (R 9 16 Thursday at 8:15 p. public meeting CHAS. F. BUTT, PARCEL POST ORDER RIAM of the Order of the Star In the East. Lending library open daily.

Theosoph- ical Educational building, 523 South Franklin, Ky. D. TURNER. Canoe, Ky. Date.

First. UNITARIAN. Church of the Mefnh TTnltnrlnnl. Butter Chief of 'Police Lindsey yesterday preferred charges before the Board of Public Safety against five patrolmen of the Sixth district. E.

J. Mathlson, Joseph Underwood, Con Babey and John Wagner arc charged with entering a saloon in uniform other than in performance of their duties. John Gibbons is charged with missing posts. Complaints, that policemen in uniform were in a saloon at Eighth and Market streets on the night of February 29 were investigated by Chief Llndsey before he took formal action In the matter. The officers changed from night to day duty at the end of the month and reported off duty at 10:15 o'clock that night.

It Is alleged they were In the saloon forty-five minutes later. Patrolman Gibbons is accused of missing the 8:30 and 9 o'clock posts Wednesday night. His superior officers found him in a warming shanty and said that illness forced him to miss the posts. Fourth and York streets, the Rev. Maxwell Savage, minister Sunday-school service under direction of Philo Chris- at 9:30.

Service at 11; subject of ser tos Class, with addresses by At R. F. DAVIS, Name of firm. Louisrille, Ky. Gentlemen Inclosed nd for which please send me by Parcel Post tho following articles: torneys L.

K. Curtis ana u. u. oreene. mon.

"The Problem of Evil in the Light of Evolution." The following music Belmont, Ky. Bible school, 9:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p. m.

All always welcome. Flrnt Christian church, the Rev. E. L. Shoe Repairing THEM BY TAIlCEIi POST STEVENS The Shoemaker, 323 W.

Market Halt soles of the very best leather, sewed or tacked. Rubber hetjs, etc. All work returned in 24 hours. Send in your shoes by Parcel Post. Satisfaction guaranteed.


KY. powkII. Dastor Preachlnc by the pas tor at 11 a. m. and p.

m. evening subject, "Beware or sunday-school with adult classes for men and wui oe renaereu: Organ recital, 10:45: Andantino Cantabile Renaud Barcarolle Faulkos The Lost Chord Sullivan Trio Faith, Hope and Love Shelley Miss McDonald, Mrs. Ellis, Mr. Sab ins. Organ The Swan Safnt-Saens Solo-By the Waters of Mrs.

Guy Bills. HWC" iPostlude Spence Miss Louise Hollis, organist-director. union at a. m. unristian imi- deavor at 6:45 p.

m. SPIRITUALIST. Divine spiritual service will be held in Liberty Hall, 211 West Walnut street Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The THIRD MEMBER OF SAME FAMILY ENLISTS IN NAVY Itov. H.

Ji. rencn wui conduct me service. Subject, "If a Man Die Shall He Live Again?" Bring your pencil The Parcel Post brings the consumer and the producer closer together. Name and paper to keep records of Bible quotations of this wonderful discourse. Messages given.

All are welcome. A guarantee of satisfaction accompanies each and every article you buy through' these columns. If there is any article you wish which is not advertised in these columns write the Parce Post Editor. EVANGELICAL. St.

Pnul Evangelical church, Broad Post-office R. F. State. way, near Brook, the tev. William Mehl, pastor The pastor -will preach at 10:15 m.

on subject, "The First Fruits of Christ's Redemptive LOUISVILLE RAILWAY SHOWS BIG INCREASE -IN EARNINGS In Its statement of passenger earnings for the first week of March, Issued yesterday, the Louisville Railway Company shows an Increase over the same week of last year of (4,222, an average og about $600 a day. The showing Is the best made by the company in many months. Case Postponed a Week. The case against Arthur C. Bonnv- r.ii "Work" (German).

At the evening- serv John Dwight Wickersham, 18 years old, of Harrodsburg, will leave at 8 o'clock this morning for Cincinnati, where he will undergo final examination preparatory to enlisting in Ue United States navy as an apprentice seaman. He was accepted yesterday at the local recruiting office In the custom house, on preliminary examination. the third member of the Wickersham family to enlist within two years. Paul, a brother, entered clPree ago; and had the, distraction of one of the fci-Lr5It0, rora -'Soukvllle In the Jtatjry of tte ioeal station. He meas- ice, at 7:45.

his subject will be "The Sabbath Day," the third of a series of sermons on the Ten Commandments. During the Lenten season special services will be held every Thursday afternoon and evening. German, 3, and English, 7:45 p. m. Sunday-school at it was overtaken and a mile before destroyed.

BANKRUPTCY PETITION FILED REMOVE FLOORING OF PORCH TO SHOOT DOG BY MERCHANDISE BROKER castle, a farmer at Anchorage, charged m. xoung- people devotional service at 7 p. m. The public is-cor- Hunters Trace road, off the Eighteenth-street pike, went mad and caused considerable excitement. It was beaten oft Mrs.

Andrews before It harmed her and then bit a dog. The rabid canine finally went under a porch and It was necessary to remove a portion of the flooring before the officer could shoot it. Tht bitten dog fled from the premises and was chased dially invited to all these services. the Clerk of the United States District Court Hialiabllitles total WS9.M? Murphy, his partner, with, an' item vhr $750 on an open account, and vtfiV Germany Security Bank, with a note for $500, are the largest creditors; The other liabilities represent small open accounts. His assets are a desk-and wearing apparel, valued together-ftt 60, on -which exemption- is wun violating an oraer.

or tne County Board of Health to kill two of his dogs, believed to have been bitten by a mad dog.ivas continued at the' re BAPTIST. Walnut-tret fFlnt) BantUt rhnrrh. Expel Food Waste In "Winter If you wish to fortify the system against colds and grip. Aid nature In driving out these food waste poisons by using Sano-aalz-tho Health Suit Advertisement. aiA loci luur 'Tirnoa In hn nkl County Patrolman Louis DeMarsh found killing two dogs a difficult task yesterday morning.

A shepherd, owned by Frank Andrews, living on the another brother Clarence W. tfuhn, a merchandise broker, doing business at 315 Keller building, yesterday filed a voluntary petition in office- of Third and St. Catherine streets. H. L.

quest of tne defendant, until next ago. "Winburn, pastor Morning 11 FTlday..

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