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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


GOVERNMENT 8ALE8 NEW SKIRT FOR 1866. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL MINTED AJfD FtTBLMCTD BT PRENTICE, HENDERSON, OSBORNE, JOURNAL OFFICE BUILDINQ, firfrcl, bttiettn Third mmd Fourth, HKfTED STATES OF IhBTEIOT OK KKnTUCkT: aa TITBEREAS, AN INFOKMATION HAS BEEN IT filed in the DUtrlct Court of tha United StUci, within and for tbe District ef Kentucky, on the 3d day of March, A. ISfti. by Joshua Tevis, Ei AUorney fcr ihe United Stats for the District of Kenmcty, who prosecutes besein, in behalf of tbe United States siairut cue still and eight tuba; alleging in tub.tanca that said geede acd article? were sefeedon laud in ths District cf Kentucky, cs tbo 7th coy of March, A. D.

IStW, forftiUdto the Uaited SlaUf on the 1st day of July, aud from thence continually to tbe 3th of 1' 63, Stmuel aud J. A. Whalan were tbe cwuom cf certain vta-els. tovHt said still and tub), used in the distillation of spirit, ou which duty was ptyable, aud did then aud thore produce aad maae eerUiu spirituous- Iifjuors, on which duty was payable, aud did then ssd there ueglect make inio and eiftct entry ami ipmvt of tbe same for months Jiilr. UNrTED STATES OF AMERICA,) No lli3 ut butt or Kkituckt: i 33- Ho-4w WTHBRBAS, AN INFORMATION HAS FEBN FILED ff in tho DirUict Court of the United States, within and for tbe District of Kentucky, on the 3 id day ol March, A.

D. 1566, by Joshua Tevis, Attorney for the United Statet. for tho District of Kentucky, win proeecoUs herein, in behalf of thoUnltcl Suites against one still, eigbl tubs, and three kegs, alleging tn ecb-stanee tliat said goods and articles were seized on land in the Dietriet of Ksnttcky cn the Rh day oi March. A. D.

as forleited to the United States; on tke hsj dav of July, 3se5, and from thence coutlnaally to the atb af February, le, L. John and Jas. Hlller and Bedford Lewis were she owvara of eertatu vyiela, (tills used in rheSiiilhuion of spirlss. eu which dnty was payableand did then aad there pro-dace aud make ce. tarn spirituous liquors ou which was paynblc, and did" then find there uoglect to maka true and fctryjsaud report of th same fcr the mouths, of Juy4Aurif, Scpiembsr, October, Novem-her, and DeeeroJer lrtne year lft3.

and tlie monttJs of Jauuarr aud in thia, to wlfc the said L. John GCad James Milter and stddford Lewis did net thenyfnd thsre mtke tme and exact entry or cause lobe entered iu a book kept by them for that ptir-p-se thlrHutaber of gallons of spirits distilled by thaw: also the number of gallons placed In warehouse; also the cumber sold or removed for consumption or ea'e. and Uie piocf thereof, anal did net nndor to tha A en or or As! slant Aaiosso-, on the 1st, llifc, ni dajs of esch aud every month afbresaJd, or withm tiro days thereafter, an account in duplicate takeu from their beck cl the numter ef gallons of rplrit ditilled, and also th? uuinbsr of gallons sold or removed for eontmrap-tian or tale, and the proof thereof, uot before accounted for; aud thst said articles became thereby forfeit to the mo cf tbe United States cf Amerioo, and praying the same that tbe same may be condemned fcrieiled as aforesaid. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the cal ol said Csoit to me directed aud delivered, 1 do heiebygivopublio uctlce to all persons claiming said articles, or in any minsec thsreio. tlut they be aad appear befoio the ald Dittrict Court, to be held at the city of Loulivllle.

in and for said District, on the Grit day of iu next Hay term, the Tib day of Miy A. D. ltfr.HJ. thou and there to interpese their claims, and to' niikc their tUIejKtiiws in that lehalf. W.



ASQIBTAMT COMMlSBtOMEB'B OTTtUM NasuvillB, Ts.trf April 1896. Circular Ao. 9, It is the opinion of physicians that cholera will visit tbe United Stale during the present year. It is certain that this epidemic has been steadily traveling from tha fr East in its dssoI coarse Westward, and if it reaches this country the present season, will, in all probabilitr, make Ue way to this District within a few weeks. In soeh aa eyeat, it is alio probable that ita mewl numer-ciis victims would be among the colored people.

"Au ounce of prorentlon is worth a pound of enre." aitd to if possible, the introduction or previa ol this Superintendents of this Bureau, in all the cities end largo towns ol the State of Kentucky and Tennessee, will, without deby, lastitulu the mt thorough etnilary ciauures. The premises occupied br freedmon must be po.Iced and put in the lutt posslb.o couditiou by clcausiug, whittiwashlng. etc. Let'-prtictilax be given to the cleaning up el rtlliiy ittceta aud alleys, dirty sewers and out-huild-inpe. Over-crOTvded, haJMichtM, aud lll-Tcntllated huts and cabins iuritc uot only cholera, but all other disease of its type- Ail nurplus population In cities and towns should feck the country without a single day's delay.

Gecd country hcnite can, with proper exertion, be pro-cmdlor all who ie not well provided for. The MfdictI OIlicrs of ths Bureau wiU provide and p'scc within the rt-acb of the freedmeu the best remedies! known, to arrest tlie disease in its early stages. Superintendent will tea Ast th frcedmen are made familiar with the bcbt- msaus of protecting themselves ft ainst the invasion of the disease. I et there be appointed in each city and town aFreed-meu's Sanitary Ocmmiisioo, composed ot Bveoruiuru of tbc leading frecdnun, who will be authorized to asters and coUect the sum of one dollar from each colored peieon between, tbeaesof eighteen and sixty years, residing in ijd city or town, or within ost mile of town cr city limit, to constitute a boesital fund. Tlie fund to caltccted will be deposited In savings bsbka, fubject to tbe control of the or hospital purjiosesoiily.

The co-cperatlcn of the civil autborities will be io- vcked, and will assist municipal aid other civil officials in every practicable measure for the pif paiatict of the people for any emergency. There will be soroiuted on or more Imnectors fcr Grtst of the Age iu Hoop 8kirts. J. W. BRADLEY'S NEW PATENT Duplex Elliptic tOR DOUMjy SPKISQ SK1ET.

Solo Presrtetcra and Warehouse and Office 07 Chambers and 79 and SI Reaiie street, NEW YOEK. rnHis iNVKmoH consists of duplex cor rjgeuleiuly ruLAjmm wvwky aud riBMXY tether. Tier seltiasi bkkd or weuasl, tike the Bloti Jtriugi, ned eouae-quctly nsnKTi IWr nmn nd BcaTirtn. bbatc amu nm tv lsmt ae any StHLii Bpsus fttffiTTlUT ITMUIauiMIIAH. TTTTirnilll IIMim ml rOlf-0ttOfl taeascui te Last weesrUtg the Do rax sstu.irrio BLtlKT will be VHrinn4 ftartfeularlT iaiDmirM taut, U4MUIM, Kuumu Cm Vnjxnu I'awt, Arm Ovustft, tor Fbomwam mA BociB Demo, taw Itmwr can be roue Trken to occaey nH run easily and WSUk F'li run A Lait fearaac ooajorosl tbe pleasure, teailert, sad already -'briefly referred, and who, by the war, was one of the most able and effective speakers that took an active part in the proceedings of the convention, had already announced that he would offer a resolution, at the proper moment, which he believed the present position of returned soldiers urgently demanded.

Ho read the following: Wuibbas, attholast session of the Legialntare. an act was passed granting general amneety to ull been connected with the rebel army, and anothur which was made pleadable In bar to all IridktmwitJ, pro scutiouK, nod actions agaicat any of thtm for acta pet formed during their slid ooacectiou with aaid rehsl army, thererore He it Resolved That the Legislature is moat respectfully requested to extend th same beneficent enactment to the Federal office and soldier, which ia but justly and fairly doe to the men to whom that Legislature ia now Indebted for its ery existenw. He said he hoped those proeent would Eee the propriety of referring to. the action of the past Lt-rinlature, in reference. to soldjgre of the late re'-el urmy, and that they would stand up boldly for their rights and maintain firmly the position that soldiers who have fought to preserve the Censlitmion, Laws and Union are entitkd to protection and should receive it after their military career is ended.

None would deny tbst tho Legislature had "neglected the interests of men who had vindicated, with 'their courage and devotion, the honor and supremacy of the Republic He hoped that the soldiers nn-w assembled would unhesitatingly declsrc their utter contempt and disdain for Euch men as had sought to wrong loyal citizens by retnslng to proper laws for their protection; tbns affording late rebels an opportunity of glviig vent to feelings of enmity under the prt text of enforcing law. He" hoped the would be adopted. A motion was made to lay the resolution on tee table, buUhe Convention refused to do so. It was then passed, with but few dissenting voices. In order that the interest now felt In the wel-.

fare of former comrades by men lately In the service may be fostered and kept alive, and r.iih a view of htnding down to future genera-lieris a recital of the deeds of valor performed by tte troops from Kentucky, Gen. Vftiitater offered a resolution, to which an amendment wesmade by Capt. J. M. Vetter, which were read and adopted by the Convention.

They are Jletfolved, That a committee af five be appointed fay tke President cf this meeting, whose buitncsi tt shall bo to ecrreacend with and obtain, if possible, from every ctinmisaiored officer and aoldiaro the Union army, who ha" served from this 8tate, a detail of the origin, history aud vrofress ot bis eommand, and a detail spa- a eislly of all deeds of gallantry dono by privata aoldiera, fu order that to memory of enr actions as eeldtera shall cot fife, but ttthf; and the committeo be instructed to makearrangementa with aomt good historian to write the hiiteiy of the Kentucky aoldiera from all the facts that are to be obtained. Ainiufmeni. That a eemmlttee of two be appointed fteta ocb regiment to furnish to aaid eommiltae a hii-toticxl account of the put ta'eu by each respective regiment In the late war the rebellion. We italicise the words 'of the Union army," bectuie a copy of this resolution was published U'eteoftha city papers yesterday, with the words emitted." The committee appointed to act in accordance with the above resolution consists of the following-named gentlemen: General Whitaker, Lieutenant-Colonel W. H.

Roberts, Cvlonel J. EL Ward, Colonel Brlstow, and: Major Kinney. A number of resolutions were presented in quick succession, the most Important of which we subjoin, bnt have not sufficient space for a more extended notice of them: By Capt. W. Harlan.

Retolvedt That every officer and soldier be requested to coUect, as speedily a feasible-, any muster in or muster cut rells that they may be able te procure from any source, and deposit the same with the Adjutant General of the attte. Adopted. By Tbst copies of tbo rcsolntions and this coiiTcntion furni.bed all the papers in tli. State lor Fabrication. Adopted.

Whilaktr. QAVsr.trrd, That wa appeal to Congress to 'pars a bill making ai. ctrnalizatiou of bounties and par to the orfi. ccib slid soldiers; piscine tboso who volunto.rrd first with those wbo volunteered nndor. an7 of the last rctu-latlocB or colli for Uoopr.

And, also, to pas, a bill equalizing usatlnn. and ex.irpting no claea of proportr orp-crle nuless it be th. property of the widows and orphans tlie soldiers who have fallen in tbo set Titecf useaunb7. This resolution wu one of the acrlea rejected by the cocTentloQ at an earl; part of the morning, tut the General, impressed with the importance of the subject referred to, iniiited upon a further consideration. On motion, the reso drawn upon the Troaiurcr and approved by the Praa-deni, and to perform such other dutieaatmayfrom Uie to time bo requited af him.

The Aaelatant Recording Secretary ehall assist tho Recording Secretary In all his dntiec, and act in hli plaeo when abaent. 4. It shall bo the duty of tho Corresponding 8ecreUr7 to conduct all eoi ratpondeuco of the aaaociation. attend Xi the printing, and perform sn- other dntleu aa ahall to required In tha Mature of bis offico. The Assistant CorraapoaSSng laoretary shall ettiit the Correapondlnj Saaratary hi ail au ttties, aad act iu his place when absent.

5. ltshanbotbadutyoftkaTrM.iiiEer to receive all moaeysaftlioaMacIaUou.paroiit of It all bills drawn on hint attested far tha Reeordlug Secretary and ap-preved ay tLe Praslttant; he shall also der a qaarter-ly aroaant af tho financet to thu asoiation: and before enierlnj opon the JnUes of his ofUci he shall execute a bond in the sitsi af two thousand dollars with be approved by the Executive Coaniittee: at the explratlos of bie term of hia office be shall deliver up to his auccerfcr all moaoyn, and in his posiesiou. ARTICLK IV. All acldicra from- Kentucky jo bs in the army of the uited titatet, aud those who lntiy have baen dii cliarecd there from, shtUl be members of thi ARTItLH Eseuctivk CoiiuiTTii. Sec.

1. Tho etMidiug cetumUtco ot this astoc'mtion shall bo au uxeaative coasmittce, te eoneirt of thirteen. Sec. 2. It shUI bo ths dntr of this eomraitMe to knaluej for the convention, rupervlso the bmlneis of the aitioristicn, and raakciuch fujrsiioiii tor tho piflper government of this RMOcUtiou shall from time to ilmo seem proper.

It shall be the dcty ef thiscommitWoto gather tho data of the Kentnckr regiments and batteries in ths United Sutei service at.d form an authentic history therefrom; and also to solicit and leceive funds to crime a solaicrs' truut and irtIoss bank, the profits of which ate to be uiad to relievo disabled and needy soldier and all worthy and destitute soldiers' faalhcs; also tn procure au act of Incorparati-n from the Lagisletnre, graating all the neeieary prlvi-IcKesto ensarethesncceat of uch au-institution. II sltall also be tho duty of this committee to exert tnain-sclven to organize county aaaoclatiouH iii eaeh county in the State, and to make such rules for their govern aent as may cecm proper, uot iueonristentltvitb tbisiconotitu-tiou and the peuet a objects of this aisociation. All of which is rcipectfuliy submitutd, J- T. bOYLE, CEO. MONROE, A.


IIOB50N, Eudincss CommUtco. AHer the constitution, as above, was read, confiidcrable diecussion arose as to the feasibility of esttblUhine Bavings bank for the benefit of soldiers and their widows aad orphans. Col. Johnson thought that by the time the oQi-cert of such an institution were paid, and the remaining expenses incident to its existence there would be very little left to thcEe for whose benefit it was established. He w8 in favor of affording relief to mvmed sol-diere aid their families.

mmediately. The surest way of accomplishing this object is to visit them personally, learn their immediate and predslutf wants, and take the re-si oneibilily of tupplying them. Let each man act is a committee in his own neighborhood, atd there would be but few instance where the widows and orphans of soldiers would suffer for clothing and other necessaries. The patriotic men who had iu tiered io much in the cause of their country ought not now to be neglected they deserve a better fate. Jf we are here to afford relief for them, we can devise a more perfect acd acceptable plan than tae oneinggesied by the business committee Col.

Jchascn then referred to the oppression aiid wrong inflicted upon soldiers who had returned home, by men whose sympathies had been with the rebellion. He said that or ganlzed bands of late rebel soldiers exlstod, whose sole purpose was acknowledged to be that of persecuting Union men, and depriring them of those comforts to which they ware ta. titled, and which they had hoped to enjoy oa retiriDgfrcm the army. It was, in his opinion, the prGper time to check the haughty and overbearing spirit assumed by rebels, and to protect and assist men who wore entitled to our warmest gratitude. Men had been arrested repeatedly in the Green river country, where he resided, and indicted for acts done while they were in the, and under orders of their superior officers.

They aie now under bonds or In jail awaltlog trial The Legislature hod passed laws providing for the rebels who had Kentucky to go into tea rebellion, by which none could be prosecuted for offenses committed when in the rebel army; but this eame Legislature had neglecUd or refused to make a similar provision for men who had tupported, sustained, and upheld the State Government, and had been instrumental in sc. curing them the right and privilege of meeting together ss a legislative body. Such a Legislature deserves all the contempt It recelvce, both from loyal mn in Kentucky and elsewhere. Colonel Johnson spoke with great feeling, and was frequently applauded. His remarks re Lieutenant Hall, company 11th Kentucky cavalry.

Tnos. Mann, Sergeant company 23th Ken-tuckv veteraii volunteers. C. "II. Clark, private company 28th Kentucky Teteren volunteera.

Jchm B. Hummon, Colonel lGth Kentucky veteran voluntter infantry. Major-Gentrral W. C. Whitaker, Kentucky volunteers.

Major General T. L. Critenden. Kentucky voiuniecn- Th.cs. E.

Bramlette, Colonel 3d Kentucky volunteers. Major Grneral J. X. Boyle, Kentucky voluu-terrs. JL FonstaiD, private, company 15th Kentucky volunteer infantry.

Jaa. Edrincton, private, 15th Kentucky volunteer Infantry. U. A. Bbarp, Adjutant, loth Kentucky volunteer infantry.

J. L. Athcrton, Capt. company 151 Keu-lurkv volunteer Infantry. J.

Ljle 1st Ltent, company 15th K-n-tui-kv volunteer J. C. Carroll, Capt. company Kentucky volunteer inlantry. W.

G. KodRera, and Qaar-ternaEter 2d Kentucky volunteer cavalry. J. M. Vetter, Capt.

company 9th Kentucky iniantty. Col. B. Gridw, 9th Kentucky infantry. Mnj: J.

R. Pige, 9th Cavalry. Lieut.jJofcn W. JenkbM, Sih Keatucky Cavalry. Kobert B.

Taylor, 52d Keutnckv C. H. Parrent, private Co. D. 9th Kentucky Samuel If.

Clark, 2d Kentucky Cavalry, Nashville, Tennessee. A. C. Semple, Capt and A. A.

U. S. V. S. T.

Johnson, Col. 17n Kentucky Csvalry. B. D. Chalman, 17 th Kentucky Cavalry.

V. A. Jones, Lieut. 17th Kentucky Cavalry. C.

8. Stuart, Serg't 12th Kentucky Cavalry. A. iL Stent, Colouel ef the 17th Ken-tuckv infantry and Brevet Brigadier-General. Capt.

We Jacobs and Col. B. JL Kelly, 4th Kentuckv infantrr. W. T.

Kentucky infantry. Wellington Harlan, 4th Ktntncky infantry. Caps-'W. W. Bacon, 7th Kentucky infantry.

Capt. W. R. Gray, 7th Kentucky infantry. Sergt.

John Branson, 7tu Kcutucky infantry. fierfri. Jacob SwiKcrt, 7th Kentucky infantry. Sergt. John R.

Veaek, 7 th Kentucky infantry. Col. J. K. 7th Kcntuthy cavalry.

Capt. D. W. Owens, Gth Kentucky infantry. CapL Lewis B.

Neel, Gib. Kentucky infantry. CapL S. BlackwelL 6th Keutuctty infantry. Lieut.

D. W. Haley, 55ih Kentucky. CapL C. A.

Woout, 14th Kentucky infantry. First Lieut. Alfred Pirtle, loin Ohio infantry. Haj. In.

M. Taylor, 10th Kentuckv infantry. Capt. A. Sheets, 9th cavalry.

Pnvata A. Curd, 20th Kentuckv. Snrgeon John R. Pirtle, Kentucky inf. Capt.

P. O. Hawra. 2d Kentucky. I.itut.CoL G.

C. Wharton.lOih Kentucky. G. H. Ward, Colonel 27th I Samuel M.

Letcher, Colonel TJ. s. Major Duvall English. Uth Kentucky cav. Lieut-CoL William Henry Roberts, Bureau ol Ordnance, U.

S. A. H. H. Iiobfon, Colonel 13.

Kentucky Inf. Col. A. Wake Holman, 12th cavalry. CapL W.

P. Bacon, 32d Infantry. Ia the election of officers of the association, for which the constitution adopted by the con-veation provides, the following gentlemen were named and chosen without opposition: President, Gen. Hobson; Vice Presidents, Gen. Ward, Private J.

C. Gill, Col. Brlitow; Recording Secretary, Major Davall English; Corres-pondicg Secretary, 'Lieut. Pirtle; Assistant Recording Secretary, Private David Olllnger; Assistant Corresponding Secretary, Col. Treasurer, Captain H.

B. Grant. We catnot restrain an inclination to compli-mint the accomplished chief secretary of the Ccnventiof, Major English, for the able manner in which he recorded the minutes of the lessiocs; and we heartily thank him for the courtesies extended to the members of the press, The sessions of the convention were characterized by a spirit of kindness, affection, and earnettness. On all subjects, aside from those wkere political action was in any manner referred to, the deliberations of the convention were pre eminently harmonious. And it must now pleasant reflection to thesef who were in attendance, that they have once more met their battle jscarred comrades free-to face, and taken them kindly, joyfully by the hand; thtt there still exta between them a bond of triendshlp Ki' brotherhood more powerful than that which holds together the ordinary organizations of the age; and that, cn all occasions and under all circumstances, those who test the strength and power of the silken cord will And that as it increases in age, it gathers strength and By all means let these reunions be continued; let every soldier who has taken pride in the calling on account of the cause which he espoused, feel that It is to bis interest to meet his former companions in arms in mass convention at least once a year, and he will feel strengthened in the iaith which be exhibited in the drk days of the republic, when he shouldcied hU aid took hia place io the line.

Extensive Sale of fitovernment Froperty. Oi-HUE ASSISTAMT.QCK&TTUUlaiTlU, CLtfTUtNO JlHD EqUll-ASE DEl'OT, Maieh 2, ISflC TT OBDEB OF CaIT. U. EDDY, QUIEP QuarteTraastei-'e Devartmeiit tV Teausesee, I will ucar at pool la aucUeu. at Naahvllle, Teh on THURSDAY.

April iPUi, A m1 of eoutkmiieU' Uolh-Im, Cajnp amd (Wiihoa Eualpage. be coMBienoa at lu o'cloek A. U. at Wartoj on Markot sansat, tomlii ot Rtod stoeet, and from thon to adjonru to WamhouMi oc It.aad sh et, botween Vina aad Hich itrsMCs. Fma n.

tw. w.w,i,nu cf Vine and Bcoad vtreuts. 'j lie JOsJowinji uu tucabraeed in tho lilt cf stlcios to-i sold a ecmu.ete lbt whiuh Cffica, No. 17 South Matkst uxfer, NaaavtUc. Term M7 psira Cavawy and Jniaatry Trowsere; Knapsick, HartTiic'aa, aud Canteeui; tpitk-n 1J0S PickAscs; Cavalry, infantry el Ifenilaj droit Cottar 13 Caralry, lutnatry, cud Attillcr Jackets; Axets ri Hitalicrs; tSij ShPTcht, Ac: psuud of Old Teat age in aad ether articles ef dowiicg, Ctiuip aud GAiriAm Kiuipige, ic Terms cash iu rrminitT.t Funds.

All pa: chasers will be rniuired at tbe ticio of tale to saaku a depeeit ae security for riu'vl parmcct and re-movtl tf toodi. THOMAS COX. at itd Pvt. Major acd A. Q.

M. Szenslvo Sale of Governnzant Property. EV OnDBR GF CAITP. a. K.

2.DDV, CH'F Q. AtD. cfT I wilt pficrct PUBLIC AUCTION, outho silB of tho southern half ef tbe Tayloi D-rwt, ccroer of Ptritr-ncr end Dtmonbissst strtMta. Ni.hTlIla. Tmn on TUE5DAT, April 10, 1255, thu entire reiiiiJaWeX tha great nre oi rjano i', tonsisaiug cr c-no ana Jaul Shots; est, wroiirht.

aad Horte Sbce Naila; ca tanr wrcugkt Syikea. nixkiag In the ajorresaiy warad of (X.le,0ej rwe million pounds oi eld Iroa. Tense Cash ftn Gorsznsueat lircds. A UdmbI deposit will be rronired from piirchadti9. W.

A. WAINWRIOHT, saXMtd Capt. tk CVf Aes't Q. D. of T.

Groat Sale of Ctovernmcnt Clothing. I.aBiariujL Kr Much 11. ISflil I TJtfTLL BR SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT TilS GoTtMTtaient QeUiiug Waiehosues Cu tko rivorj, JttSoraeuville, Indiana, oa MONDAY, ho ICth du- Off Apriltiecatllo'eleek A. 41,740 ureal JoatH. These Ccata are new, and are sold becauao they arei irresrtiiar in eclcr aud material they are moitlygrey udilaek.

TtYxna Cash in Csrarnmcnt By order cf the Qoarteimastes-General. G. A. HULL, mSS dtAplt? M. S.


ManoAi. PrjsvHTOtt'a Orriac, WAsmwxoN.b.O., March 1S5C. Will heM.M at Purillo AnrtiurL In tM. rtr- tham JUDICIARY SOI'AUIC WAkCUOUSIi. back of the City Hall, on WEDNESDAY, the Uth day of AprU next, at 10 o'sicck A.

Mrf lass folluwiug articles! of Hospital Slur anal Llstaori, no lougtw lequired tor the us AITTW baJOl Ifc.WD UM, Uailev li OKI ti I Desakated Pcu- toes 100 Ha Mixed Det-c. 13' Wbiaky, quart bot- tiea 90.000 Whisky, In bbla, gallon Sbetry Wine, qu't Com Starch Cotca Clnnftmoa, Powd. 1.000 1 FariM SO.OUO Tapioca. xt, of Bsef. 50.008 Content' i Inter Ext of Coffee gal: Haca tVX) Sherry Wine, In oo Tarragona Wlae, I in till 10 tvv rea Henna.

2.S00 Tbe itbove articles will ba tmld it Ict t-i a.ii't hith laige and small purchasers. i ci njs tun, Five Ri) dars Will ba allowed ta narli.v In rrnrln their prcpeity. icaey uy me 6ib prox. CIIAS. SITHERLAND, Surgeon aud Purveyor, U.

S. A. C. W. BOTELER, Auctioneer.

m3d dUpH MARSHAL'S SALES. SSarshal's Sale. ElinAteth Lawrence by ivraiWt InChaneery. Ne.lp.SO?. E.

D. Lawrence, ttc. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE LOUIS-villft Chancerr Conrt. rraAmA in Hxua. the uuale rElgncd, or one of ua, will, oa Monday, April 9 aKiut the hour of 11 o'clock A.

ecllatpublla auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court-house door, in city of 'Louisville, on a credit of-'b aud li niODtbs, the property In plesdinxi BauHoned. via: A HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND on tK uortheaft corner of Walnnl and SevenUi el reels. baWLf. a fiODt cf 40 feet or. Seventh ttrocl nnd niaiiiux back with Walnut treet same width 1W feet.

Tlx purchaser will be to give bond, with fipf proved Mcurlty, Iwsxing Interest rrom AaU? mitU ptUoi and a lieu will be retained as additional A. JlUKUAT, Harehal Lotiisrille Ohanocry CoorC N. BEALL GANTT, 1 af Ctd!. DlEinrshal's Salo. Mai tha J.

Uatuileld aralnit In Chancery. No. 19,113. A. D.

Manetlcld, cJ BY VntTUE OF A DECREE OF 7ID5 LOUISVILLE Cliacccry Court rendered in the trove cause, tha undersigned, or one of us, will, ou Monday, April 9 18c6, about ths hour of 11 o'clock A. JL, soil at puliOa auction, to tbe lushest bidder, at the Cotrrt-horiaa door. in the dry of Lotusriilo, ou a credit oi 3, if, Vi, and mcuthe, the property In rlcafllnar roeotloned, riss A UOUt-E AND LOT OF GROUND tu pS city, oa tb west tide of Sixth, between Wulnnl aud Chestnut streets, bcgtnulnr at a point 70 feet south, or tne aiiey imck orsouwoi tue lot owum try jatcea Speed, Usenet west SW) leet ta an alley, thecce loath with id alley SO feet, thenre east feet to Sfxttir crrta stref theuce with Sixth eUeet te the bcgituilng The purchaser will be reciulred to give bond with op-prored security, bearing intorart (rum date until paid, aud a lien will Lc rottiuud as anditinwl security. THOS. A.

MOBGAN, Marahal Lou. CbancetT Oourt. N. BEAXJj GANTT. eiCtd D.M.

L.C.C. IVI'LLSMERY GOODS. JIEBS. 1 AM NOW Hi UECLil'I Of 111" LAitGE STOCCOP PATTEEIST ITS ii 118, S- If ctrrl with great czre in tLc Etcna and funii-liod to tbo trr.SL- ut lowct Cgurcn. BAZAAR GF FASHION, Fourth Street, Oppcslte ttatlciui ilotct, L0L13VILLU, KY.

HVl -A. BTIU: THE SPRING MEETING F5 'OR TROTTING OVER THE NASHVILLM Ctitirfj 'will roramenco ou the 1-tth dav of Mar 186C. The following Stakes are offsred to be trotted: KO. I-FniST DAT, MONDAY. Stakes free for all Trotting Horw; mile heats, best 1 in iul.u item.

tUO culxiuict; fttfoit; $15ii addtal by the iTcpiiotrr. Sme dsy, puree $100 for all Pacing HorzCs, to go a the luewe, mile litati. NO. 2-SECOND DAY, TUE AY. SutC free for all Trotting Horas norr otrnc In Da-vieVcn eountr: mile btaU.8 in 5, to Uarness; glut) tn-trscce; HQ leneit; added by proprietor.

Srme day, par ilCO ftr all trottinc HorMt? that ntver bettiaa In pnblic; mile beats, 3 in 5 to harness NO. S-TUH1D DAY, WEDNESDAY, Stike free lor all Trettiiig Horrea; two mile heats to barnete; cUQ ciitrimce, SiW forfeit; 130 added by pro- praie day, ptiVe" 100 for ail Trotting noreea; toite hctvis, 3 iu to raddle. NO. 4 FOURTH DAY, THURSDAY. Stake free for all Trotting Boree; 3 mile beau to hsx-nct; c-W tntracce; lorlcit; to bjaddodby preprietar.

Same day, prreo free for all herrtei that never, bctt 3:50 in public, to wagond. NO. 5 FIFTH DAY, FRIDAY. Etsko free for ail Trotting tilc heatj to wag-otf: jslvu eutrance, 50 forfeit: added by preprf- Same cay, purse 8100 for all that never boi minutes, to wagons, 3 in 5, mile heats. Fntrles In the above stake to doee ISE'i cf Forfeit money to beiiiplceed Rddrctted to E.

IJemmgrfttpri7tor. Jr" above cursca ten per cent to cfocM. eh In three or more IJ DEMINO ttis dtd. Prcprlew: of Nashville Cooret. Ws VArft JITOlTDril In TritlSt r.Ia y- GEORGE D.

PRENTICE. Public Printer for the CommonwwJth. 6CBSC1IIPT10N3 BV MAIL -IS ADVANGH IVJIj- ptfr year $13 00 Iraiiy for inoatlia 01 Daily lor 3 months 55 DaUr for 1 month 1 14 Weeklt Ono cory for ttrclvo monib! 62 5w; twenty copies, with a ciy to the getter upnjftho club, 640. Additloni may be mado to the club; at club at my time. DEL1VHBRP XH THE CITY I Per week 25 Per quarter 3 25 WcvBly 1 month S3 Weekly 6 months 160 WUy 12moiiUa BU CBe atire to rtiiter your tettsra If 70 trtih ua to tku tho riak of the Ion.

MONDAY, APRIL 8, 18C6. STATE CONVENTION OF SOLDIER3. Oi: Saturday, 7th tho members of the convention reusembled st 10 o'clock A. atd were called to order by the President. Major Kinney proposed the following reGOla-tion.

Jie60lvetU That while wo have aasemhloa here far no political purpose, aud whUu we do not propoie by tbia crtanizatiou to forward the aaccesri of any political party, yet vts doom it eminently within too purrlsir of this convention to declare that we Tolantoered ia tho mtlitarr aaxvica of the aountry because we aatoemed it to bo a hljb. datr, ana baeauae we believed tbst oar allegiance to the Kadoral Government was piramonnt to any claim which a State or aection had uaun na, and wo atUI eo believe; that we labored for the prcicrvallon of the L'nicu became we regarded tho idea af froo povorn-ment involved in the straggle, aud we will in the fu-tara. aaiutha put, hold ouraelvta ready to respond to any call of the governmtnt for thomaiutenaaca of 19 priucpleeto these for which wo sirugalod In the recant nar. And supported it with the-following lan- Mr. CiiAiiiMAx: It is In compliance with a reqntsl made by many friend sorronndlnf me, more than through any desire on mv par; to be heard in lb it conrentloa, that I will ask the privilene of sajiug a few wordi upon the reao-iutioa propesed by the committee.

And I will say in the commencement that I opposed this retolullon in the committee-room becuse the lnneuaee in which it is couched made it liable to the objection of being too eeneral in iu character, und I sought in the to BubsiUute a resolution for it Betting forth specifically our object in taking part in ihe war, and indoreiujz the President'. eSurts to the labors of the soldier fruuiUr so far at tncMa oh. jecte were concerned. But. noiwi instancing tne precise lantruaTQ of the resolution did not tuit me, yet the spirit ug lnteni 01 icq resolution meets wiin my htarty

It is objected thai it political in its character, and the declaration Is maae mat we must exemae eTerjtnme or a political nature from our deliberations. far as this declaration applies to what is vulgarlr understood as politics I agree with the gentle" man. I would not liare this coaveation declare In favor of i any political pany or faction. But If by politics tho gentleman, meons those reat and fundamental DrUciules upon which our government is baaed, then, sir, wcnld have the soldiers here, clearly and em- uhalicolly, proclaim the principles upon which they took part in tho great struggle thrtugh which wo have so recently passed, and to de clare that they will maintain and abide by post, aud, sir, this resolmtion simply makes that declaration. Sir.

lor what did we serer the ties of past as sociation and friendship, and for what did we go counter to the prejudices of earlier education in crder to take part in the war? It was to maintain the great theory of our guvera-ment's It was to maintain the theory that no State could, of its own volition, withdraw from the sisterhood and thus demoy that Union which is the great underlr- ing trinmpbantly maintained this doctrine in the liial by batiie, shall we hesitate to indorse ILe rieticcnt, our Commander in-Chitf, when he asEerts as a logical seqaence of the theory for which yuu fought, that no 3 ate be expelled by anr.mnj matter however great in Cor-gi tse? Are we ashamed of tho princl-p'c upon which we sustained our Government duiii-g the Vrar, or are we afraid her to re-avow it, and declare our unyielding determination to uphold It In tho future as In the past? I tbiuk toat our mannooa uemanas sucn a here. Miny of the people of Kentucky who started with us upon this theory have faltered and deserted us, and In some instances have sought to persecute us. By legislative enactment every disability is removed from the Confederate soldier, and the act Is made pleadable in bar to any suit or prosecution against him. Bat no such act was passed cn ocas a oi me un the contrary the doors of persecution were opened yet wider upon him. And while you are being tnus etncKcn aown dv nainermy firisiauon.

sua men are seeaunr power bv initrepreEentlDg and abusing you, It is urged here that you muit not give utterance to the great principles for which you fought, and for which your campanlous aitu uur iui icar turn utty tivu to some political patty. Sir, could he wheec name gildE that Hag over your head, the gallant, James S. Jackson, and could thoeowlio fell bineaUt thai rgrzed banner jour right, come up from tho fields where they lit some ot tuem uouunea, ana none oi teem with a stone to mark their resting would they not ciy shaiae upon such uat. 6ajs rne feeniieman. we most nave no prlit'cal utterances.

We cannot avoid politics it we say an thing at an aoont principle, out this resolution is us bieh above partisan politics iis the reiigiou of Jesus Uhrict is above the Etcuirinn pauai'ts of the false minister who "sttals the liven of Heaven to serve the Ddvil in." After these remarks the resolution was adopted. In the 'meeting of Friday night much con troversy occurred upon the question of adopt-' ing the first isf a series of resolutions reported to the Convention by the Committee on Reso lutions. We published a copy of them in our Saturday's report, and stated at that time that the convention finally rejected the proportion to indoiEc the policy of Andrew Johnson. The remaining resolutions of the'eerles came up for further consideration, and CoL Ward proposed a substitute for them, which reads as folio -e: That In tto lata war we fought for tho toir the Constitution, emit the Union, and rre consider that fit htmg as one of tho proudest, beat, and moat glorioaa acta of our lives; we onraalva now, and at all timet, ready to ficht far the same caiuo aa long tlrcucth endurre aud life Itata. liemlvcil, lliatweowolt to our parlfld comradtUt and tneie who have been dlaabted iu the aoivico, u.ud the helplsa wlvca and children of our fellow-aoldlare, to maao seme provleion to prevent them from aaaarinf That we owe it tooureclvva, posterity, and the couutrj-, to fetter and encourage the Krewth or true, unalloyed pauiothm.

That we owe it toonraeWes to form a combination for tha oHmoio of Drevautlna' onureisloa aud puimhmcut of tho Untau aoldlcr, wh) has only div chai ged his duty. AmlUat for theio and kind rad we jrm oureolvce into a porinanout Soldiers' Arecc'ntiou, cscludlUKtharefrom atipolitical, raiit'ouj, aud ether unodtiona foiclcu to the objects or tula mj-cixlion. Jiewlvedy That thlr Ccnrootion doea not desire to be uudtietc-oO, by any action it has or my take in rejecting political quealioiis, aa approving or dianpprovins aitd qreetiona, butouly aa ignorln( them as fereixn to the ot'ji-cu. (f tliia Couveutiou. aud destructive ol tho ut-blc piirj.oaca of oar ai locution.

Hea-AvaU Tliat aur Senators and Raprei entities In the Stato Legislature be requested to p.ovide lor tho and wtctiou of a monument to their memorr. and that (hit reinett bo urged uponcicn LeaUlature until it rrnmca. lietolved, Tbat we rrcrd the bill reccutlr Intro- dncrd Into Coiisrcfi, ci.naliEing buutica, aa a mctwtiro (i jtisnco to tne tnuiwi aoiaiar and toe wives ana cmt-drt of our departed camrad: and, aa we bava an abiding faith in the jtuttoe of tho American ptople, wo feci inre that we can rely upon Unm to see that thli ii made indue time. In addition to the above, Col. J.

Mason Browua presented a retolullon which he desired to have passed with the substitute offered by Col. Ward. It was read to tho Convention, and then adopted, as were the others of the saries. The resolution of Col. Browne reads: JJrscIrerf, That wc regard appointments to the naval aud military academies of tho Lulled States as proptrly due to the aous of aoldlcra ot tho Union, and wo requeat ournpiefciitatives inCorgTMii to give tho preference, in distributing audi appointments, to tho families of our brave comrades.

Tbc Committee on to whom was intrus.ed the Important part of reporting such subjects as should be deemed worthy andeiaan-tlal' to be considered by the convention, an nonnced, through Us chairman, Colonel Ward, the fict that a constitution and bylaws had been carefully prepared and would be submitted. Colonel Ward then read them as follows: To perfect a harmonious Union among all who have honorably, patriotically, In the armiw of tho United States from Kentucky, we hcrvbr adopt tho following cootlitution: ARTICLE I Name, The name of tbia shall be tho 'Union SoItLeiV Awodatioa of Kentucky ARTICLE II Omenta. Stc. 1. Tho onicets of this association shall consist of oe Freelc'cut aud Uuee Ylcc-Preaideuu, one Corre-pondlug Secretary and one Aniitant Correiponding Secretary, one Recording Secretary and ono Aselatant licooiding SccretarytMoTreMurer.

n.a-lwivnntimed oflicora sbaU be oloctA.4 tit tha annual convention of tho association. A majority of all the vote cast ehall ba f.1"-., The officers elect ehall be instated at the mooting at wnlcn tney arc eiccieu. ARTICLE III Dctics Ann QnALiriOATiosB Or-nceue. i Tt utinli l.fl thr slutf nf ihc President to nTCelde at all mectinga of tho association, maintain order, enforce the ru'irt, aud perform ouch other duties aa tho ae-loclaticn may rciiuiic of him. 2 it eliaii uu mo uuy i aa cc-rreuueuw the President in matuUlning order and enforcing tho rtiU'f, and, in hhi to act as President.

S. It iliall lie ih duty of the Recording Sevcti-y to keen a record of the proceedings of the aifOcUtlin. attest hid signature to all tecudj of it! action, to all Pu Sipteuiher, October, November, Deaumber, iu the year it. ana iuo muuiiii oiuusi iiu cuirruarj, TiCG, in tbia, to wit: tha said Lemuel aad J. TOulan trid not tbia aotl there make true and exact entry or cause to be entered in a book itt by thorn for that purpose tbd uumber of gallons of spirits distilled by them, aire the number of gtlioaa plccd in warehouse, also the number told er removed for censnmption or stls, atd the proof thereof; and did not reuder to tha Assi-or cr Afhistant Aaeuoi, ou the lrt, IlUi, aud 21 4 dam of each aud every aiouth aforesaid, or within five days tuetealVr, an account, in duplicate, taken frjm their tcks.

of the number of gallors af ssirftd distliied, and also th number ot gallons told or removed for con-sumption or sale, auu tha proof tkereof, uot before for; and that said article became thereby fort fit td to the use of tho United States of America, acd praying proems against tbe trm that tho Eame may be condemned as forleited ma aforesaid. Now, in puriuauc." of the ciauitioa uuder tbe seal cf aaid Court te nic directed and dellvexe-d, I hereby give public notvee to-alt pdrsosa claiaitnc said artlclea, or iu any manner intonated therein, thtt they be aud apar before the aaid District Court, to be h.d at the city of Louiarilie, in and for aiidDarict, on the tirft day of its- neit May tsrm, the 7th dar of Mir D. then and there to iuterpoe their claims tu6 to mske tlieir allcgntlous Iu that belief. W. A.


JoaiiCA. Tcvig, U. S. Att'x. Daied April a7 414 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.) Kn ira Disteict ob KwrrcoKr: ao' XtrHERKAS, AN IN FORMATION II AS BEEN FILED In th District Court cf the UulteJ Stitee, and for the District of Kei.tucky, on tbe 31 day of April, A.

D. liritJ, by Joshua Tcvis, Attorney for the Umtrd states fcr tlie Diatrict of Kentucky, who prosecutes htiun, iu bfthalf of tho Uui bad SlaWi, aain-t 56 cam-la whlrty it distiliet at Oiriuiborc; 21 barrel whiskr at LI. Walkor it Louisville; barrels Ckreue Leuisville; 6 barrels wblcky at A. Z-soiiu. Lcuiaviliii; barrels whisky, at Hulett Leon-aid.

Louu viile; 1 woodtw still, 1 doublet-, I beer-tnbt; 1 maimer, alleging in aubotance that said goods aitlcka were seized ou laud, in the District of Kentucky, on ths SSth day of March, A. D. 16 as lcrivited to the United States, tor that, on thu first day ef September, Itss, and from thunce continually to this due, kaid whisky wan snanufactured by ono Wm. E. Reed, who was then and there the owuor ot staid stitl ai.d other vsamfls which were then and thre utd by him in the diatiliaVon of Buid (pints on which duty tlicu aud thre payable, aud ho did tiien aud tbeit.

gleet aud refttarc to make true and sztct entry of the stsse, in thiv to wit that tbe said Wm. E. Rjed did not then and there, from dnv to day, make trtm iud exart sutiy, or cau.e to a book keg tor that purpofi the uumbr of gallons of spirits dunilsjJ, alto thu number of gnllous pbcrd in warehouse, ud alio the nanber sold or removed fsr or sale, nnd tbc proof thtroi, otc andtnat atai-t articles Ix-eoab thereby' forJeitud to tho use ot'iho United States ui America, and praying process against tha same tint the tame may be condemned as forfeited as afreiId. Now, therefore. In purswsnec of the moaltiou under Uis real said Court to me directed aud delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all portcus cUimiug sid ait'cli1, or in any manner Interested that they ttnu l-fcre the aaid DUtrict Court, to be he'd at tbe city cf Louisville; in and for said District, on the first day of its nest May lm, tha 7th day of May.

A. 1m. thwi and there to lnterpo their claims, aad to tnaketiitirallscstinua in that bohali. W. A.


JoMir Tsvib, U. S. Attorney. Dated April IBoii. dl4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Distbict or KasrrtXKT.

631 ft0 FILED TT iu the District Court of tbe United Slates, within and for tho District of Kentucky, on the 'J3d day of March, A. D. by Joshua Tevla, Evj Attorney fcr tho United States for tho Dlitrict of Kentucky, who presfcutoa hereie, in behalf of the United Statfs aud against one still, one and eight tubs, alleging iu sabaianco that paid goods aud articles were siziij on laud in tbo District of Kentucky, ou the eth day of March. A. D.

KtA, as forteited to tho Uuited SUtiy: ou the tint dry cf July, ISt. aud from theaco coiittmially to the ttb of February, lv', L. D. La wis was tha owner of twrUin rcil, ta wit: said still ufd in tho fltilNfou of spirits on which duty we ptjabio, and did tteu and tlte p.oduce snd make ccitalu pTrltuous tiers on which duty was payable, and did then and there neglect to make true and exact entry andrcputuf tho same for the mouths of July, August, September, uctoDer, novtmrjer. ana uecemoer, in tne year aud the mouths of January and Febru.rj'i IstW, in this, to wit: the said L.

D. Lewis did not then aud there trtic and exact entry, or eaute to lie entered in a bock kept by him for tliat purpose, tlie number of gal-lout; cf distilled by blm; also the numbh of gal-lora placed in warehouse; lalso the number sold or rer oved for cousumptiop or sale, aud the r-roef thereof, and did not render ta the Aaiewor or Assistant ArsiMor, on "he 14, and 21st dajs oi each and every mouth f.resaic, or within five days thereafter, au acc tu fluplicalfj taken from bis book, of the number of eal-Uneof ipiriu diitiiUd. and olfo tbe uuiubr of ealUirs o'd or removed far consumption or sale, aud the proof tho.ccf, not befoio nccouuted lor, and tiia: said became thctcby forteited to tlie use of the United States ofAmfcica, aud praying prcctve againjt the taaic tt the Erme may be condemned ss foriuited as aforciaiil. Now, tbertfore, in punuaues of tbe moultiou uudor the teal of said Court tome dirsctcdaud dV.ivtfri.-J, 1 do bneby fcive public notice te all person clalir.iujt stid aiticlee, cr in any mauncr lntert.tcd thurjiu, that they be rnd appear before tbe esid Dirtrict Court, to be he-d at the city of Louis villi), in and for eild District, on the fiittdayof itu next May trim, tho 7th day of May, A. D.

1SCS, then aad there to ibte-poee their claims, aad to make their allegations in that behalf. W. A. MERI WETUEB, U. S.

M. K. D. TcviB, U. S.

Attorney. Dated April 6, 18G6-a7dU UNITED STATES" OF AMEEICA, W(1 -UEK EAS, AN INFO KM AXIOM ILV3I1CES FILED it in the District Coutt of the United Statt witbiu aud for the District ot A. D. lM-l. by Jochua Tevis, EcqM Attorney for tbe United States fur Uw District of Kentucky, who pro.e-cutes hiiiein in behalf of the United Stateti agilust two baircL of ubieky.

twenty gallons of apple brandy, two half-ban els low wines, oueatill barrels vinegar, twelve barrels mub, and four empty bariels, alleging in that said goods aud articles were cited ou laud iu the District ot Kentucky on tic LStfc day of Maxell A. D. UtW, as forfeited to the United Steles: for that on tbc Jst day of January, lti-J, said whisky, brandy, wiu, and viuegar wctu mauu-factum! by one M. Siebert, who was then aud there the owner and i uperiutendeut of said till and appurte-iiaucti, were theu and thero tided by bim iu the dietillatloc of said spirits; on which duty was tnun and Uicre payable, and who did theu aid there neglect and refuse tu make true and exact curry of tlu eame, lutbid, to Kit: that the said M. Siebert did uot then nud tr.ere trcm u.y to day make true and txact eutry or to be entered in a book kept for that purpote tbe number of Felloes of spirits distilled, and also tho uutubor of golk us placed iu warehouse, aud also the number sold or removed' for consumptiou or sale, and the proof th roof; nnd that said articles became thereby forleited to (he usaof the United States of America, ami praying agonist the axna that the name may bj cua demnud foiieited att aforesaid.

N-w, therefor', in pursuance of the monition under tbe teal of stld Court to me directed and delivered, I do hcitby give public iutice to all pireons clairalag said artidi or in any manner iutertsted therein, that they be and appear before the District Court, Ut hi held at the city of Leuiiville, In and for eald District, on the f.rrt day cf Its next May term, tho Tlh day of May A. D. lttW, then and there to inteipcic their clalnnf, aud to icake their fiilcFtii'iru In thtt behalf. W. A.

KKEIWETHlfB. V. 3. M. K.

D. Tevib, I nitcd States Attorney. Daif April 6, ISM o7 all UNlfiiD STATES OFAMEIUCA.) DifTSJrr ov Kotltky. M- Tl-UhREJuJ. AN INFORMATION HAS BEEN tt fifei in tho District touit of the U-- itcd State, within nnd lor Uie District of Kentucky, on the Ctli day ol April.

16, by Johua At-tcrucy lor the United States for tha District of Ken-liichy, vi ho herein, in behalf of the United Stetea apiinst twenty gallons of allesing iu subatancu that said goMi aud articles were ecizedou land in the District Kentucky ou the 5th day ol April. as iorTVitcJ tho i Oi-tot; sUd whisky was fluhjett to a duty by Iw, and was found iu the tweicsefcn of for the purpose of beiuir sold by her in fraud of tho Internal Revenue, and wiUidOdin to avoid payment of aaid duties, tbe said fraud being thu: That said spirit having lieeu di.tiliud by a pcroou dul nud legally llcvued, were removed from tht place of mniicfscture to tbe Iiouk of said before tlie itme w.iit.siectd, gatices, and provtd by an Iuspestor.ip-poiutt tcr tbc of such duty, aad before tuch InspEtHor had put a mark upon tbo cm tor package ccnteiuing said fpirits denoting the quantity aud prjol tto ccutcntB thereof, with the date of icptcliou aud tho Lame! of the Irptutcr, as icmired by Uw; hud teat aaid articlea became thereby forfeited to the use or the United State? of America, and praying prjees tagalt the same may be coudemucd as fctfeited aa afotoamld. Now, tbtscfore. iu pursoanco of the monition under the -u alcf eaid Court to mo directed and oelivccoJ, I do beieby give public noiice to all person claiming said ari-VJi. or in anv manner intetexted therciu thttthev te nnd appear tbe 9ld District Court, to be at th- ciij'oi Lcni'ville, in and fir said stric, en the day cf itihext May term, the 7th day of My, A.

then and to interpose their claims, and to moke their allccatieni in thst behalf. W. A MERIWETHER, U. S. It.

D. Tkvib. U. S. Attorney.

Ltaltad April 6, lH'6. sp7 dH. CNITED STATES tpF AMERICA,) District Ok-KKJnioKY. i 03 Mi' HEKEAS AN INFORMATION HAS BEEN FILED if in tbe Diclrict uourt oi tue uusuru aiaice. wuuiu and for tbe District of K-'ntneky, on the 5th dy of April.

A. D.ieiK, by Joshua Tevis, Fsqulre, Attorney for the United SLitcs for tbe District of K-ntuckv. wzo prosecutes' In behalf cf the United Sute. barrt-ls of whinky, alleging in subtttuce taat aid wuitky was reized ou laud in tbe DUtrict ot Kentucky, on tbe 5th daj of April, A. as forfeited to' the U'niled States; nine barrels of whisky was Biibjfft to duty imposed thereon by proviiiom of law, and were at the date aforesaid found in the pMewlan atd witliih the ceutrol'of tor the parpo of beiiV sold and lemoved by said in fmud tha Revcoue laws, aud withdorigu to awid pymentof said dutie.

the aid time barreU of whhky being then and tboie branded with a certain fa-'se aud counterfeit brand, piu porting to bo the branded an Inoirctor appointed lor the perlermancc of euch duties, 4c, aud tliat said articles became thereby torfeited to tlie us of the United Staice of America, and praying process) against the same that tbe same miy be con-duucd hi fotfeited as aforeaald. Now. tr.ereforc,in pursuance of the monition us-derthe seal of snid Court to me directed and deliveren, I do hereby give public notice to all percens ctalmiug eaid or in u- manner inU-nsttsi therein, that tlioy and fppear before the said District Court, ta be held at the city of Leuisville, in and for said District, on the Gist day of IU next May term, the 7th day of May, A. then and there to interpose their clalniss aai to mcke their allecoiioua in that behalf. W.


D. J.ienTA.TKn8, U.S.AUomey. Dat.d April 1565. a7 dlt. THIS DELIGHTFUL PERFUME IS SOLD BY ALL Droggitti.

m31 d3m TjonisTille and Xffashville Railroad. GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. Lons TILLS, Mirch 13, 1S53. To Sliipxers- HEIGHT WILL UE RECEIVES P)E ATLANTA andalipoinle bouth uuil turtber F. S.

VAN ATsSriNE. mlSJtf Freight Agent. cos-or woszoa. rriTE REGUL.VR SALES OF COTTON AT AUCTION at the wrtbo-je Fai fax he-gin TUESDAY, April 3d. at o'clock, aud will be can-tinned twice isle ixias TaeidUrsatjd Fridaj s.

3 dtl UNIIPD STATES OF AMERICA. lsa DtmiCT or KBWTrrnr, YU HKKMAS. AN INFORMATION HAS BEEN FILED in the District Court of Uie United States, within and for the? District ef Ksntuckr, on the 15th day of Much. A. D.l5ft, by Jwhua Tevis, Ei.irt Attorney for the I uited Start for the District of Kentucky, who prrwecutrs in behalf of the Uultod against SsUlJe and 4 gnlkm whhlty, alleging in sak-kti-ncethat poo is and trticlis rrrre seizod ou laud, in tbo District cf JCentuekr, on the 24th dar of February, A.

D. 1 is forfeited to tbo United States; on the 1st day Is-a, and troTO thence couamu tlly to the ef February, lew. Auk Wilaou aud Joha T. Uendritkson were the owners of eettain vesreK to wit: said stills used in tho distillation of spirits on which duty was payable, tad did than and there produce and make certaia cptritttous liquors oa which duty was payable, and sUd turn nod there neglect to make true tuul txact entry aud rcp'rt cf the came for the months of July. August, Ssptrtuber, October, November, In tbe er IMa, and tbe months of January aud February, in this, Io wit: the said Wilson A Uevdricktcu aid uot then and thsre make aud exact entry cr caut-e to bo saiter! in a book by them lor that pnrpese the number of gallous of spirits distilled hy tkt m.

aleo the uumber of gallous placed in waiebouse, alto the number aold or rutaoved for C3n sumption cr talc, the proof thereof, and did net render tc tke Areter cr Auutant Ate5(or on the lit, 11th. nnd 51st of each an overy montli afurecaid, or within five dare tatereatter, au account iu duplicate taken frcm their book of the camber ot gallons of spirits distilled, aud also tlie umber of pU lens ecld cr remerid for eonsumptlon -or sale, aud the proof not before accounted for, and tliat said article became thereby forfeit tt? to the tut cf tbe United States of America, and praying process agaimt the sasce that tbo some may becou-ueinued as forfeited as afcrsttald. Now. therefore, ia pursuance of tha monition under tbe seal of said Court me directed auerdalivrred, i da hereby give public uuticu to all perdcus claiming void articles, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before tho said District Court, to be held at tbe city of Louisville, in and for said District, ou the tint day of its next My Urui, the 7th May, A U. lUS.

then and Uiereto interpose their claim, and to make their allegations In that benalft W. A. MERIWEL'IIKB, U. S. M.

K. D. JotiirA Tbvir. T'uiied States Aitimcv. DatcdAprU 6, lsi-a7 dll AUGUST ELECTION.

For Jailer of Jefftrson County. MESSRS. EDlTuES LOUISVILLE JOLRNAL: ease aanounce 1KB BATKM AN as a candidate far Jailer of Jcffcrtou County at tht ensuing Aug tut eleeuoo, aud oblige at dtej MANY VOTERS. (ill AS. A.

POWELL ie a candidate for Jailer or Jef-J fetson county at the nrxt August elrcUon. a3dte JOIIN SHAW is a cindtdita fcr Jailer it U13 ocstting August election. maou TA7Earoautborizrdti anninac M. J. SCHMITT as a candidate for Jailer ot Jefferson county at tbe next August election.

vxii die JAS. C. GILL, tae present Cotouer, is a caodidato for Jailer of JeCtrtfvu couuiy. uilS dte WE are authcrlzed touincuucc W. K.

THOMAS as a for re-cleciion tor Jailer at tho Auiuit lecticu. ml3 dw WA. RONALD Is a candidate for tbe ofiko of Jailer ct Jcflcrecu cccnty at the eneuing August elttc-Uou. die are tiiiUiciized to announce WM. J.

ROBARD3 tu a candidate Jailer of Jctferson county, subject to dicidiou cf a Dcwocratic couuty convention if out- tie held. m33 dtjel." Tot Jndgo of Court of Appeals. aru tMiinanna to an ounce nun. iiiujaAS a. MAK8MALL ft caustlstate for Judra af th Court ol Appeals in this Asp ellate DUtrict.

m3ri die U. are aulerized to announce Hon. P. II. LESLIM of Glasgow, a candidate for Judge of the Court ef Appeals in thle Appellate DjtricL ral3 dte TO THE VOTERS OF TTIK TIlPtD APPELLATH I.

of Kentucky: I an a eauaidate lor Judgu cf the Court of Appuald at tbe uoit August eUctioa. m7 dto CQAS. G. WIHTEKSMITII. For ekssessor of JeSerson County.

WM. IL WATTS is a candisUte for Aeessor of Jaffcr-son county, ltictudiug tke city of Louisville, at the ensuing Angus; cleciioa. all dto rorClcik of tTcfTerson ConntyOonrt. BRENT HOPKINS Is a cnudU'ato for ctlicn cf Clerk cf Ji tTenon County Court. aU ute T7 5.

CRAIG is a cindiiato far Judge of tso City tjOUltOI LrftUliVUlti, ai dtj For Clern of City Court, TW MAN ia ttCtiudidatelor Clerk of t'jo City Court. a3dte MAJ. W. 3. D.

MEQOWAN is for Cierk of rto City Ccuit at the Augvet election. a3 dte' PHIL. TOM PERT Jn, rvcauaUate re-election for Clerk ef the City Ciiirt at the emuinc Antr-ift jlection. inM dte P. ROGERS is a candidate lor Clem of lu City Court.

Election in Angtiat. fiddle For Sheriifox Jefferson County. TH0S. SHANKS, the present Deputy, is a candidate fcr Ehcriff at the August election. nui dta JED.

GAILDP.I2ATH is a Tor EheritT of JeiTercou county the euiuiug August election, mal dte For Clerk of tbe Court of Appeals. HOWARD SMITH- of Goryetowu. Kv it a can- aidate for Clerk of Uie Court ol Appeals at the euiuiug election In Angus next. till TAMA UNION CANDIDATE FOR CLERK OFTIIK JL Court of Appeal- I have bad many years experience aa Cietk, aud nave the legal certificate uf qu ni-cetion as eucli. For the Untou at all hauitl.

an 1 fcr the Constitution as ajiladu). JOHN SEATuN, deedte Grxeuup cj Ky. R. BOLLZNG Is a candiffata far Clerk of the Court Xl ot Appeals at the August election. 423 diwte For County Coroner.

C. GREEN is a candidate for Cocuuer at the election. oi dto 0. HENRY D. CRliEN la a eaaOIiUle for Coroaar it Uie August election.

m2t die For Judgo of Coucty Court. HON. ANDREW MONROE a tor re-etee-tton as Judge of Jttfwrsju Couuty Court. rnSl dte NOTICE. To the Stockholders of Tim Southern Pacific Railroad, CONSLQCENCE OF THE LATE WAR, AND J.

tut Lon.iHUUics.unu Deiwecu tUO iukihuiuwi swim having baa become neccearyto opn i-ntrmniiicjitiori and let them know the condition of tha Con pany at this time. At a geceral conmition of sleek Ldd at Iulsvirie, ou the 15th day of JUrcli, rctjoLveu tnai a sTuuecnpiionai et per urate should be made by each etsdhslder ou tbe sLimitfrnf s-liarM held br blm of the rcoa(f ut ock' for which MiUoripKou stock auould be issued. Tula action was oecetsary to iftise a eumcieut fund to tUfy debts thtu exirtier against the Company ana save it Irtm oaio and esrcuMoo. The war brooking out sh-itly atler, and nil communication being cut ofi, a Hnclcnt ametjet was not raised, comequenuy on tne Zd of Skv- ttm1. Ifigl.

th- rrmd wai sold. The DnrcliMJr eener- ourly preiTeted the road to those who had paid their rucas in cot a a new cuuiyauy wm th Roan, nf nirMora of which mused a reoa.ii- Ucn allowing all stockholders who held stock, for whloh avtJuahJo cculleratlwi liad been riven the Company, rhculd be relnsUted in the new organisation upon the fcl lowing cocdititns, to wit: That upon paring tbe irau oi si per ecare ddsw kwiuhuu ajBawcu sw. kfxreh Sath. ISO. rsstncitu; thalr it-ck one-half, aud a further payment of 1 per elmre on tbe number cfsharos of reduces stock, as directed witter rea of March ltith, 1h1.

Cat Louis viUe coaranvieu of tbatcjtej Tbo action of the Board above was raticedattbe general mcetlBR of trtoekbolderi held at New Orleans cn the 2d dar ef February, also at a meet in held In Louisville, KyM oa tho 33d day of March, loo's. Ptinrn'oT. tierehv rirtm to an fttvkholers to come forward and comply with the above rtwolution, one-htlf of which cay be paid by tha 15th day of April, 1S6K. Tbo oac-haif bsing paid will be considered as an eaneet cf tha intention te pay tbe other half, which TTiti.t In ntirl in frill bv tha lit dar of Jane. Ia48.

aad is hereby gjen that all delinquents after that date will be forcrcr cut off from any connection with tbe Cotcpany. Under the State lawi of Texas, no Raiircad Company shall ifsue stock cettificate. of lees than Sit (1 per shire cf parvaluts, coniequently the alcck of this Company will be reiseued to conform to that law. H. Dr.rkharfit, of Louisville, is the authorlzad Agent cf tee Ccixpizy to receive all moneys aad et-ck.

Stock willtctfiued for all moneyipaidon the above Persons feuding monoy must accompany it with ffce cerJflcates of otcck and If caUs hive been paid rtce ipto must alao be aentj, which will be forwarded icr reUtue. JOHN M. WASKOM, Frest 3. P. R.

R. Co. TJ. S. SSarshal's Sale.

UniUd SuteJj vs. Tyt OF VENDI EXP0NA3 ISSUED FROM -D the District Court of ttc United Kentncty Ditrict. at Louievilio, the undenigucd, or ona ot u. wilt tsffer fur EA'ii to tho bighett bidder, at tho oR-t. in the Custom-bouse building iu tbf ew bu Tuesday.

April 10, one lot of Furniture, Hooka, ic ordered to be sold by order of Court. to arutlocMcosh. EDWARD DOLL, tr.M ltd Pcpitr. COJtL! COJZ! COAIA FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF CITIZEN LIV-IdpIu the Wfftfm portion of tbe city, I iiaj oinned a Ccat Office on Eleventh, near Walnut, in the rear ef the grrcery, and will good a inahty 01 and at a low a price, aa any other de-Jer iu th each densely populated section, whose special duty will be to see tTiat tbc indiattd in thle circular are thoroughly carried out. iviiir" 1 u.i d.

Brevet Aalstaut Commiasloner. ITeadauaitera Uurean R. F. and A. T.

Snb-d-itrict of Kentucky. April 1S6. Levi E. Bcxnxt, Lieut. V- Rnd A.

A. A. G. ap5 dS Cherokee PU1 or Fenialulceeulator. Cure Sappresee 3, ExceiiiVB aud Pain ful Menstmatton, Green and Spinil Affection, iains in the Back.

Sick-Headache, Giddi-iiss, snd all disoaees that spring from irregularity, by removing iho cauee aad all the effects thai arUe from it. Tiiey art perfectly safe inall cuee, except whsu forbldtlen by directions, and are eaiy to administer, ae toey are nicolv sngar-coited. They should in the hanis ol every Maiden, Wife, snd Mothor in the land. Ladies c.n addretit iu perfect confidence, and itato their complaints iu full, iu wc treat all Female Complaints and prepare Medicines suitabls for ail oiseues to which they are subject. Thlrtv-two Dace oannhfot free.

Tim I htrrrn PilU rf aold bv all dniaUlsU at oar tax, or six toxea or they aro sent by mail, free of pretage. in as ordinary Utter, five from observation, by addressinc the sole proprietor. Yt.u. RBDnn an, iitjrf saaur i. R.

Pills No. are ervosred for D'cixl eaten, wheu mildor lrodicluet fail; thsee are sent by tree or postage, on recwpi oj ga, me price oi eacn box, Dr. WriRlit'-i KeJiiTrnatroR Elixir or Etweuce oi jjiie. Cures Genotal Debility, Weakness, in Keuule, Pa'oiutlou r-iof the Heart, and all Nervous Dis- or to tha aixd. ocusiuctht hot blood yomn to course mo veins, resioc- 'As ue lhenix Ing the Organs of Generation, removing Impotency and Debility, restoring maulLueat aud full vigor, thus pro vice a perfect "Elixir of Love," removlnc Sterility and Barrenness in both sexes.

To the neee itoti tne anrs of iu tire animate wiln new lire" don Elixir re jnveetelbsfTstE ana overcome ais-i young, middle aged, and aged there ia no BTOater boon than this "Elixir enco, nf T.ife It sivea a new of life, eatiilnr the weitk and debilitated to have renewed strongth and vigor, and tbo ectirc system te thrill with joy aud Price, one bottle Si; tbce bottltM scut by exprcifl to any a4drre. arc sold and recommended by all respectable ttriiFsfels iu every part of the civilized gloho; some uuprincipiea io aeceive mew enstomexa by selling cheap and worthless compounds in order to make mouey. Be uot deceived ask for these medicines and take no others. If tho druggiyt does not kefpthem, wjlte to us and we will eeud tham by ex- rete, carefullr packed, lteo frcm observation. We will I'leiuvd to rfecive lottcrs with full t-tatemeotn in regard to but dlfeoec with which ladies or gentlsmen are aOJicted.

Addiess all Utters for medicines, pxmphJets, or advice to the sole proprietor. uh. w. tt. MtiOiiix, oi x.

mlS eod Copartnerships WE. TBH UNDERSIGNED, HAVE THIS DAY fenned a cotiaitnersbio for the mannfaeturc and B-Ic of Butler Improved Augnr for boring wells, under, tte tinn name ol Grief-maun, Butler office. No. icr r-f ice oi oiniu bircct, ueiwcen aecoua ana niira. BUTLER, n.20d6 EDWARD J.

HEINZ. Butler's Improved Auger FOR SALE AND LEASE TO States, Counties, and Individuals, THE BIGHT TO MANUFACTURE AND USE Uriel's Irrprovcd Auger for boring Artesian, Oil, and Water Wellss All persons sro ctuilcncdncalnst tha retires erf-attons of these throughout the United States who represent as our Agents, and who palm upou the PUBLIC WANT, Aurora inferior to our manuCscturo. We employ no Traveling Agent-, Wtrwaru all OIL COMPANIES, CORfOIiiTlOXS, And now nslng our patect, Ko. 271C3, iasufid from the United Slates Omaiueiouer'a ofiice, February i see, tliat will prosecute to the utmost extent of tbe law, tholriup action 'of our right to tho oxciuilvo uee and beutfit of tlie same, known aa SUTLER'S IEIPROVED AUGER, We are ptEpired to mouufactaic and fiimieh tho OR WIsLI, SEE. 5.

THE RICsIIT To mauttfscttuc, rue, and sell tho same. It is The Onlr Article Which uever fails to 6lvo eatififacttcu to purchasers auu tor Economy, BurabU.fy, Force and Power, It commends Itself to the enlightened luteUisence of allpCTron etigapcd in boring weils. The oflice for tbe sale of tho above Anger is No. Co. north aide Maiu batwecu Second aud Third, aud at F.W.

Meiz's, south side cf Grceu street, between Sccoud aud Thlid, Louisville, Ky. ttSO dim Proprietora. OLD MINES BOOKS WILL BE OPENED ON THE 15th INST st the ot tho Hcpe Insurance No.TTJ Fourth street, to receive snb-criptlon to the Lealsvillo GoiA Mining O-tnpany. Those who wish te invert in stock shoeld call cwly en seeing this notice or the o-crtunitv may pw by for obtaining stock that is lf-iibvtd will be umre than quadrupled very ajon in Tbe" crssnlxtion, nDiTer a liberal charter, together with satisfactory evideceos, and fact touching these Gold mar be ascertained from the Dtreclere, and parties who have btreu working the Mines for aver four years, by calling at tbe above oaice. OFFICERS.

T.T.SHREVE, Presidant. R. C. HILL. V.

P. ft S.ip't. Hia fltf D. G. BL Sec.

Tread. EEAR6RASS RAILWAY CO. OrriOE Mo. 143 Main rrtow Lorisvn.Le, March SL, 1S66. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF C0RPO-rators and others interested, held this day, the rhsrter was read and accepted.

A committee, consisting of Dr. J. A. Moore, Wm. C.

Williams, Capt. M. Sherley, Hsn. as. Harrison, and John Thatcher, wasappVnio to secure tbe right of way.

In accordance wiih tho charter, from the city Units, on cr near tbe line of the SbetbyTiUe Turnpike Road to Gil- JlThmeetfng adjflnrned untiria'o'clock on Saturday. April 7, to meet again at the above-mentioned, in order to receive the report of the ccgnmittee anriOrrJiBoOKBOrScMOBirtiOK. All penons interested in having this read built are rccuuted to attend. arc rL-quu JAMES HARRISON, Chairman. Thou as S.

KxinKnv, Secretary 3d6 SPECIAL NOTICE. Great Reduction tbe Price of BOOTS -aad SHOES. -Every Merchant should examine our stock before purchasing. W. F.


"aSKasBsVaaSSMtSBBk Brett uuTateM of westnng the Ddti.bc JIlmi-tio Mil. sskibt far siNii.1 iut will Mrir af-ttrvc-nrd wUUaalr diepeeua with their um. Far Cati Bsrjf, iii 15 km aswi lonmawn uuy are aaaaator to bu others. Tub HOOPS are covered with ply doable-twist ed tiaread, aad wiB wua Twirm a loso a tsto stogl- KrncoveriBg wale Is used ea all fciosgle Saael Hooe Irti. Tie tares bosteaa reds oa every Shirt ax also Doviiu Sra-at ass Twice) or Doable CnrM t.ue.

Tent the cevesaaaj fwas weArtru! efl tho reaa wfcaa dn-jfeg dowu ttaiec, rtoos they art Constantly hm4 te ffWn Ik us. au ore waste si 2w ana xBpaut www ixi'u, and arc ths but qaalifty in very, pari, itvln to the BfCfticr Uifl asset sosi'ei aad Perfect Sh -ptlbla, ojdaro uaqeeaetrOaaWy tie LlgktesL. BNt Desirable, Oernlortable. tmd liw asai Skirt ever made. Ear SaJo ia al ts-vkM Stores la tkis ClSy, and ttrouheut tlte Uaitd 3hUi and Caa-adu.

Havana da Svmkli Auerica, and the Wast Indic. KPrchanU Maenad riho Mwnulactxiiarr, ani by toe aad LatflrtUe Jobbew. tw Inqviro the Duplex RTrtpalc far doublej Jfbax tcif. iH dm j. v.

Scott, rWII-P'aper and Looking-Biass WAREHOUSE-. VHuufactorer of Gilt Rosewood Frames, baporter of French and MtnHrmm WtndewGtm; Fho- JHtfrmriug-, tie, nAVE RBUOVSD TO THE SPACIOUS STORB 5 8 IVIain bet. Second and Third, Four dcora abave my old stand. 1 Iu addition tv former buelaeae. I haro opened an I otircly new ateck af 7V A iIi.FAPBR, tmbrsclnc tli moat lert and latest strict In grMft va-iety.

With iuaraaaed facilities far dolaf bntlneas, nd THE LAUC.aWT BbTABLISli ME NT OF THB IND 1W TUB WBr, I hops to pire aatuttaolion to wno may me mm cms win. njsu aim i. wwh. Tobacco Manufacturers, LOOK H.1SKISI I FALLS CITT FACTORY, LOUISYUjLB, OH SALB. My Leab navimt failed, I au i giTa oowy bujinew: I thtrefore will tall, at 'ablic fale, oa tat 3Hh day af April, my eutlra lot of -tfictineiy, conaifiini of 1 eJ.tralJy ulic Ram aud FlxturOd.

1T 11: Bama tot box-prcuiiog. 4 Brosi-BDt Ua new JJand Caddr Prcajseu andCoeingB. Fitent Itreaa imt Retainers. 11 air' PnBtot Fiulobere or CompreasOB. 41 tt-t, Molda fin ardarl.

various kindd. 26 sets Dauda Mil Oaalnaa. Steam Plpa Flxtaiei cutopleta for Drylnc-rooma and fcireftt-haa). T-tnlil afftehlBflrv. aa now rtandinr.

offers rare I ucmnuti ta a eapitetbt and practicat mannraeturer ncVriaa. It li well fixed for makinc bright iid blact ToUSCBoi. Capacity 160 boxea par week. 'Tenus-Cnaberjf time, fcankabl piper. i tCinclimnti Commercial and St.

Louis Republican i ibtith till da at rate and send bitl to Jotirnni otfiee. I'oDisville ZKCedical (formerly Dr. Jenes'tf) Pispensary, TO. 105 FIPTII COK. WUST fljUK, WBl.

1 Market and Jufferaon, for the euro of aaeeiil dis-I Primary, Peaoiidary, and Tt-itiary Syphilta treat-I o. a rnnJ tw-th nltrtint. rUalilc. aud lulallible ram- i le Dr. VIIs tho worlaM ronoarn ou Syphilia, la i 'er read- to ry his ikld on the aoovo disease, wbleU I.

it will vleld to bi rflmedieu by miclc. A rfect cure eumntcsu in ctoc' caeo. JonorrbPU curd in a few days without thanscof Inful i omcdlet. Kent caaw of ujnhfa cured for it Recent ao of primirr git). And all rouic caisa traattd at the above low rites.

1 Medicines furufffced In all coC3. All baalnafij and neet-ondcaea itrictly prirate. Samiual Dobility, with (Clurnal Eraiiioup, ind all troubles arising from idf- cec ircteu and permooeutfy cuiod in a snort time. plhinlgn will be found ov.v the door. Allcomma- by aaall or oUierwice thf ulil ha ndJrewed to MMatt1 Dirnfnwarr.

105 Filth itrut. bet. krttt and jclliiMii, iJiiHvuiti, uy." tenra 3 a. si. ana r.

m. DR. A. 1. WH'TB.

Fhrrician and Cctiduitiug Surswii, j. 3S PTlFPARED TO EXTRACT TEETH. WITHOUT the ue of Chlotolovsa or Ether, by tha use of Nitrous tide md tie pajBBu will feel ne Pn. II ia er- I 'cUy UrmUas an iu bad health. uau ocmu.

li invw bad tfrt, bm the patient la aulo to gonome in a lew Bi.on a rmaratioii la over. oration la over. AniintfeTec. by Dr. Yatea, 10S Sflcond atreett between VESFERH MEDICAL OFHCE, LOiiiaTISJiK.

KY 'or Trittt of all Private Bissasts, -ONCRRHBA, GLUaTT, PRIMARY, SECONDARY. I JT andriRTIaT BTHJIUS treated after the most i iprovcl xnataoaa, arm a aura rumiiu ia every aa. Itmali PBRrawTiva Poffdera aent by mail to adm-aa oa aaaip4 cf the nrice-a par faakace. 1 -eeo pttvden ar awBlea, ead are a sure jve conception. Caaaairaatad by malUftJMadletaea muwa.

rt" anaM atw cutou. callattbeoSa. office houra from 8 A. la 8 rJd o27dlm REMINGTON SONS, mA BT 1 i 1 Jl.l! vmx stTimn Boies, larouii, i itrr. In ftM kr bocibretInc EidYtlitKrT' baam, attN.

teik. ml office should one of Idetfcdptioa of om Mxat will be fugBQBKijppU. it iocBB a inaaaai a. acbi wwwumum, 1b asm SPEED, MAQENS, HQ 0. 330 Uln Mt, bttwen Ninth ana Tenth, LOUISVILLE, XX iborlzcdlftnta mna sieam ripe, vu weu TuDing (and I.p -welded Boiler Flues, nnO "rerr'rCBIK0 tuid SKlraolieA, now in store.

gut plies arriving all tho time. Onlwi prompttr at low rates. Puce Li.t ssi.t wUrfn applied It AN SALT Rl VSR ROAD CO. The B- I tnr. c)lnn r.f tlt rMrf of the Kentucky and LouUnllA Mutnl li- nranco on Filth street, over theFrauKliu Bank, si I lution was passed.

By Capt. W. O. Watts: JL'trntrfit. That a eommiltco of firo 10 appointed br this convention to mem.rialice Congress on tho sabjtct of the payment by tho United States Governrasnt for qua.ttrmaswrana sebsistence stores and and lor turn imp tuc iuiy hvui KMitnckv who dnring the late rebellion werj true to iu came of tho Uuion.

The President appointed the following gen tlemen members of the committee: W. O. Watte, Col. G. C.

Wharton, Col. John Mason Brown, Capt. P. H. Hawes, Copt.

H. B'. Grant. On motion, an executive committee was ap pointed, composed of Geo. J.

T. Boylo, Gen. Crittenden, Gen. D. W.

Lmdsey, Gov. T. Gen G. W. ilonroo.

MtSCRLtAITBOUS. In our report published on Saturdiy, we sta ted that Col. B. H. Bristow opposed the reso lutions offered by Col.

Ward. On tho contrary. he favored them. His name was used instead of Msjor kinnej's, wliose remarks we referred to. In the some report we referred to Colonel Ward us General Ward.

As there is a General of that name as well as a Colonel, wc deem it nccctsary to make this correction. Wliile the Convection was in sesrfou, a dis tinguished member arose and announced that Bristdier Genetal Loomls, of Jlichigan, was in the hall, aud moved that he be invited to take Etat upon the platform. Gen. Loomis came forward, and his the signal for pplausc' This ser.llcman, as wc has jtw been relieved from duty, atd is on bis way home. He will be remembered as the gallant corn-msnder of tho Loomia (1st Michigan) battery, which won Imperishable fame from the begin-nicg to the close of the war.

Thedistlngnishoi sei vices of the General as commander of the artillery force in the Department of Tennessee have cot yet been forgotten; nor the arduous duties he afterward performed while in Texas from which State he has but recently arrived. Major Kinney presented a list of Inames of. officers, non-commissioned officers, and pri- in number, who desired to ba represented In the Convention. Tnev were, mem bers of the Jth, 7th, 18th, 32d, 10th, 53d, 55th, and 191at Ohio. Tho list is accompanied by the following uote: This Is the litt of tho resraent soldiers i a portion of GranL Keuton, and Pen- countias, sear Knoxvule, so tar furnished by the committee appointed at a ting held at KnoxvlUe, on the 31st ult.

CWCmiU Lac i-'uuuau buu mu 1131, itui uu forbids. During the session of the convention, a weit- knewu photographer on Main street, this city, was successful in taking a sjlondid photograph of the hall. It will, without doubt, prove in teresting to those who Inspect bis collection. We were unable to obtain more than a partial list of the delegates present, bnt publish the following that the world may know of what metal the convention was composed: soLnnms res est. K.

Griffith, Surgeon 2d Kentucky volun J. J. Landrnm, Lieut, uoi. lbtn Jventucsy in. dodn MaEon urown, totu muumcu iuixuw T.

W. Campbell, Lieut. Col 17th Kentucky E. F. Kennaird, Major Uth Kentucky Infantry.

Pat O. Haws, company jr, uu neuiucsy in- r. VJIiaa.iA. wuou, iapw wjiuyw) j.u -ixcu- tncky Infantry, rjas. C.

QIU, company Dt 5th Kentucky A. EL ttftra. KA1- H-CU-'-luaj iiisau.i. R. G.

Gardner, Cbaplaln 27ttt Kentacliy ln H. B. Grant, japi. conpany znu ivea- tncKy inlantiy. Ueuu B.

W. Cltaver, company 2tUi Kentucky infantry. Lieut. J. A.

Fefgetl, company 27th. Ken-tnckv infantry. Ch'atles M. SbafTer, Lleotennnt company 27th Kentucky inlantry. r.

A flill. Mftlor Sth Kt5ntnplrp riivalrv. EfcWrn. R. Cox, First Llentecant company 9Rth Kcntnckv veteran volnnteprs.

A. M. Holeman, Colonel Ulh Kentucky cavalry. A. X.

Alexander, Lieutenant-Colonel 11th Keniuckvcavalry. Puval KcEsIsh. Majcr.llth Kentnckv ctvalry. Yi. H.

riiiii, uaptsui company liva Kentucky cavalry. W. M. Simpson, Lieutenant and Q. 34 lllli Kentucky cr.valry.

0 Umhack, Captain company lltU cavalry. ceived close attention, aud had their proper effect. At the close of his speech, he moved that the proposition in reference to a Savings Bank be stricken from the section which contained it The motion prevailed. After favorably receiving a suggestion that the word "sailors" should be Inserted in the proper plae. so aa to include that arm of the service, the constitution was adopted unanimously.

Gen. Boyle suggested that some similar scheme of aielsthug tho widows and orphans of soldiers be accepted, and that it be independent of the constitution. He had no pet project to which he was committed; he only desired that the widows and orphans might be benefitted. While the subject was plainly in view, we should act upou It, and act with a full knowledge of all the facts. Wc should do something that will prove permanent and lasting.

Governor Bramlette read the following, which he desired the convention to accept as a eubstitule for the clante in the Constitution referring to a savings bank: And also to solicit and receive fuuffs to comtitite a relief fund for aixh soldiers aud thair widows aud children a may be entitle dto the aid of their comrades: to be invested iu uch manner as to yield certain aud proiita to contribute the fund for ralicf; aud inai UiL'y nim omain a cuaitcriur a xi tin hub eu.c Fnut Rankjto be tub mi tied to our tinst aunual meeting lor tha conbucratiau aud adoption of this acjooiatioj. This was accepted by the convention. Gtn. Whitaker moved to reconsider the vote by which a ccries of resolutions was rojicted on Fiiday evening, with a view of introducing others, and caked that the ones now offered bo read for the Information of the convention. The iecretary read them, and, as they are or no lltCo importance, we copy them entire: Hetclced, That we take pride and gloryln onritrtione In reference to the late wur, and that we arc tilt reJy and willing to sustain our Government, and battle againit every foe to our Constitution and laws.

a. That we havefnU e-iufiJenco In the earnest patriotism of both President and Congress; and, while there may be a differeneo of opinion amng us in regard to pre. on political ismus, still we appreciate the fact that the ptrt of botli Irns born to uphold and strentthen tha naBdsoftliOBsldterinthe mighty coutiict from which wc have lately an cued t. hat It Is with regret that we cannot my as tnnca in cemmendatian of the majority of tho prftseat Legislature of Kentucky, our rtetivo SUtc. who, working witb aa ei't almost sin si to tltoce who havd0ralHtd nnr tinniM ml alt ('mutt to dftstrov all that was ilea? to as, have uegUcted altogether, net only ourselves, of which we do not complain, bnt also tho bodies ot our iarrd: Inst on distant fields, and thor left to bleach, hi mcmimenlaof the ingratitude of our State, and the widows and oiphau child, en ot manv of thm who now mi in thnlr innn In dpititution ami imrorlf 4.

That rr Indotso tho policy of tho President of the Uuitea start's, Mtfiras aweiopeo. ana express our en-tlrr emitfdtnce in his fnturc course. lie claimed iu tupport of these resolutions that the convention should express an emphatic opinion on the EUbjccta referred The ab- st nee of such an expression will indicate that ss are weak, and cannot assume a firm and dtOant attitude on the subjects that ate niosl important to us aud our comrades. Gen. Boyle moved to lay the resolutions on the table A division was called for, and a stnnditg vote taken, which resulted as an nounced by the President yeas 73, ntys Go.

Gen. A. 1L Stout proposed the following, which wis accepted Tint ilia Drctident of thi convention bo mithorir.ed to appoint a committee of five to aadrcs the President of tlie United States npen tho xubjeet of the numerous nit and Droaecuticns now Deuuins a8aint efiieer. soldiers, and other loyal moa for acts done in behalf cf inn UOVCCUUicuk uuiiug iuq law nniiuu udi ttt rnlum civsu tor tlie defense of such suitd and proeecnuoua in tno couru or oiuurvviea aa uu may Kimicc. The committee appointed consists of 'Gen, Stout, Gen, Whitaker, Gov.

Bramlette, Col. B. H. Brlstow, and Col. S.

L- Johnson. A numccr of resolutions from different gen tlemen were read by Col. M. C. Taylor, and pasted.

Tho mid tccond have reference to, and should be a part' of tho plan mentioned by Governor Bramlette, in the substUulc offered by him to the clause relating to a Savings Bank. We present them In a body: That the executive committee appoint aa iocd aa ptatiible a committee of three or more, in their discretion, in cacn county to collect and obtain In mnntlM fnt- tha Immodlate rclifft the disabled soldiers and of the dt-stitute widows and or- ubanaoi ouraaceaaca camraaes. the State of KQ' tnPVi union tw, rnufuipA to lew a direct tax onou tbo people of this 8tte for the benent ot the widow and orphans of deceased Federal soldiers of the gtaie ot jveumcjey. tfranlffd. That the thank of ihla rflnventiou are dno cud are hetcby tendered the Directors of the Mnsouic Temple Uompany ior uietr Dermm ana coaneous attention to the ueceasiUes aud convenleuo) of this con- lUwlvcd, That we rl torn our Uiaaks to the papers put lUhed in tbie city for their kindliest, nud to tbia convention, both In oabUshlnc a correct report of it? procoadinpm, and printing free of cnarge oieiik tormr mc.iut, mo ckivMitiee.

J.VsoIrfd, That this convontioa iti Umnta to the Louhville and Frankfort and Cental Kentucky, Louisville aua nasnvuie aio tlm mil tho ITnitodStntfin Mail Tton. cffptftTi RioamttMt for their asiiitantn in astUtiug the delegate; to ccme and return from the ccu- Colonel Johnson, to whoso speech we have Franklin Insurance Co. LocieriLLn, Kr April 2, 1SW. AT TUB Br.GCT.AB -ANNUAL ElsECnON OP A PirsUcot nnd twelve Director, held this day, tha following seiiUcmeu were duly elected for the euaulug ycci: JAKES TEABUE, President. iiinccToca.

Win.fiar, n. D.Neweonib, WMir- W. Morrii. Wm, Garrio, S. Llthf ow.

Jos. P. T-iroltt, Je. PHolpa, Jchn H. mini, jhi While.

W. Geo. Anderson, wm.uu5nes, Tin TtMtii-n PrumiitwiB AfiMsrtWl emi-snnnitllv. and pild by litis companj their marine customers since Maicb 40 per cent. All mirim in-emfrfl Tfith the compuir ro in to rated in the profits, whtjUwr stcckholderB err not, with-it nn7ro-tponslbHity whatever.

lUtea a low as clureed byur good compaiy. B. A. BROW1N3SI, Satfr- sua aitu 1IATE EESOVED MY SADDLERY AND EASINESS to N'o. 302 Main atrest, te-tween Tentn tni Elorcnth, where I would be plowed to receive the calif of my old friends, and solicit ah in- Ercctlcn of my stock and work br all others in want of any thing in my line, rroinlslns I will stress food work aud good bargains a can fce had in Uvra.

ciSldlm' P. Ult EE. SADULEllf, TItUNiiS fpUE TJSDF.RSIGNED WOULD EE3PECTTULLY i- Hie attention of his frienik and the public to his and wcUuMOrtd stock of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, MwmfsetortM imder my own riipprviiino, warranted to civeaitiafaclion. as chcip ai? piicb poods can be ta Uie uuiou. i wouiu can kkwicu io mi- euitiiut KGrgrsii or Texas Saddle.

JOHN M. MYERS, Pr.t-rrpj.T to C. Tlilrd bet 'Main end Mirtat Sla oitneuciacn mrSSra OFTICE Or TBS EFFEJIS NT II.LE BJLII.BOAD Coi i mrrv. ciF THE JEFFKBiON- i. ville Bailroad Compsny tie htreby notitiod mtet tt the OtS'c of the Company iu Jeffersenvillo Monday, the Kth day of April next, to consider and datcr-mine nrn the nbjcot embraced iu the following reo-lnllons ailcpted by tlie Board of Directors, at their mt-iog at the Office of the Company, in Jefferson Ille, on ilarnf Uarch ijt-Mirrri, let.

That a mcetinjr of the Stockholders of thi- Ccnipaur be cailftl at tho Office oi me uompsnr at Mfnvlr. ihs) ICih dxv of Asril next. to ider and detemtne npoa a proposltioa InUtr-rceu join- unite thrtr Kailwad with too Indianapolis and Madison to merge and consolidate the'etccs ef raid Uotr.pini&s muaag ouo joiui stout Ccmrnuy of the said Ralliotid CompaBlefl. 2d. That thirty days public nctice of the place anfl time of Hii4 merlin be given to the itcckhaUtrs by the Pi i dent in parauaiico of the rNnlrerBHTs of the ir.aadtApia JACOB ANTHONY MunrrACTUEra or Pure Cider Vinegar.

NO ACID OK OTUKfi DELErEUiOtd SOB-etsticesj tued. A large supply coartanUr In store asa tor saie ue sraoos ALSO SEIXTB.E PTRE EOFRBOl ASD ft FOOHfiK A5P DOSESTIC LlQUOftS no. zn couna BEcn, unm swu iuu Ttwt: sv sSSeodlr 1 plBCCLAB AND FBICB LIcT gEMT TO OS atf rCornar Sixth ana Kalp stj-LoulsviUa. is. Roya! Darasa Lottery cf Cuba, uonanciei Dy me spamsn uoverameui.

IS DRllO EVEiiY 17 DAYS, Prizes Cftfhefl and infarrritii-tn faml9hd. The hih. est rates paid for Doubloons and all kinii of Gold and buver, nun icr au uovemmeni aecnnaM, STAYI.OB Bunierf, IS Wail New York, fcbldly jjrjcai" use. ok..

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